Should gay bakers be forced to bake cakes for straight Christians who are getting married?

Should gay bakers be forced to bake cakes for straight Christians who are getting married?

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gay bakers should bake in the oven

Forced to? Nah.

Should they give a shit? Nah.

No but unlike Christians baking it for gay couples there is no reason for them not to bake the cake.

Not if they don't want to. Let people run their business however they want.

Black bakers should bake KKK cakes for clan meetings with a little black licorice guy hanging from a gingerbread tree


Should cakes bake gay b8 I r8 8/8?

>Trusting faggots not to mix sperm into your icing sugar

They should be forced to bake cakes to celebrate successful gay conversion therapies.

This is the only circumstance gays should be allowed near ovens

I don't think it fucking matters. Business is still business.

So should Jews

everyone hates licorice

Hetero's aren't an oppressed group, there is no merit in defending said cake rights.

nobody should be forced to do anything with their business in a free market

>implying i want a hep c cake at my wedding
>implying i want to pay a faggot money

Both ways people shouldn't be forced. But gay people are generally not the assholes in these kind of scenario's. More often the christians will boycott the bakery


Why do Yanks care?
Is faggot cake not kosher?

Not true.

Oh would you look at that a stupid little insecure coward taking it out on a video that was only made with the best intentions in mind. The people that made this are hardworking students who wanted to tackle a serious topic, which has been deemed controversial for no reason at all. I bet you posted that because youre struggling with your own gender/sexual identity and microwaved your hamster because your dad didnt renew your world of warcraft subscription. Go leave that sort of shit on reddit you waste of oxygen.

you need white genes to enjoy them

No business should be forced to serve anybody for any reason.

Go fuck your dog, fagxir

>isle of man
>island full of men
>totally not gay


Just like everyone hates niggers. Its a metaphor

at least there island has men on it

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No. You should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason you see fit, without having to express said reason.

>eating anything a faggot bakes

I hope you guys don't do this.

This. If you own the business you have the right to say no im not taking that workload, reasons are irrelevant


No. Just let people name and shame them so they'll go out of business.

Licorice is white people candy.
We also enjoy tarragon and anise