How do flat earthers respond?
Questions for flattards
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You know how flat-earthers will respond.
>Its fake bro
>CGI bro
>conspiracy bro
>you only believe in the ball earth bc you were merely told to believe so
Oh look another blue pilled globefag thread.
>There's people who unironically don't believe this.
Not an argument
I don't see an arguments here on either side. It's not even a debate. The globe earth theory is old and outdated. It's current year. Take the flat pill.
Go elsewhere kike shill.
Nobody is buying your spherical earth bullshit anymore, jew.
If the earth is a sphere why doesn't the water on the sides and bottom fall off?
>Implying you aren't the kike shill trying to get your enemies associated with retarded ideas
>implying implications
typical globefag strategy.
The only retarded idea is this spherical shit kikes like you keep pushing. The Earth is provably flat.
Not taking the bait Shlomo
How does your sister's pussy taste, Cletus?
Enjoying burning forever jews. God wins, I win, you lose.
keep laughing motherfucker
That's nice, Muhammad
Thanks for furthering that stereotype the Christians are all inbred retards. You're doing the fedora's works for them faggot.
>5 second loud annoying intro
immediately dropped.
>I would answer your questions, but your intro isn't pleasing to me, so I won't even bother
Flatnigger """arguments"""
The earth is a rhombus
Gravity, you stupid fuck.
These idiots don't believe in gravity.