Is the white flight an another proof that white americans are pussies and cowards?

Is the white flight an another proof that white americans are pussies and cowards?

Could you imagine that the Poles moving out of their OWN home because of bunch of niggers?

Explain me why are you so cucked, white americans?

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is fluoridation of water
You need to look into Stalin and his use of fluoride in the gulags, then you'll understand why nobody's doing anything.

>Americans drinking tap water

Good one.

White flight is already happening western Europe so we would be pussies too

>what is toothpaste
they put it in toothpaste too.

I prefer not to have my house broken into while I'm at work and my car broken into while I'm asleep. Property values do not increase in non-white neighborhoods.

It's already happening in your largest city. Why are europoors so childishly stupid?

You'll understand white flight when your town gets closer to majority shitskin.

It happened in my town but corrupt Chicago Democrats own mansions for dinner parties on my street so I'm pretty safe from the niggers on the other side of town.

You have to realize modern white men in America are pussies. Their grand parents had balls to sucker punch a black person in front of cops but now they're too scared. Also, if you get in a fight with a non white, not a single white man will come to help you out anymore. You're on your own.

>giving up without the fight
>calling europeans cucks
not even nearly on US-level
Immigrant population is growing, but White people don't abandon their homes

even in Molenbeek whites are majority

Niggers and spics are empowered by Jews

another typical shitty american excuse

Usa, will fall, and we are in the same path, no one will f back, even in the polls we are being defeated, each day that pass our dream of an identity Europa ends a little more. Even more multiculturalism.... in 10 years i donĀ“t wanna even imagine

No shit, your immigratiom is just beginning. I swear to god, you must be underage or have the worst education system on earth

at least you portuguese could easily disguise as Moroccans

>what is London
>what is any major european city

Stay and die is the stupid option, leave and live to reproduce is the smart option. Fear, bravery, and cowardice are not considered.

>white flight in the us
wtf are you talking about

no, achmed we are not like you and your molenbek bro's.. rotfl sorry

a lot do unfortunately

>Is the white flight an another proof that white americans are pussies and cowards?
Quite the opposite. We were not bred to feel shame about a genocide never happened.

do you eat toothpaste?

But polaks move everywhere. We have 3% of them here. If they get above 10% they will want to call this place Rivia.

but..but you have the GUNS
every white amurican likes to brag about the GUNS
however when apes families move in to your neighborhood you run away like a chicken

Explained in 45 minutes.

Basicly every race wants to live within a group.
Blacks don't want asian neightbours to tell them to turn down their rap shit and Asians don't want White people to tell them to stop eating their dogs.

they moving out because of poverty not becasue of niggers

just wait for some diverse multicultural shithole (probably france) to start a full scale civil war, and then we all get to remove the marxists.

They move out of their own homes and come to my country instead, and their women fuck niggers here.

>Basicly every race wants to live within a group.
>Blacks don't want asian neightbours to tell them to turn down their rap shit and Asians don't want White people to tell them to stop eating their dogs.
Why not apply this logic to age and gender differences within a given race? Why shouldn't we have grown white men living in one zone and grown white women in a different zone, and pre-teen white girls in a different zone?

Yeah because this doesnt happen in Belgium. Fucking retard.

middle and upper class americans left because they could afford to. you have no idea how hellish most american cities were/are compared to euro cities.

We're not leaving America you complete fucking idiot, we leave niggers in our old run down neighborhoods to make new better ones for white people.

God dammit why are Belgians so fucking stupid? I understand your country is like 10 square meters and you're not used to being able to move to another location within your homeland but can't you just for once put down the waffles and think?

Americans are literally the most cowardly empire in history.
>Try to invade Canada while Britain was tied up with Napoleon, still lost the land battles.
> Join in both world wars late when (((their side))) looked like it was going to win
>Attack only rice farmers and goat herders (still lose)
> Talk a tough game about muh AR-15, let dindus torch their cities
>Britain gave industrialization and the modern world. America gave fast food and rap.


What about gentrification famalam?

m8 i doubt it will ever happen. south africa felt and no one did a thing, brazil, usa, etc.. do you think our brainwashed and cuck youth will go against the waves? of course not. would take a single act of congress in our country to bankrupt yours. Watch your mouth.

What about gentrification familam

It's a reflection that America has a social structure that's built atop money. It shows that the broad based social practices ensure the impoverished remain socially destitute. It shows that, as people rise up the socio-economic ranks, they must continue to flee impoverished areas to maintain their social comforts.

It shows that eventually there will be no place to run from the systematic social impoverishment that is conducted in order to make one rich.

> Explain me why are you so cucked, white americans?

Because they created an economic and social system that makes them cucked. They literally are slaves to it and thus have to always stay on their toes to be one step ahead of is degenerate and destructive effects.

Empire of Sand

Poles flee their own country to get away from other poles

Even if you get bottled water it's full of femichals. If you don't have reverse osmosis you're fucked.

yeah it really sucks that saddam is still in power.

How can you not? It's all minty and delicious. On a more serious note, in Canada, Vancouver in particular, there's a white flight to escape high property prices caused by an invasion of foreign capital. How fucked up is that?

You clearly don't understand the size of the United States. There is still a lot of room to move around and settle.

>make new neighborhoods for white people
>niggers arrived
>run away to make new neighborhoods for white people
>repeat previous steps


Reminder: Nonwhites ruin EVERYTHING

Having a racial/ethnic identity, being proud of it, and defending it is socially acceptable and commonplace in Poland. You don't have to fear social ostracization/reprisal for telling a nigger to get the fuck out of your neighborhood, and chances are you'd probably get a pat on the back from your buds for doing so.

In the US, however, these things carry with them an incredibly strong social stigma that's only just now starting to wane somewhat--look at how even milquetoast right wing views are being labeled as "Nazism". Most people aren't going to risk their livelihood and reputation (and potentially even end up with jail time) for taking action against niggers moving into their neighborhood. It's not going to have any effect anyway, the government and much of our cucked populace will gladly step in to force you to live around niggers. At that point, all you can really do is retreat to a white neighborhood.

This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, you don't have to tell us that we're more cucked than a place like Poland, we know. We're slowly working on it, though, and that's more than what can be said in a lot of European countries.

I think the white flight they do (I'm asian) is for SAFETY and so they can raise kids in a healthy environment. So it may seem totally alien to you colored folks and white leftist who've never
lived in an all black area and only know people of color from what TV tells you about them through post-hynotic suggestion and NLP and repeating such fairy tales over and over.
Don't forget us YELLOW flighters either who have a JOB and somehow never seem to see all the supposed white men and women who are out killing all the colored people in mass 24/7 365, well? . Maybe they are all just bad shots and keep missing me or something out of a Hollywood compatible, but to be realistic no one really wants to live around niggers. No one will give you anything at all for being saw as "a good person" in fact, they'll take advantage of your wisdomlessness and naive ideas for those exact reasons.

>Pols don't have Niggers
>Romanians are too poor to move away from Gypsies.
Europoors BTFO eternally

it has nothing to do with the sizes

niggers are driving you out your best places - richest cities, coasts etc

This is a dumb, fallacious point to make, you know it, and you should feel bad for making it.

You cant fight niggers due to jews all you can do is run away or be culturally enriched.

Look up gentrification.
It makes a lot of black people angry because we flee the places that too many have given up on and take over areas that have been deemed appropriate for development.
Many think it's racist, but why would you not get out of a sinking ship? It's one thing if you can convince enough people to stick with it who you can put some trust in, it's another thing to stubbornly go it alone.

Chang here laying down stone cold truth.

ethnonationalism is just an excuse to get gibs.

exactly as I though

americans prefer to keep this status quo and not to leave their comfort zone

Oh yeah, good point.

You sure showed me. You fat fucks should take every """"refugee""" for what you did in the middle east for your (((allies)))
>Implying cutting off America's poisonous cultural tit wouldn't be worth the temporary loss of shekels. Your empire is literally the worst thing to happen in the past hundred years.

either ahmed or needs to lurk moor

If there is a group or demographic that sees value and potential in a specific area, then I applaud them for making the effort to turn it into a good, safe,place to live and work.

I love it when the people living there(Usually the ones responsible for turning it into a sewer in the first place) start whining about how "The character of the neighborhood is being changed" and "I cant afford to live here any more", good riddance.

The only point I'm trying to make is that you're really not stating anything profound, you're only really restating what we all know--yes, the west is fucked, and the larger cultural attitude of the west is fucked. White identity is, by and large, fucked. Much of the west is too coddled and comfortable to do anything. This isn't a problem specific to America, and you damn well know it. The only reason why white flight is not more prevalent in Europe is simply a function of your lack of non-whites when compared to America. In areas in western Europe that have been hit by the stick of diversity in a manner similar to America, you've seen Europeans react in almost exactly the same way as whites in America, if not worse so.

You could at least /try/ to be intellectually honest and not make retarded non-arguments, you know.

you could at least try to answer my question:

it happens everywhere when minorities move in including Belgium
faggot D&C thread

Melbourne Australia is experiencing 'white flight', so are London & Paris. Its not an American only phenomenon.

South Africa and Brazil where never majority white, not to mention they aren't european countries. Quit being a low energy bitch

Here's your answer.

I'm not going to waste my energy giving a serious reply to such a stupid comment.

>pre-teen white girls in a different zone

Try not to be a shitposter.

>in defense of British oral hygiene.

A highly relevant topic OP, pic related.

>implying any of you read though

Basically, the FHA (Federal Housing Admin) only allowed suburbia to be built if the residents were white. It was fucking crazy.

White flight is not because of blacks, it's mostly because a lot of whites have associated with them.

>>pre-teen white girls in a different zone
>Try not to be a shitposter.
So you're admitting that segregation is a shitty "solution" for getting people of different temperaments to get along?

There were actually very prosperous diverse urban areas in Detroit, this was before housing segregation and demolition of neighborhoods and streetcars to accommodate highways and parking requirements. Can be seen happening in cities around the US at around the same time. Effectively put the nail in the coffin for social mobility.

So you're trying to equate separating people based on race/ethnicity to placing a bunch of children in their own self-contained society?



its the boomers fault really. they demand that every one pretend to like nigs so they can try to prove every one isnt racist so america can try to take advantage of every one else

because the boomers are cowards. such weakness is now exploited. there wont be another golden age for whites. boomers have seen to that. losing ground in america means death for all whites globally because all of you are cowards and you rely on america

>no-go zones

>So you're trying to equate separating people based on race/ethnicity to placing a bunch of children in their own self-contained society?
yes. they're both stupid ideas. it's dumb to think that mere distance among people of different temperaments is some kind of panacea. even for the case of grown men vs grown women, which you avoided.

No, its proof of nothing. This supposed flight you speak of only demonstrates how mobile the wealthy are.

I don't think it's fair to compare poles and Americans.

Poland is traditionally white. The US has a brutal history of white conquest.

The US is already a very diverse country, and whites are expected to become a minority within just a few decades.

It would make sense to prepare for that reality by placating the other minorities.

Poland is still majority white for the foreseeable future.

It's just not a fair comparison.

We were sold put by half of our own

>gypsy who literally travels around without a home to beg for money calls me a coward
lol stay classy romania

Cities are generally dogshit regardless of who lives in them so anyone in their right mind moves out of the city as soon as they have the means.

It's ok, we are taking back the cities by doing gentrification.

Meh, I'm leaving not because of blacks but because my city is quickly breaking into rich and poor (gibs only) areas and it's too expensive to live in either part of the city.

I can buy a shitty old house on a tiny lot in a run down part of town or I can move out of the city a half hour away and get a better place on more acherage. The parks will be cleaner and there will be business that cater to my kids instead of bars and clubs and pride parades and stupid marathons clogging the streets every goddamn Saturday.

The taxes will be lower and the schools better. Why would I not do this?

>posts assless aquatic roastie as thread starter
What did he mean by this?

Where do you think the water they put in other beverages comes from?

Hope you are joking

>even for the case of grown men vs grown women, which you avoided.
I singled out your "white pre-teen girl zone" because, to me, it was the most telling sign that you were either intentionally making a fallacious point, or you're genuinely stupid enough to believe that what you suggested is equatable to ethnonationalism. Apparently, it's the latter. Furthermore, given that you've simplified an entire ideology to nothing more than "as an excuse for gibs" (I'd love to know how you came to that dumbfuck conclusion, by the way), you clearly don't care about critically analyzing an ideology that you disagree with, and would instead prefer to wave it away with a gross generalization simply because it hurts your feelings.

The laughable part about your first point is that segregation (or discrimination, rather) by age and gender is already reality (to an extent anyway), and in keeping with ethnonationalist logic--this is to say, that people generally prefer associating with others similar to them. In other words, your point falls short. Old folks generally prefer to be in the company of other old folks, children generally prefer to be in the company of children, men generally prefer to be in the company of men, and women generally prefer to be in the company of women. That being said, humans are neither entirely individualist or collectivist--the answer falls somewhere in-between, most aptly described as "tribalist". To segregate society in your suggested fashion would demonstrate a complete and total disregard for basic human family/group dynamics--as illustrated by the point that an all-child or all-elderly society is understood by even the most moronic of simpletons to be a stupid idea. An all child or all female society is not sustainable by any stretch of the imagination, for extremely obvious reasons. An ethnically sound nation, however, is, and has been for the entirety of human history.

if they stay, if they owned the property its value will begin to drop as whites wont want to move there anymore.
higher likely hood of anything left outside to be stolen (they are not used to gypsies, most white flight neighbourhoods were nice and friendly before they got blacked)
More diversity causes less social cohesion and more distrust interracial or intraracial
higher chance of wild dogniggers running around as they are not well looked after.
jew media loves a good sacraficial white racist who was mean to their new nig neighbours.
Nig neighbours may be normal people but they have nigger families and friends they will bring around inevitably.

Cities are for degenerates who have been conditioned to need constant stimulation.

Poland's borders were shifted completely though they all moved

The main engine behind white flight is the perception that property values will drop. Only a fool would get fucked by equity just because a few dozen niggers arrived

That and not wanting to live in a dangerous neighborhood.

Great post

>Having a racial/ethnic identity, being proud of it, and defending it is soci
better Feet

They make us take niggers into our neighborhoods. Our own White police take us to jail if we fight it.

East coast fag here. I wish the federal government would shut that shit down. Fuckin chinese are literally destroying our economy.

>muh segregiayshun

Furthermore, no one is claiming that ethnonationalism is somehow some panacea that will cure all of the world's problems--this is yet another fallacy on your behalf. Racial tensions and competition for resources/power along racial lines will ALWAYS exist in multiracial societies--this is simply the result of genetically hardcoded human tribalism causing them to fear, distrust, and compete with alien "others". The overarching point here is that there is no BENEFIT to a multiracial society, with the exception of appeasing some lofty idealistic point that "we're all like, the same, man" or some other brainless notion like "haha i get to eat all sorts of cool ethnic foods!"

Ethnonationalists simply recognize that multiracialism/multiculturalism is, by and large, a failed experiment, as can be observed through the tendency of blacks to prefer the company of blacks, whites to prefer the company of whites, and so on and so forth. Even then, the most milquetoast of white nationalists, such as Jared Taylor, don't argue for forced segregation--they simply argue for freedom of association, both as a legal reality and a cultural one. Thus, blacks can be free to largely associate with blacks and have ethnically homogeneous centers for themselves, just as to, in a similar sense, say that old folks are allowed to have centers in which they can associate with only other old folks (65+ neighborhoods and the like).

Red lining is well documented - even by non jew.

Again it was called red lining.

>see how well Detroit is doing

Gentrification hurts the poor. It attracts the wealthy of any race/creed.

poles would do the same thing. no one wants to live with niggers