Why are we supposed to hate Lauren Southern again?
Why are we supposed to hate Lauren Southern again?
she's a jew
/Thread coal burners BTFO
She's a beautiful eloquent woman that associates with people who would prefer a German victory in WW2.
She's the pinnacle of what JIDF fears. Hence the active shilling.
Well I dislikeher because she wrote a pamphlet and called it a book. Hate seems a little strong though, I only dislike her.
Why do you need the internet to force feed you opinions?
Women shouldn't be allowed to talk about politics.
Also, she is just doing it for the money and for attention.
Because she's Canadian. Sure, there's plenty more. But what else is needed? Fucking Canadians, man. Worse than jews, niggers, mexicans, and mohammedans combined.
She is a dangerous role model for your kids, you'd better look up to Miley Cyrus goy.
Look, she stood one time near a black man to take a picture, she is promoting race mixing!
>supposed to hate this
>supposed to like that
The only thing you are supposed to do here is follow the board rules.
Her voice is too manly and she looks twice her age.
>people taking a pic together
>huur they definitely fucked
Fucking virgins
Until she names (((them))) she can't be trusted
he has a track record faggots
Because she's an uneducated girl who parrots /pol's/ talking points almost word for word and makes money off of it. She also ensures that she is defended from criticism through the white knight following that she gained posting pics of herself wearing tight clothes. She's a political whore who will do a 180 on her views when the political climate changes against her favor.
Inb4 Finnish white knight
Oh would you look at that a stupid little insecure coward taking it out on a video that was only made with the best intentions in mind. The people that made this are hardworking students who wanted to tackle a serious topic, which has been deemed controversial for no reason at all. I bet you posted that because youre struggling with your own gender/sexual identity and microwaved your hamster because your dad didnt renew your world of warcraft subscription. Go leave that sort of shit on reddit you waste of oxygen.
>supporting CIA cointel limited hangouts
get out OP
She's a coal burning kike.
sass go choke on your bfs dick and die you faggot.
She has to pay the toll, which means she has to continue what you just posted, since that was her only bright spot in media and then maybe she will be respected. We weigh her Jewish/interracial personality to what she done useful in media, so far the Jewish/interracial things by far outweigh the usefulness of her media work.
Because the division shills told you that you should.
shes thicc
Stop pretending to be a white nationalist, Chaim.
We aren't a hive mind. Conflicting ideas are a large part of the community it makes it great for debating and furthering your own ideas. If we all liked the same people and had the exact same beliefs we wouldn't be a useful board and nothing but shit talking would go on. Freedom of thought and expression are the fundamentals of this board stop looking for why other people do something and find your own reasons to do or not to.
When will you fuckers understand that we cannot afford to do what the Left does and cannibalize on our own useful idiots. Lauren may not be perfect but she's redpilling people and that's all that matters for now.
What kind of self respecting "right wing" girl walks out of the house like that? Her ass is hanging out.
because she helps to turn kids right and to our cause, we hate people like that!
ctr/shareblue dox
Anyone hating on based blonde leaf is a pussy
that she is. also kawaii as fuck.
She doesn't name the Jew + pic related.
>hot blonde qt repeats what Sup Forums says
>somehow this is a bad thing
But right-wing girls are sluts. The only good girls are Communistic girls.
ugly doughy face
yeah she should wear a burka or at least cover her hair! disgusting!
She's ugly, yet she thinks she looks good
hes cool guys, im not a big anarcho-capitalist fan, but hes one of best blacks
People playing the "character assasination" game are probably not right-winged themselves. In a situation like today, having someone like Lauren Southern (and others like Paul Joseph Watson) is a victory by anyone who is not an anti-white Leftist, we make a mistake by pretending that people who call her "coalburning kike" are right-winged themselves, behind those comments there is probably hiding a giggling brown loser.
shes soo ugly
> Worse than jews, niggers, mexicans, and mohammedans combined
So, America?
You shills should stop before we start actually supporting her.
Shes hot and trolls liberals. Idk why you faggots cherry pick so hard but she's alright in my book. And I'd hit it.
Because shills and that one loser who spams that Lauren is a Jew says she is bad
>padded shorts
>literally a diaper in design
Build wall. The only anti-white people are you stupid monarchists. We have to build wall in Slovenia because you Spanish and Italian Christshits can't fucking sink boats or build a simple wall.
you're certifiably insane.
She looks so Jewy there.
Yes that's what I just wrote, and your pic confirms it.
Your point being?
where did you get this?
This guy
Stop letting the niggers inside your country.
She's never named the Jew.
it is him, yeah. did you not see the recent video with him backing her up?
Yes, America = Canada, you stupid fucking dog-eating chink.
terrible shoop
Your people need enrichment too.
Maybe when your people lie butchered on the streets of Slovenia, murdered by a muslim terrorist, you will think twice before going after any right-winged activist that wants to stop that madness, maybe then you will understand that people like Lauren Southern are not your enemies.
tell me about lauren why does she dye the hair
great photo filter
She's reversed her position on this one though.
>your pic
see pic related
When we figure out how to avoid the 500€ per rejected migrant fine Oma Merkel imposed us we will
Fpbp. Civic nationalists need to dir a horrible death.
MFW when a country the size of colorado and 1/15th of our firepower is close to world domination.
4th reich is some fucking dumb niggers
epic, did you find that on leftypol or on neogaf
so she's exposed the Jewish Plot of white genocide?
>inb4 not exactly...
have a present: imgur.com
Because we hate when women have "their opinions".
Your 4D chess is bullshit. You have more money, more power, yet we done with simple farmer fence in 1 week more than you done in 80 years to stop migration of Africans/Arabs. Ever since your right-wing sold your land to Americans so they build a military base there, is the time from which you are anti-Communists aka pro-migration of cheap labor. After all you got over 1 million British in Spain and that speaks for itself and they arrived way before this current EU migrant crisis.
There's an appropriate amount of clothing for women, not too much and defiantly not too little.
fpbp. Once you go black, we don't want you back.
I'm getting my lube ready.
this woman makes me feel things that I thought were dead in my soul. that's about all I have to say.
Here's a gift for you.
Anybody got that image with Shareblue's operation attempt of subverting Sup Forums ?
you need to be more specific
>When we figure out how to avoid the 500€ per rejected migrant fine Oma Merkel imposed us we will
it's called fighting you dumb dego wop
>pol wants to ruin this bcs she doesnt blame the jew for white genocide on youtube
Because she's a tranny who likes black cock and is absolutely purple pilled redditier trash, she doesn't belong in the alt-right movement.
Operation Lion's Head or something like that
so she has or she hasn't exposed the Jewish Plot of white genocide?
wow that took like five seconds to find, just look up mouth of the lion pol on google images you lazy fuck
Lauren is not ugly. She's beautiful 10/10 and smart.
Civic nationalists aka bible sheep for Israel.
>unironically caring about alt-right
is that group led by this MOSSAD asset?
You have no idea what you are babbling about. My whole point was about going after people like Lauren and trying to smear her by calling her a "kike coalburning" (both lies) when she is doing more to stop all this madness than you will do in your entire life.
nice try shill
So because she makes money off of it while you sit on your fat leaf ass that's somehow bad? Please neck yourself.
She needs a good old sperm spanking, filthy girl.
Her ex.