Do you like being Russia's bitch?
Dear Fellow Americans
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Move along Sup Forums nothing to see here
Isn't that building just a church?
Harsh reality
No problem with it. Hopefully Americans will start behaving like Russians, kicking the shit out of fags and trannies like yourself.
Sage you fucking losers
na duvai cheeki breeki :)
>Russia is an enemy
Shill fucking detected.
More like Chaim magazine amirite.
Looks like you always were Putins's bitch.
Our choice is Putin or Israel
What do you pick?
>implying it couldn't be both
They are not enemies.
>Israel is not an enemy
Time to abandon thread
>Israel is not an enemy
Time to abandon thread.
Phone posting cancer
Russia is a hallow shell of a country. These neocons and demcucks pretend they are the big evil but they are basically just a third world country. I mean sure, we were dumb enough goyim to invade iraq but we aren't gonna do it again willingly you dirty kikes
>Russian minarets
OP is a faggot and the MSM are DNC shills.
i am monitoring this thread.
Choose wisely goys.
Repeat a lie long enough it becomes true.