Let's meme the Chinese "White Left"

>Superior article

Why aren't we taking the oppurtunity to meme the "White Left"? The heads on these leftist twats would spin if people started calling them out over their decadence, their selfish lack of self awareness in the world around them, and their hypocrisy - all of which is their PRIVILEGE as rich white leftists.

Another thought would be to identify the "white left" as Jews

Bump, this is good

Stormniggers are trash and you should be ashamed.

You're cousins are way cooler you poof

Besides, I just included Daily Stormer for a laugh

Aussie bantz are top tier but it's a reaction to living in a fucking nanny state.

>Top Tier Bantz are a reaction to living in a nanny state
Please explain, I'm Unironically interested that

And you don't?

Do intersectional jiu-jitsu on them, let whities know they're actually oppressing their favorite pet by undercutting wages and stealing welfare and affirmative action positions. Let the chimps chimp about white leftists, while feeding the flames of their sense of entitlement. simultaneously. It's a win-win: chimps will hate those that call themselves their helper whitey allies even more, while simultaneously have white lefties be confronted with black racism and act against illegal spics.

Can't play the white left while simultaneously achieve your anti-immigration goals by getting the Jews involved, dummy.

Sound like this attack on the white left is coming from the Chinese left, not the Chinese right. I have no dog in this fight. Both are trash.

We use the oriental Jew against our race traitors

Wow i've been doing this for years on facebook arguments with normies.

It works but only sometimes, I can really get to black women when I say white leftist in NY influenced and created easy ways for black women to abort their children, did you know that for two consecutive years in a row that they've celebrated the fact that more black children were aborted than conceived in 2015 and 2016?

I don't distinguish between communists.

>not wanting to pit leftists against each other

>i've been doing this for years on facebook arguments with normies.

Good on you. I wish I didn't have a job and responsibilities so I could spend years redpilling libtards on Facebook.

Like anyone gives a shit about what the chinks say.

Doesn't matter what the chinks say

I work in an adult family home, basically just cook food for old people.

I get paid to shitpost in a way. the cooking takes up only like 1 hour of the 12 hour shift

They're not actually in conflict. The Chinese left will call white leftists cowardly degenerates. They'll attack feminism, liberalism, etc., all while being extremely nationalistic and viewing themselves as the superior race. And the white left will roll over and take it, deny the problem, and say the Chinese are very peaceful and that we need more of them to enrich our countries. Same way they treat Islamists.

No one asked you, you fucking autistic kiwi

Not a bad idea. It's time to stop being lemmings. We can't keep sitting back while white left cockholsters hand our civilization over to the foreign hordes.

No you cunt, this isn't about leftist chinks attacking western leftists, it's about coaxing the western left to attack themselves, call them out on their wealth and decadence, paint them up as the bugeroise they hate, and they will eat each other

good idea, bump

>Let's meme X
>"meme" as a verb
let's not reddit


They know they're wealthy, and they've already rationalized it. In their minds they're using their privilege for good.

Use their wealth and decadence to remind them that they aren't the working class, nor do they represent them

>Another thought would be to identify the "white left" as Jews
They literally are. The Chinese identified and named the Jew without realising. Baizuo = Jew.

Oh I know, the white leftists on social media, those "dear white people" types, are always jews

>Top Tier Bantz are a reaction to living in a nanny state

I can falsify this statement with one image