Americans of Sup Forums be honest. If it's proven beyond any doubt that Trump colluded with Russia and committed obstruction of Justice, will you turn on him to protect America and the Constitution? What type of evidence would you need?
Or does your hatred of jews, liberals, gays, brown people, muslims and women outweigh your allengence to our country and countrymen?
Americans of Sup Forums be honest...
>protect America and the Constitution
Would you? Shill faggots hate this country
There you go, you pointed out what's causing all of this. It's a total disaster caused by lobbying from foreign countries being allowed which results in foreign countries getting free health care (i.e. Israel) before any American citizen does.
Go look at the front page of The_Donald and tell me how you'd prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt to those kind of people. Some people can rationalize anything.
Annnnnd he tears the tags off pillows and mattress what a scoundrel
If literally everything reported on the Comey memo is true, it does not even come close to obstruction of justice.
Obstruction of justice is bribing a jury; threatening a witness; throwing the murder weapon into the ocean. It's a corrupt act.
The sovereign Executive can order or halt any investigation he chooses, OR PARDON ANYONE HE CHOOSES.
Why do faggy lefties always bring up this scenario?
>how would you feel if something that won't happen, happens?
Hillary was a corrupt dynastic bitch, did you disown her? Bernie cow towed to the left. Did you disown him?
are you kidding me? I hope Trump colluded with Russia, pution knows what to do with leftist traitors.
Nothing will be found I'm sure of it. This entire Russia fabrication literally came during the campaign when a drugged Clinton said "I don't know it was probably Russia." The entire Russia bullshit was created in the drugged up delusional mind of a corrupt cunt.
>There you go, you pointed out what's causing all of this. It's a total disaster caused by lobbying from foreign countries being allowed
Nevermind being ALLOWED, apparently they don't even have to register as foreign agents, they can manage presidential election campaigns, and even become National Security Advisor while still working on behalf of a foreign power!
The people wanting to throw him out have no allegiance to the country or the constitution, so your argument is moot.
the people who want him thrown out are also not the ones who won 3084 counties out of 3141. They can make all the noise they want in this forum. Trump isnt going anywhere and his supporters are not wavering in their allegiance to him.
He's a billionaire who's been saying the same shit since the 80's. If they had anything on him, we would have seen it already.
Yep. I'd genocide the aforementioned groups if I could.
Your thread has the AIDS.
America is a disgrace and its constitution led it there. Same with every western country: burn it down and build anew.
This is what got me. They reported the memo and had a shitfest over how horrible Trump was.
Even if it was entirely true, it sounds like a guy having a regular conversation and isn't at all stopping Comey from doing anything. Unless Comey is a snowflake, I guess, and crumbles at the slightest mention that someone might have another opinion.
But you knew Trump was the most pro isreal candidate. Why did you support him?
Trumps on the record saying he knows the towers were taken down by explosives, he also lost a good number of friends in the tragedy. All this posturing about Israel is just that, posturing. The tiny little country of bootlicking satanists will never win.
You can't honestly believe that can you? Trump says stuff like that because it's provocative. Ask him again today and he'll probably deny he ever said it. One thing he'll never, ever do is speak poorly of Jews. They're deeply involved with is business. You don't reach his level of wealth without dealing with jews.
because reddit never took the kike pill
they were tricked into believing their worst ennemy was their greatest ally
I would support him even more. American deeps state interests are those of the globalist. They want to take Russia down because he is the strongest link of opposition to their new world order
do you not remember what Nixon said?
Any criminal activity by any presidential candidate should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I don't give a shit about the constitution. It's child is the Republic, and I HATE republics. Any system that is not Monarchy will ALWAYS be subverted by banking Jews. FUCK democracy, FUCK republics, LONG LIVE THE KING. the 110 times the Jews were kicked out it was at the order of the Monarch. Why do you think Jews constantly shill against monarchy? "oy vey goyim monarchy is so in the past we're more advanced now no kings anymore!" Yet they want a Jew king descended from David to rule from Zion because they KNOW that Monarchy is the best. FUCK America or should I say JEWmerica and FUCK the constitution.
I am a democrat so anuthing works for me. If we can get the house in 2018 then we can just refuse to allocate funds to build a wall, refuse to vote on legislation, initiate non stop investigations and in general do to Trump what the GOP did to obama.
As long as it hurts Trump I favor it
>what type of evidence would you need
you just turned an interesting thread into a shill thread, nice try though
See that's why you're a fuck.
Constant money drain for entire term is your GOAL.
Eat shit and die Jamal
Why is that a problem?
Fuck you Cletus, you rednecks sat back and did this to Obama now its payback time
The wall will never be built, obamacare will only inch towards UHC and tax reform will never happen
so they can go tell their superiors what kind of evidence to actively search for and/or fabricate
Personally, I don't think Sup Forums is the best resource for gathering that kind of information
i dont either but i think they do, they are pretty stupid
you dont seem like a shill, so im likely wrong, but take heed in this difficult time. its undeniable that there are tons of them on here.
as i said, seems like an interesting post. apologies for assuming too much
>What type of evidence would you need?
real, actual evidence
kill yourself shill rat
What I would need is evidence that Trump's "collusion" with Russia hurt my interests, as an American. Like a lot of people on Sup Forums, I've followed Mike Flynn's efforts to forge a US-Russo alliance against ISIS (and hopefully against Saudi Arabia, et all eventually). I take Trump sharing intel with Russia about fighting ISIS, for example, as good news.
Evidence seems extraordinarily weak (the heresay of the permanent shadow government) that Russia was even behind the Clinton leaks. And if Russia was, -why- would this scenario have required Trump's involvement? What was the quid pro quo exactly? And in any case, they were hanging Clinton with her own words.
tl;dr I would need evidence that any Trump-Russia collaborations actually hurt my interests as an American.
>You can't honestly believe that can you?
Why do you only believe Trump's word when it suites your agenda but reject his word when it doesn't?
Trump has violated the constitution far less than other recent presidents and Hillary. Trump has colluded with forerign nations far less than other recent presidents and Hillary.
Tell me why I would want him impeached? The ones calling for impeachment seem like foreign operatives wanting to literally tear this country down.
If this is what he's decided, to fold to the will of the deepstate. Then theres no other option other then having America fall with Israel. Every square inch is going to be glassed. Russia will not back down if theres further provocation.
>tfw when you donated to and voted for obama and thought the idiots that obstructed him were retarded
>tfw when you didn't vote and just said he was barely better then killary and thought the idiots that obstructed him were retarded
>it's proven beyond any doubt that Trump colluded with Russia
except it hasn't
i don't really give a fuck if he deliberately colluded with russia or russia helped him without his consent or knowledge. all they did was drop emails that confirmed what we all already knew about hillary clinton. trump was still OUTSPENT by democrats by a fucking OBSCENE amount and still won, even with supposed russian help, democrats should be fucking embarassed.
Sure I'm open to honest evidence but I really don't see any, seriously. I think deep down, what most people think: "Israel is worried that Trump is/will cheat on the bitch with Russia" but even if he does eventually have good diplomatic ties with Russia eventually, so what? I will always dislike jews until they change their most unhelpful ways and leave the white people alone. MOST jews seem to be jewish first and americans 2nd, if at all. Of all people, Tricky Dick Nixon even said this and meant it. If you read hebrew, check out some real Israeli sites sometime. In Israel they they you and me and their "Star-Spangled footstools". Hey? Don't even take my word for it go read the shit yourself so it will be more shocking and sink in.
If you want to support Israel, go there and pay taxes to live there. Don't support Israel with American taxpayer dollars or the money you make because you live in the USA. Israel does not support the USA with money. Israel takes from us and shows nothing but contempt for the USA.
Comey and Rogers said on a number of different occassions that there was no evidence of collusion. The deepstate apparatus is just churning the waters by broadcasting the Russia narrative 24/7 while concern trolling every social media platform and throwing every roadblock in his path possible. This panic is manufactured and politically organized. Trumps been passing limits on ccongressional terms, barred lobbyists, destroyed deals. Theyre in panic mode for a reason. He's causing long term damage adn theyre feeling it.
Nobody should pay an heed to this bullshit narrative being presented by the retarded fucking shills.
>jews, liberals, gays, brown people, muslims and women
Russia is a counterweight to all of that.
OP is asking as a hypothetical.
Man, if only we had a president that would do something about that horrible Hillary.
niggers tongue my anus
sage and hide shill threads.
This is 100% my view as well. Also Darya Klishina is so fucking beautiful.
Loaded questions op
Get out.
America's left are commies so it's hilarious for them to be scared of Russia.
Why did Trump immediately get into bed with the Saudis?
Why did Trump decide to keep the Iranian deal?
Russia is a country oh hatred and homphobia. Russia has always been, and will always be our eternal enemy.
I'll take what is war for 500.
> butt hurt chatter
Change starts with you, faggot. Stop dwelling on the past and pretending you have a reason to hate Trump. Are you a jealous loser?
>“I think it was the worst deal I’ve ever seen negotiated. I think it was a deal that never should have been negotiated. I think it’s a shame that we’ve had a deal like that and that we had to sign a deal like that and there was no reason to do it and if you’re going to do it, have a good deal,” replied Trump.
>Keeps the deal
>Russia is a country oh hatred and homphobia
What's wrong with that? The US at its peak was like that.
>Russia has always been, and will always be our eternal enemy.
Being enemies is a hold over from their commie USSR days. Even the one-sided rivalry. But now we have actual commies here in the US while Russia is a pseudo-capitalist state whose best interests would be to beat us in the free market but still benefit from our products, not undermine and destroy our values and set us back 100 years like leftists want to do. Leftists should be forced to take civics courses and learn about the principles our forefathers held dear, and even the things they disagreed upon.
No. In fact I'd kind of warm up to him more.
Hard proof.
Yes. I don't give a fuck about America; I care about White America.
This is in direct contradiction to Israel. Now they have someone else with nukes to contend with.
Literally everyone with this opinion should be tried for sedition and sent to be gassed.
The only kind of "election meddling" that would make me change my mind is if Russia somehow directly altered the numbers at the polls. If the "election meddling" bullshit that has been regurgitated for 7 months is just Russia giving DNC emails to wikileaks, which is bullshit, because that was Seth Rich, then I won't give a fuck at all. If Putin called Trump and said
and Trump responded
>wtf dude how crooked lmao
Then why the fuck should I even care? He ain't gonna get impeached for that.
There is nothing Trump and Russia could have possibly done that was so bad, I would dislike him for it. The whole argument that Russia "hacked the election" is paper thin.
The world looks mighty bad to me, cause Russian spies are all I see. Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Russian spy to me.
Brought to by anti-psychotic pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Its like you're either preteens or JC drop outs that never took a class on ethics or government. FFS read some fucking books or neuter yourselves for the sake of the gene pool
Literally a Stalinist and Maoist viewpoint. Clearly to stupid and violent to join academia in even the most rudimentary level. Good luck in that basement of yours.
>beyond any doubt
>What I would need is evidence that Trump's "collusion" with Russia hurt my interests, as an American.
This shit here I'll never understand.
The idea behind a Russia-US partnership might be noble. However, the reality is that Russia absolutely does NOT have US interests in mind. If anything it's thinking like your line of thought that plays into the Russians end-goal.
It's bizarre too really. Shills on here go on about Trump playing 77D Chess or whatever the fuck, when really it's Putin thats been playing that all along.