Realistically, how do we deal with the (((central banking))) problem, Sup Forums?

Realistically, how do we deal with the (((central banking))) problem, Sup Forums?

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You don't. It's will deal with itself in the end.

Wait for the crash, capitalise on the chaos

When the Jews stage their next false-flag attack to start WWIII, FIRMLY EXPOSE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE AND DO NOT STOP.

9/11 woke MILLIONS up to the Jews and how they work. When the (((central bankers))) do the next huge attack to start WWIII people will know what's up and we just have to come out and say it and NAME THE JEW


The only solution. The 'final' solution, if you will.

you have learned nothing.

they are the ones that create ((crashes)), and they are the ones offering and propagating ((solution)), this is even more important to ((them)) than owning those banks. that is how they can directly create policies.

How is Iran surviving without a (((Central bank)))? Is their currency still convertible to goy paper?

For one, income should be federated by the people of their state, say five figures that are all known by their state, and are trust worthy with loans and money and finances, and should they commit fraud they'll be jailed, and a new member will be democratically elected in place after 1 month. It sounds good to me, we just need to remove capitalism and register under a single agency with all occupations, say a society like Star Trek, I'd love to live in that world, even if it is just scientific fiction.

The answer to a centralised banking problem is a decentralised monetary system.

ideally: rush the federal reserve buildings Bastille style

realistically: keep spreading information about the evils until we have enough people to do the first option

also looks like this thread is getting slide fast

> Something is already being done.
> Empires are unwinding from the inside by their own hands

Pay attention goyim.

You kill them before they come to kill you.

Nothings ever going to happen lol
People are more concerned with MTV and Mcdonalds.
The (((Central banking))) system will continue to grow/expand its power.
Pretty sad man
Pretty sad

But they're can only be 21 million bitcoins, if we evolve to an interstaller civilization, we'll have to deal with inflation at the M2 level with colonies on the moon and mars.

Only if you let it, user. Only if you let it.

I'd agree, but history will see us as monsters instead of heros.

How do we deal with the Owners?


Make usury illegal

Problem solved


nuke red cross country

Nationalism. That's literally all there is to it. It will collapse (either naturally or by force) at some point, it's just that we probably won't be around when it does.

I'm onboard.

Don't want to be a monster?
Don't lose.

>1 post by this IP

looks like OP was reported to the british Anti-semite police and carried off for hate speech without a trial.

Yes but thats a problem we wont have to face anytime soon.
Bitcoin could potentially help us for the short term to deal with the (((problem))), and im pretty sure we"ll figure something out about the 21 mil cap by the time we are able to colonise other planets.