Why all brazilian politicians are corrupted?

Why all brazilian politicians are corrupted?

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Hi user-kun, Brazilians are retarded.

b-but aren't they white?
They are more whiter than geramny... right?

Just the south of Brazil.

Because half of the population is dumb

On the colonization era they just send their fucking worst to the brazil: whores, rapists, murders, thiefs...

So basically every Brazilian, as good as he may be, he has some DNA of subhuman scum with him

HUE, I thought brazilians are always happy with their situation...

We are really fucked and im pretty sad

Human nature+
little oversight +
dictator ship +
imperialism +
= shit


There is always people who go against the river my friend

I think there must be a few alpha male japs who don't give a fuck about anime and still talk to woman right?

the population is also corrupt.
Anyone who cheated or lied in order to get any benefit should be able to understand why elected officials and gov employees are corrupt.
there are ppl fighting the culture of corruption but it is not easy.
I am happy that ppl are going to jail now., but the was already corrupt since the dictatorship if not before.

i am Brazilian and I am honest. I do not see a difference between Brazilians and people from any other nationality when it comes to character.
Humanity sucks

>Cheating on a test or some other bullshit when you are a pleb in a corrupt system is the same as cheating to make yourself even richer when you are in a position of prestige and power

Literal brainlet logic

Wait until they start investigated BNDES will be hydrogenous bomb

But how is it possible that all brazilian politican corrupted?

yeah, some politicians in first world countries are also corrupted but not as much as brazil...

also What do you think of current president? brazi-kun

It could be worse

They dont investigated BNDES there some huge corruption in that shit

Brazil flag always reminds of a refreshing drink. Would buy a refreshing drink with brazil flag on it

I do not care enough to have an opinion about him. I do not live there anymore. in general, all corrupts should go to jail.
That guy changed teams and then got screwed.

so... will next president be lefist one?

Hi japan

The Pakistani flag always reminds me of degenerate sand nigger antics.

3/4 are corrupted

Hi. amurika

They all fucking suck

Bolsonaro is our only chance to have a right wing breath on this lefty marxist cancerous country

Actually when we had US support, our country grew like never before... The time when the military ruled the country it is the time when we most grow economically

Brazil only works with iron fists, multiculturalism is shit

we need fascism to make things work here.

Funny because american flag only reminds me obesity and white chicks getting stretched out by jamal

Doria would have more support, and he is more intelligent

Bolsonaro will kill the right wing forever

Bolsonaro is the only right wing real candidate now

all policians of every country are corrupt

He is the brazilian Macron just a Trojan Horse

kek at least they still have democracy you faggot, at least they still have free speech...

Europe is the whore of the world today

The right wing is already dead on Brazil user, you know that, thats why we are fighting to revive it

Even if he is not perfect he is the only we need right now, every single person who is against Bolsonaro usually is leftists/centrists who can go on nothing but rants oh ''Bolsonaro is homophobic'' and ''muh state without religion''

I do not think so. The Brazilians i talk to hate the left right now.
My Facebook filters out all if the leftist post on my wall . maybe it thinks that is what I want to see, or that is what it wants me to see. maybe 100% of the population with internet access actually hate the left.

So my sources can be misleading. since the last president got impeached,i doubt that they will elect another leftist one.


Mixed mongrel don't feel like they are hurting "fellow countrymen" when they do it.

Hopefully this will help

there is a LOT of usuless niggers who are good for nothing in my country. but diferent from america, we dont have a way out of it.

States that actualy do shit to the rest of the country are worth just as much as the usuless ones

So the politicians bride the usuless niggers with money or food to stay in power

>just because I support a fellow american country I am licking his boots
>B-But I have nukes

Jeez, I hope you and Indians fucking destroy each other, I was talking about your image which said Europeans are the real western culture, I am not talking about Paki, I don´t even know anything about your shitty country, we only know India.

How about you guys stop worshiping bathrooms?
the right may have died in politics, and in universities...

But it is still alive in every entrepreneur in this country.

We all know Brazil is only going to be fixed when we have a based fascism to enforce homogeneity.

Our country is too multi cultural

Because they think it is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.

The dictatorship was efficient, but it destroyed the country's education system and killed all the smart people who had courage.
It buried the country in dept and bad business agreements that it had to honor.
Dictatorship was horrible

thanks for reply.

But current president will be impeached too(right?)

so I guess leftists will come back...

yea right, democracy.
trump fired the guy who was investigating him and denied access to any journalist who published negative things about trump.

emerging countries are getting fat too.
thanks to Michelle Obama, the Americans are improving their diet.

Are you drunk?

The "dictatorship" literally boosted every area in Brazil, we barely had schools before them, smart and courageous people were working in the army... Fucking leechers were in the communists guerrillas

Literally, most of the country infra structure was build under the dictatorship, the best schools, the best came under the ruling of the army...

Our education system has been fucked since the left faggots have taken over, we in the dictator had one of the best education systems

Even today the best schools there are, all belong to the military, without a doubt.
You still have free speech to talk about it, in Europe you may be prosecuted from "hate speech" to defamation.

And the FBI guy was not the one who let Hillary walk free from her investigation?

the Russia conspiration does not even make sense

>In current year
>In Brazil
>In basically anywhere in the world at this point

Come on man, don't go full retard on me now...

the corrupt politicians are all white (just look for pics).

They usually exploit feminism/racial movements, socialism and gibs to get and stay into power, so that's where the niggers come in.

Most white, middle-class brazilians are tired of this bullshit, but the democratic system we follow don't really allow them to make any change (given everyone can vote, and votes are all counted as 1)

Pic somewhat related, some random politician who got in only beacuse she's a feminist, and some retarded law she proposed

Massive lack of nationalism. No one really like brazil. The people, the governants, no one.
Since day one, all rulers seen this country as a gold mine to be explored. The portuguese, the Emperors, the military, the politicians. Passing hand to hand like the deed of a goldmine.
There was never something like the american independence, where the founding fathers actually liked the place and wanted it to prosper.
I dont know japonese story, but as far as i know you are nacionalists, you want your country to prosper.

Not in racial way but cultural you fucking faggot

We must reunite south and southwest and purge socialism/communism

Make a society were the businessman is the good guy, not the fucking poor guy under welfare system

Purge all cultures that encourage laziness, fucking integrate already the Indians.

We need fascism.

That is why we need fascism
We need an identity
We need to reunite under our flag
We need to make Brazil great as it should be

dictatorship was form of colonization.
they improved the infrastructure and built schools, but the money to do that was not given, it was borrowed with high interest.
the new schools created many unqualified indoctrinated teachers. the great majority of the infrastructure projects only served a small powerful minority of the population. it increased the social injustice that is still one of the worst problems in Brazil.

The dictatorship is probably what created the culture of corruption and patronage system.

Because we had bad genetics

Brazil is a shithole, what you expect nippon chan

Don't worry BRo you can always laugh at mexican politics.

You really have no idea of what you are talking about...

I am putting "" in the dictatorship because It was really not one.

With high interests? maybe, but it was paid a long time ago, like I said, every area had a boost, most of our best universities were born in that period, most of our greatests companies were built under that period.

The indoctrinated teachers started after the end of the militar regime(it is how it should be called because it was not an dictatorship)

>Only served a small minority

Do you even economics? it layed down the base for us to become an emergent nation with the economy we have today, and the fellow left tards ruined everything.

US helped the military regime, but you guys not actually ruled here, it was not a puppet state.

>The dictatorship is probably what created the culture of corruption and patronage system

It existed way before that.

latin bias, every country where the majority of people has latin blood is corrupted to the core

samba and sambo

Why did you betray papai? We could have gotten rid of the nignogs after aboloshing slavery, imagine if all Brazil was like south brazil aka uruguay

Audiozinho de merda,
-"Estou de bem com fulano"
-"Tem que manter isso, viu"

Tem é que prender a porra do molusco

South Brazil is south brazil because is not portuguse.
Mainly italians and germans

The only good part of Brazil had German influence(AKA south and southwest)

Unfortunately daddy you just beat the shit out of me, not killed the Indians, and bring just the worst of your country to me


If you ever been to the south you would understand, it is scary how fucking white people are there

Because they migrated late and had no need for native/black wives, nor need for slaves. The Azores and Madeira were colonised without slavery and had no natives, therefore the culture and standard of living is like mainland Portugal.

RS also has it share of blacks, afterall we had farms and shit.
But there are a lot of whites, whites with german, polish, italian .... surnames.
People from the countryside usually cannot speak "v" - they pronounce it "f"

The answer is simple - our politicians are like the nobles of an aristocracy. When the Empire fell, all the nobles became republicans and virtually no privilege was abolished, except for nobility titles - and they kept them on one way or another throughout the century. They've built the State and the laws according to their wishes, created plenty of niches for them to settle on, safe from the wrath of the people and sheltered from law (no matter how rigid the law is, they can solve everything with negotiations). Also they gave themselves an unbelievable amount of power, and drain most of people's wealth through the most complicated tax systems in the planet.
Their sheer power and pseudo-immunity from the law allowed them to rot the entire country from within, and just now we're discovering what was done, mostly thanks to some dumbasses that fucked up and couldn't keep it all secret.
The only solution for this, in my opinion, is condemning all those politicians to death.

Why the fuck you portugas needed black wives? European pussy is superior. Also, blacks they...have a smell when they're sweat, ig you know what I mean

>it is scary how fucking white people are there

I'm from Rio Grande do Sul, most people are brown mestizos. You must be black.

Surprisingly accurate.

How devastating is temer scandal?

Is it big news in Brazil?

separatism will come

pic related: average southern brazilian

I live in Curitiba, most people that i meet are white here

MG --> money
> mfw is ginourmous shithole
> mfw north MG is Nordeste

No one knows what might happen next, we've got a blatantly corrupt president, a congress trusted by no one, some retarded lefties wanting to take the power back to destroy the country again and a political leader that was caught red handed bribing a businessman and threatening to kill his own cousin if he talked to the police.
I'd rather see this fucking republic fall, it'd be less painful.

Chama-se catinga. In the beginning of the colony women didnt emigrate there, it was too dangerous and there was no incentive. Only adventurers and exiled criminals went there and boomed the population. I remember reading about some sailor that had like 40 wives and hundreds of children. The incentive for mass migration only came with the gold rush, entire villages in Portugal became deserted because of it.

It's gigantic.
But the actual audios are meh



>Why all brazilian politicians are corrupted?
The rich people select corrupt people to put in power.

Sometimes they dont select a corrupt person but a famous person that is stupid, this happens because of some crazy election law we have.
The law:
When voting for State Senator , you can vote for the party X, Y or Z or the candiate A B C
If you vote for a candidate A, at the same time you will be voting for his party.
Each party will elect X guys based at the amount of votes the party got.
The elected ones from the party X will be the most voted ones from the party X.

So they pick a famous guy that is stupid but not corrupt, so make sure alot of people vote at him, and so at the same time, at his party, making sure his party get a bunch of people elected

Those fuckers from cut/PT/PSOL are in the fucking manifestations with those fucking flags.
Please someone go there with a truck and run over those shitheads.

>RJ makes more money than everyone but SP
>SP makes more food than the entire south and more money than everyone
Sudeste é meu país

All that shit was a slide thread from PGR, so we could dstop talking about lula

55chan NÃO é bem-vindo, psh


Let Milton fucking Friedman do the talking

Our political and justice culture was designed to accommodate corruption and authority abuse.

Considering our actual president is probably going to be impeached due to corruption, our last president got impeached due to money laundering and the president behind her is risking jail for corruption, I guess we are improving somehow. Now people are getting caught and punished.

>They are more whiter than geramny... right?
Yes, but who isn't in this day and age?

>He fell for the Rio is almost useless despite being the second only to São Paulo in a bunch of stuff, exceptions being having niggers and shit

*I meant financial manipulation and campaign founding misdeeds

thats not what i said

Rio is the pefect bait to keep disqusting foreigners away from the white cities.
if that shithole wasnt at least pretty ,it would not work

Pretty much this!

I blame Princesa Isabel senpai. She was the one to put abolition forward.

It's ok, i won't defend them anyway.
>Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas literally dead forever
>Broken state
>Corruption (above average)
>Below average intelligence
>Houses are extra-expensive
>Killed Pedro II (the school)
>Quinta will fall appart
>muh bondinho
>muh Rocinha as a tourist attraction
>muh south Rio

How many are in a Brazilian?

So you mean Integralismo?

>I'm a southern white nigger and i don't know where all of the fucking soy and corn are being made the post
Goias is better than fucking rio grande do sul if you really wanna know

so what? all three southern states are far richer and have solid industrial infrastructure, they aren't just soy exporters. i disagree that mato grosso and goias should be put in the same bundle as the northeast but come on, there's no comparison.

i feel the issue is that our corrupt politicians are more greedy and inept than some other countries and that they tend to make short term plans

i also agree most Brazilians are complacent as fuck


Only asians eat that shit. We export most part of the soy we produce nigger. nobody likes that shit in here

Our people are manipulated by the midia to think violent protest is something wrong, so the politicians doesn't fear the population.