Whys he look like a lesbian now? Does he still fancy pussy?
Chelsea Manning
isn't he a tranny?
tfw he will soon be found dead in his apartment. He upset a lot of people. Kek wills it!
This is what happens when you take on the deep state.
He looks like a fucking retard
What kind of extra special, enhanced, enhanced interrogation did they put him through to turn him into that?
>The CIA can torture so brutally that your deeply repressed homosexual thoughts come to dominate your character.
Kind of terrifying really.
You wanna know how I got these scars?
He's an ugly woman, but he was an uglier man so desu the transition was probably a good idea.
Does he call himself XY because he knows he'll never be a real woman?
He will Soundgarden himself if numerals agree
nah he was crossdressing before
>deeply repressed
wat. he was openly homosexual
Nice job you traitorous faggot.
You wanted to be a girl and you end up a really ugly one.
Gave me a giggle
Albinism? The only rainbow this fagget gets is pic related.
they electro-shocked him into believing he is a girl
Yeah "they"!
The same "they" that says everything known to man.
Fuck off you stoner country tooth paste flag faggot.
Why not just use a drum??
Looks like Bowie with AIDS.
>The United Slaves Of Israel
suck kike cuck faglord
>become a hero
>become a degenerate
From a medal of honor to a chamber of gas. SAD!
One and a half year more of HRT, and I'll definitely fuck. Trap House 3.
Still better looking than brianna wu
And potentially /ourg(irl)uy/. we'll have to wait and see though
its part of his torture
Whoa Chelshit.
Get some fake tits at this point.
He was always a faggot
I bet she burns a lot of coal