Hey Pol,
I just got off of work and came home to Astoria where I saw pic related. Something is going on. Saw a special operations vehicle moving in. FYI Astoria is a neighborhood of NYC.
Hey Pol,
I just got off of work and came home to Astoria where I saw pic related. Something is going on. Saw a special operations vehicle moving in. FYI Astoria is a neighborhood of NYC.
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parascope it so we can see the shit go down.
k, keep us posted
Hello fellow Astoria friend. This shit is the norm here. Want to meet at Bareburger or politos pizza for dinner?
a fellow astorian!? heck ya! let's meet up
Both of you poor fags should come to the upper west side so I can drug then rape you.
Things have been more fucked up than normal at LaGuardia as well.
Is Shia back from finland?
i'm by ditmars here. sal's deli is all the shibboleth you need to prove i'm not larping
also, all greek men are faggots. the women are waifu-tier until their moustache starts growing in at the age of 32
>upper west side
kike detected
well good thing im not greek.
want to meet at bareburger and see alien covenent?
>implying burger club isn't the best
> China
> Halal
> Colombian
> La Gata
WTF is this multikilltural neighborhood?
is this a new astoria general? ps burger club is okay.
>eating at burger club
>they have a monstrosity dish that is ribs and french fries covered in cheese
Enjoy your white trash place.
Gawd bless muh qwaps and fyah fightas!
bare burger is overpriced hipster trash go back to re.ddit
politos is good though
I'm literally the only goyim in my building.
can we have a pol meet up in astoria? pls
burger club is a literal ripoff of bareburger
also petey's burger you fucking white tastebudless nigger
looks like a typical day in new york
bare burger is "organic" gimmicky tasteless BULLSHIT
Petey's is good though
if my comment didn't give you a clue i'm a raging NEET
>FYI Astoria is a neighborhood of NYC.
is it weird that i know this despite never having been to NYC or is it just safe to assume all of north america could draw that city on the map
welcome to hove beach, Nico.
best burger i've had in nyc is either corner bistro or dram shop
>>FYI Astoria is a neighborhood of NYC.
but im a neet too
>tfw all the hotdog carts are gone and replaced with halal carts
Woodhaven reporting, it's like this all over Queens and the city
>in my building
so no doorman then?
Queens is where HWNDU part 1 happened. I am sure Astoria was mentioned at one time or another.
>upper west side
>really means Harlem
>implying you're not antifa
who here is in park slope
no one in astoria gives a shit about woodhaven
get the fuck out yuppie scum.
The hotdog carts were never any good at least the sand niggers make good food at their halal trucks.
Are any of you guys Old School Astoria from the hwndu stream
is this GTA 4 with enhancer mod ?
Randalls island is home to NYCs counter terrorism forces as well - they also have little stickers on their cars that say so. It wouldn't surprise me they do training since it's close by and not Harlem or the Bronx. Fun fact, the president usually lands on Randall's Island during visits and you get a shit load of congestion since they block off everything with a million cops
im green flannel. check out day 1 of the pol stream. i yelled pepe at Shia.
is that you? is this me?
lived in windsor terrace for a while. park slope is normiekike central, even more so than sunset park. wish your neighborhood would burn down tbqhfam
I live in Astoria but I'm a hiki. Haven't left the house in nine months. What's it like out there? Has the race war started?
Nice blog Chaim.
you happened to post on a neofloreal fluently rabbinic semi-public forum.
That's a no-no
Looks exactly like the street nico starts off living in in gta4
>making a Sup Forums thread for the daily suicide-by-train
Also, Rego Park reporting in.
Doorman and a reception desk.
And a lot of jews
Wait are you the guy that came back with his GF and a picture of Pepe?
yep that's me. "Pepe!"
How were you not afraid of someone recognizing you? You put your face right on the camera. I have a good job in the city so I didn't go on stream and risk that but how were you not afraid of potentially losing your job?
freedom is more important, bro.
>I have a good job in the city so
Get out normalfag
Man hit by train
I yelled "PEPE!!!" at Shia on the first day, too.
>t. another Astoria/L.I.C. resident
This isn't /r9k/, faggot.
me too
Astorian here stuck at Queens boro plaza. Was outside times square when that car came through and now this.
Who wants to meet up and grab a beer and talk about a race war
oh you're a twinkie
Queens, NYC
you referred to yourself as a hiki but you don't know the only good ramen place in astoria
>muh ethnic food
What does being a hiki have to do with eating wapanese food user?
Come LARP with me I want to start an organization in Astoria for Libertarian , Trump supporters, and conservatives.
Do they deliver?
why are there so many people from Astoria on Sup Forums?
it NYC not fly over 'murica where all the REAL americans live
pic related
guy gets hit by train
so they send 200 firefighters
muh firefighter shakedown
Qsbro Plaza, eh? I'm on the 7 Express now. Who's still around?
puh-leez Astoria is crawling with so many "real americans" from the Midwest trying to escape the post apocalyptic industries wasteland who move here who think they're sooooo above it all and that their shit don't stink
this neighborhood is teeming with literal eurofags.
youre a fucking loser. i bet you weight like 500 pounds.
Willimsburg fag here, used to live in Astoria, good neighborhood. Good bar called 'Daly's' is Any Astoria anons know it. Sweet Afton not too bad either.
>7 Express
hey there beaner
Probably the Mexican maniac driver is just an advance for GTA VI.
Die a painful death yankee
Going back to Woodside - they're all flips and micks, friendo.
lel nope, I'm quite the hungry skeleton
Faggot Yankee
seriously all 5 boros should be nuked along with kike island
ill fly over and nuke ya. be there in 20 min like the card stand that you faggots took 4 years to knock over once.
Any of you guys eat here? They have captain crunch fried chicken and guacamole stuffed onion rings. It's hipster as fuck though. Last time I went there were 4 buzzfeed writers sitting next to me. I kept trying to psych myself up to punch them but couldn't.
i'm actually from Northern Ireland you dense fuck. But i agree the place is teaming with them.
People used to line up to get a table there that is all I needed to know to avoid it.
Wow wee! 3 firetucks! Could it be some cook tripped the fire alarm??
Holy fuck this board is losing its mind at the same rate our false god is
>from the Midwest
the hick fags who have lived here for 1 year and call themselves New Yorkers, all over the place.
>Hello fellow burger. Let's meet up and eat burgers. Would you like to argue about the best burgers beforehand?
they're usually totally pozzed libcucks too
You are a moron. Oh my, fire engines!
Yeah, they have to go back.
Absolutely halal + poo in the loo
Please, nuke yourselves.
Pookistanis make the best curry, though. Haandi on Lexington.
>La Gata Golosa
Lefferts Gardens here.
Place on your scanner you cunt. Doubt it's anything at all. PD & FD love to arrive in droves to calls. Usually just a schwartza doing nignog things. Sarge will clear it in 10 minutes time.
There's nothing more American than arguing over which joint makes the best burger, you fucking commie
>ever living in Queens