I know it's a weird complaint to make in english on an american website, butt fuck it. Am I the only one who hates when people in my country use their birth language 60% of the time and the rest is english? If you like america so much, then get on a plane and move to yanke-ville. I've had people talk about trump like hes their fucking president. It's gotten too far. They're like america weeaboos and I cant stand it.
Europe becoming too americanized
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>only 60% of Swedes consistently speak in Somalian
that is one mighty moose. i bet it drops turds as big as basketballs.
murica better then nog I guess you could try to build your culture back up but good luck with that
You're right, of course.
But that's because Britain stuck us with world hegemony back after WWII. Plans had been drawn up to box everything and ship the boys home, but Churchill insisted we station everyone in Germany and wherever the hell else.
The American worldview and mindset is not calibrated to ruling the world, it's just not in our character. Every international encounter where we get our way with force is another hypocrisy against our fundamental ideals.
Hopefully China can hurry up and become the hegemon soon so we can go back to the 1890s groundwork.
I am American and I hate seeing how Americanised Europe and the UK are becoming, I moved here to escape it but it is pervasive. Sometimes I realise that certain streets in Europe are exactly like American ones and there has been a huge change in the past +/-10 years.
In the end it is just part of ((global culture)) that will eventually replace any semblance of vernacular custom. Enjoy it while it is here.
You should leave and take your (((American))) culture back with you.
Our language will survive.
We will keep it safe from the globalists.
How is that brown-eyed brown-haired Israel-lover going to save White Sweden?
I will never leave and there is more ((American)) culture in people here than I will ever have.
Better when you are swedish to say "my country is africanized" or "syrianized".
> america weeaboos in Sweden
Isn't that raggare, Sven?
Yea though it isn't actually our fault. You lot just don't have your own powerful cultural land mark like the US and Japan
It's just a meme bro.
Well they're for a total stop in asylum immigration and big on remigration (as well as deportations)
That's a good start.
Who else should I vote for? NMR?
Feel you brother. People are forgetting their native language, all media is from America nowadays, so uniform and all a pile of shit. America could be nuked and the world would be a better place
Yeah all peculiarity is vanishing and everything is becoming the same. Same shit american music, fashion, series, politics, movies, all utter crap.
I hate that too, though it isn't anywhere as bad 60%, thankfully we love our language. But there's too much anglicisms used for my taste and too much of that shitty pop culture invading everything. English songs everywhere, as if we didn't have our own.
>when plausible deniability goes too far
"This day and age? Who wants the fuckin' job?"
Yes, it is baffling because Americans (and other tourists) visit European countries solely because of the different cultures. Tourism is a huge part of Europe's economy but I guess not big enough.
If everybody is the same, then they can all consume the same goods is what it comes down to, I guess. Culture will be bought and sold.
Y-you speak english irl? Apart from talking to tourists why would you speak english? How many layers of cucked are on right now my dude?
ive noticed this trend. germans and swedes talking english all the time with an american accent. it's so cringey and cucked. we have the same problem here i hear people say things like awesome and dude a lot and it gets on my nerves.
this is what globalism does, it meshes everybody into one shitty, superficial non-culture
>have most citizen owned guns of any country
>worlds best economy
>world peace keeper just because we can
>best military
>best nukes
>god loving nation
>most diverse and beautiful landscape
get cucked rest of world. stay mad youre not us LMAO
This you stupid nordcuck faggots.
America is the one that is trying to spread it cultural degeneracy everywhere, yet you idiots complain about muslims taking over. The americans have already taken over.
You are not American.
English is the language of popular culture, kids use it because they hear it on TV, music, etc.
Remember, the Swedes are taught to think very lowly of themselves from birth. Poor fuckers.
what do we do about this lads? we cant just let it happen
>when a mcdonalds pops up in your town
I've heard ((English)) girls use valley girl accents and it is deplorable. Black people here also imitate American blacks.
We are the borg. You will be assimilated. Your cultural and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own, britbong.
yeah it's fucking sickening
America has made the first world culture. When we meld into one nation, a global melting pot, it will be dominated by american values, traditions and beliefs
Brits LOVE to pretend they're Americans, they sometimes will even use proxies just to further their shitposting needs.
Joking about Sweden used to be funny, now its actually sad.
>Damn blue jeans and rock'n'roll
least of your problems, matey
just let it happen, the burger consumes all
Agreed OP. I do not wish to impose my culture onto you.
damn i was in a casual gaming group on steam with swedes and i had to stop because they spoke swedish, then the same sentence in english, and all of them were swedes im not fucking kidding worst plebbery known to man
I live here so I use English grammar, just like when Mexicans move to the USA they should speak English.
I wonder about this too honestly. As a mathematician, it seems like culture is converging to a quite narrow range. It is a societal problem which is very narrowly acknowlegded I think. Most important is to support local expressions of culture and language (also possible for a bong or burger), such as music in your own language. Encourage thise around you to use their native language creatively and dissuade them from using English. Learn a language which isn't English so that you can talk to foreigners in other languages than English (I suggest german, french or spanish). Lastly learn about the history of your country, its tales and legends and the way people live, to bolster your soul against the mindless contemporary culture.
make it so
If you've ever played the Civ games, we've won by culture
One problem doesn't exclude the other. It is like having two different kinds of cancer at the same time
We can only push to preserve the old ways, although it is probably too late.
I think we feel like the earliest inhabitants of the Thames river banks must have; their culture was essentially replaced and all that is left is the name of the river.
Why worry? We are becoming one world, one people. Like America the world will be a melting pot. Where someones parents were born or their ancestors is irrelevant. We are all citizens of earth and part of one world culture. That will be the legacy of America
One problem doesn't exclude the other. It is like having two different kinds of cancer at the same time
Nostalgia and the tragedy of unfulfilled potential
Why cling to an outdated culture when something new and bold can by synthesized? Imagine a single world, a single culture, diverse people mixing together into one world.
If your culture was so strong it would have survived but natural selection favored A.American society
The problem with that is that people make music for money, so they need to make it to appeal to the widest market possible.
Furthermore, nationalism is seen as a sin nowadays, especially in Europe. Pride in one's country is seen as a form of bigotry because the political dialogue has been pushed so far left.
In the end it is about money, think about it. More of the same culture = a bigger market. Think of Eurovision; 90% of songs were in English and all modern popular music is based on American music.
again, you're not American
just another faggot LARPer trying to stir the pot
It's not really American culture as much as an absence of culture. It just seems like it's American because America was the first cultureless mud nation.
>tfw no support to overthrow the swedish gov
i just want to shoot some landsförrädare
Every time I went to Sweden I was surprised. Random bus rides and everyone except the elderly were talking in English.
Never once used Swedish in 6 months I was there.
I miss MAX burgers tho it was the tits
It isn't outdated, the problem with it is that it isn't profitable. American culture is driven by profitability and not all of us want to live in a world where culture is to be bought and sold, not learned and taught.
Lurk moar, mate, you are still blue.
Globalism is miles better than Nationalism. The world needs to be unified under American values not outdated ideas
Seriously. We should decolonize English
>tfw you are too much on the internet
>tfw your own language alienates you sometimes
>tfw you sometimes translate english into german in your mind
>Imagine a single world, a single culture, diverse people mixing together into one world.
that sounds like an actual nightmare. that's the most boring, depressing, dystopian vision of the future i can imagine
No, I have been here 10 years. What good is a culture that cant produce an income stream and unify people?
If those cultures were worth a shit they wpuld have survived. America culture is the greatest because we treat all as equals and will sell them anything they want
Its utilitarian and very flexible unlike rigid cultures that get wiped out.
>90% of daily communication is just in English
>Teacher complains that I use too many anglicisms in my writings
>Constantly switch between English, Swedish and Finnish mid-sentence when talking to friends.
It's like a disease
There's a simple reason for that: after 50 years of socialism, western europe is dead, both economically and culturally. You don't produce snything worth the costs, you live on your ancestors achievments and you're spoiled. It's only natural for the young, more ambitious people to adopt the ways of a dominsnt and successful culture.
Why? Sounds great to me. We kust need a single world religion and we will have unity
Yeah we must resist feeding the market, especially big companies. Try to keep money in the community, support your local.
Hear hear
I try to speak German to Germans and they always use English. How am I supposed to learn another language if everyone speaks English?
Don't feed the troll guys
Okay man, your word is as valid as mine on an anonymous site, regardless of the fact that you are wrong. We are just trying to have a conversation here, and you aren't required to participate.
If you must know more, I was educated in a school where the English spelling was taught rather then Webster's version of germaniSed english. Also, I live and work here and use The Queen's English to communicate. When I am in America I use Webster's english.
I agree. Sweden is becoming too much like Minnesota.
>utilitarian and flexible
Yes, because it is an absence of culture. All there is to it is a series of superficial shit that you watch on tv
Saved, thanks.
Sorry your weak culture gotnwiped out by a superior one.
Humanities future will be an american one. I. The future their mpbies will have product placement and witty quips, their books wipp be military suspense, they will eat hamburgers from Mcdonald all over the globe.
Disney is our greatest weapon.
Whybdo you need some deep culture? Why not let people consume and decide what they like?zona
Before the end of the century Murica will become Los Estados Unidos hence countries that would have adopted english the most will make it degenerate each on its own ways until the next global language (Spanish, Russian, Mandarin or French).
I agree swedecuck
I traveled all across Europe including deep into Eastern Europe over five years
The ONLY place I didn't meet ppl that spoke English regularly was Oviedo in Spain
GUESS WHAT? That city had
>strongest sense of culture
>tightest knit community
>best food, drinks, and overall state of happiness
Encouraging a global lingua Franca is the passive murder of cultures, how one thinks, the morals one embraces, they are all tied to language and how the brainwaves of that person work. As a culture falls from their mother tongue it destroys what makes that culture special as everything relies on language to beget whatever else a group identifies with
I hear you mate. We must treasure our heritage passed by our forefathers and reject the massmedia. They only serve their own purpose, only serve money. There is no culture in hollywood, sillicon valley and whereever the fuck american pop is made. It is like junkfood.
>Los Estados Unidos
multikulti comes from america
The major powers of Europe shouldn't have started WWI and destroyed their global standing
>Imagine a single world, a single culture, diverse people mixing together into one world.
have you seen the film equilibrium? that is the future globalists want. it goes completely against human nature. it is an impossible goal that will just end in the destruction of everything interesting and unique this world has to offer
Daily Reminder of Jewish ownership of US.
Jew = 1%
Average yank is actually sick, dumb and in debt.
What is your culture, exactly? Why do your ancestors matter at all? They are dead
That would be the way to do it, but rememeber that consumers are bombarded with advertisement techniques that have been developing and becoming more effective and controlling than ever before.
The fact is that psychologists made a very important discovery during the 20th century: there is a strong deterministic relationship between your genes and your behavioural phenotype; yet they also discovered that this relationship can't explain all the different and complex aspects of your psyche. Hence nurture. It turns out that reality is not objective: you create your subjective reality with your own brain. And it turns out your brain is actually amazingly plastic: it can be reconfigured in many different ways.
That's what we call "culture": learnt categories that determine how you perceive reality. Different cultures perceive reality in different ways. Enter PsyOps. (((They))) are creating a new global culture. Since your brain is so plastic and can be reconfigured via repeated external stimuli, scientists, propaganda agencies and advertisement specialists have learnt to manipulate you to the very core, and you are unaware of it. They can introduce new categories via the external stimuli you're repeatedly being exposed to (through media, advertisement, education, etc.) and they are able to literally change the very way you perceive yourself and the world around you.
holy fuck underrated fp
I do it all the time. Quit complaining Anders
Why do you think they want to import people by the millions?
People actualy living in the west are in debt and under too many taxes.
Anglo culture was too degenerate for us
The Eternal Anglo is the naturally enemy and destroyer of civilization
Don't blame U.S. because you decided to completely destroy your countries in an idiotic war.
>American values
Because it is toxic to society and will kill the white race
we were warned
Shhh just let it happen, after your done assimilating you'll get cheep burgers, oil and be able to give freedom to others.
KEK I wanted to use that pic but it's on my laptop
Latinos are America's future.
Det var bättre förr.
This is closer to the truth. White America actually DOES have its own distinct culture, but it became sidelined after WWII when the United States became a world superpower. At that point, all the abstract concepts and philosophies of which a culture consists were replaced with a materialism which appeals to the lowest common denominator. That's why Hollywood movies are always about superheros and pop songs are always about love - two simplistic global universals.
Never conflate global pop culture from the US with real American culture. Real American culture has its roots in Christianity, the romanticism of nature, certain elements of humanism, the celebration of invention, and the unique experiences of the massive Irish-American and Italian-American diasporas.
Here's the thing: English is the best language there is. It's certainly difficult to learn if it's not your first language, due to the flexibility of the rules, but the amazing flexibility of the language makes it the best language for describing reality as accurately as is currently possible. That's why it becoming a more commonly used language across the world is actually a great thing, because communication of reality among all humans is very important to the further development of our species.
Damn, Brits were fucking crazy back in the day.
>Hurrah for multiculturalism
Then i guess the work will be speaking spanglish
Daily reminder faggot millenials can't pay Baby Boomer's Pensions by themselves.
Only Jorge can take care of expiring FOX viewers.
Daily Reminder:
More Taxation == More Civilization.
Less Taxation == Backwards Barbaric Elitism
Jews thrive on Tax Heavens.
Agreed, but that's the direction popular culture is headed... civic nationalist populism, with a strong anti-establishment slant. It isn't ideal, but it's better than the last 10 years of social justice leftism.