Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?
Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?
atheist here, hey its only fair right?
Thats a sikh leaf
Sikhs are bro-tier.
Clearly a sikh
They are no different from muslimers.
Im pretty sure ths is a Sikh.
Only if they put bombs or poison in them.
Should shills that post slide threads be executed?
Sikhs hate Muslims, Sikhs dont rape children or blow themselves up if I remember rightly
sikh beliefs literally centre around hatred for muslims
No, they should be forced onto C130s and sent to Islamic countries where they don't have to deal with the west's oppresive need for faggot confections
Yes. And they should also be forcibly converted to Christianity or face deportation.
This guy is a Sikh, I know because there are quite a lot in my area, they are actually pretty peaceful despite being a Marshall culture
That's islamphobic
If I had a Swedish flag, I'd get so many (You)s
Yes. And jewish wedding and barmitzvah cakes especially!!!
>th-that's a Sikh!!! BRO-TIER BRO-TIER
Several Sikhs got arrested along with the Muslims for the Rotherham grooming scandal if I remember right
If other religions that condemn homosexuality are forced to, then yes.
If no other religions must adhere, then no.
It's not complicated.
When was the last time you heard about a Sikh suicide bomber or truck killer?
What are Sikh beliefs on gay marriage? Would they refuse to bake the cake?
You shit this thread out at least once a week. I swear this place is like Reddit without the arrows, everything's on a tape loop endlessly repeating.
Oh, and sage.
>ikhs dont rape children
Stop raping the Dalit children pajeet.
How far Sup Forums has fallen.
Sikhism has no specific teachings about homosexuality.
Also goal of a perfect Sikh is to have no hate or animosity to any person, regardless of factors like race, caste, color, creed, gender, or sexuality.
They would bake it because they respect nearly all customs even if they don't personally agree and they'd never turn down an opportunity for dosh since they're not autistic, dramatic faggots
If they are open for business with the general public, and they make wedding cakes as part of their normal services then yes, they should make a gay wedding cake.
Why? A bakery isn't a Church or a Mosque. It's a business.
Private citizens and private clubs can do what they want.
Exactly Sikhism doesn't have an authoritative Sikh up its members arseholes like the 3 abrahamic religion.
shows a sikh, I MEAN REALLY?
I don't like any of the subcontinentals but Sikhs are best out of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. Should Sikhs have their own homeland, free from the Hindu poos?
Ironically, I've never seen a Muslim wear a turban.
Wait isnt this guy on the pic sikh or hindu?
With way things are right now, you don't even have to force them. They might even do it for free just to show "unity". Basically a new form of virtue signaling.
they shouldn't be allowed to have bakeries at all. remove all kebab from the premises.
thats a sikh user
you are contradicting yourself.
no hes not
you cant read english, mahmet?
No, I just posted current American law. Get the Muslim dick out of your mouth and cite exactly how I am contradicting myself.
In America, fuck yes.
They shouldn't be forced to deny the gays a cake. If they do and piss off a community and their business fails because of it then maybe they should think twice about how they act in the service industry
>If they are open for business with the general public, and they make wedding cakes as part of their normal services then yes, they should make a gay wedding cake.
So you're saying that private businesses should not be allowed to refuse service for religious reasons.
>Private citizens and private clubs can do what they want.
And here's the contradiction. Businesses in the US are afforded the right to refuse service for any reason they want (except race) unless it's a government operation.
Yes. They should also make my cake with a picture of Muhammad getting fucked in the ass. Or this.
Should Drumpf voters be forced to experience non cis white stereotypical sex?
as much as i HATE THE FUCK outa mudslimes,
no, because nobody should
To clarify, businesses also can not refuse service based on a customer's religion, but they can based on their own religion. An interesting point of contention that somehow hasn't come up yet is someone refusing to serve someone else based on both of their religions. There's no answer on which way that would go.
Example: Jew walks into a kebab store and is refused service because the muslim behind the counter won't serve infidels or some shit because it's against his religion. If be curious to see that play out.
>So you're saying that private businesses should not be allowed to refuse service for religious reasons.
Absolutely not. Customers don't have to "believe" any religious concept to buy goods or services from a business. Again, a bakery isn't a Mosque, Temple or Church.
>And here's the contradiction.
There is no contradiction. If you ask a random man on the street to make you a wedding cake for your gay wedding, you can say "no" (even say nothing or "fuck off faggot"). If there is a private club that services only members, they can say "No, you are not a member" which is different that saying "No, I can't because Allah/Jesus told me not to, or so I think".
>Businesses in the US are afforded the right to refuse service for any reason they want
No they can't. Dick around with discrimination laws if you want. Take the fag money and suck it up.
If you are open to the public, then you must serve the whole public or shut your doors. There are very few exceptions and this isn't one of them.
>Jew walks into a kebab store and is refused service because the muslim behind the counter won't serve infidels or some shit because it's against his religion.
That's illegal.