/MGTOW/ General

Reminder that MGTOW is a perfectly valid option for men because it cucks women out of their provider bucks when they hit 35. It needs to get worse before it gets better etc.


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>Reminder that MGTOW is a perfectly valid option for men because it cucks women out of their provider bucks when they hit 35

no it doesnt because no woman will go anywhere near you in the first place

Reminder that MGTOW vs marriage is a canard meant to keep you from recognizing the necessity of reinstating the traditional marriage through violence.
Real men do not settle for half measures.

man the Simpsons used to be so good, shame what it has become.

>I am too weak to play my role in society
the ideology

Why didn't she find a husband?
How couldn't she find a husband?

She's hot with a decent career, she could literally find anyone. Unless the dumb bitch got unchecked hypergamy and aimed for the absolute hottest and best partner on the market.

The women will always go for the alphas, so wjy would they care if you opt out? It is best to keep female sexuality in check. MGTOW is a treatment of the illness, not the cure. Eugenics and forced monogamy is the only long term solution.

>Lads that think they don't get girls coz they r too nice. I think it's more to do with the fact that ur a dog
Birds that think they don't get husbands coz they r too independent. I thnk it's more to do with the fact that ur a slag

Fix marriage laws and MGTOWS have no reason to exist. Women will still be trash here though, but at least make it so you can't get divorce raped.

Really, divorces should only be allowed in cases of malicious desertion or cheating.

In the U.S. Women want a man who makes more than them. She likely could not find someone who wanted her at the income level she desired.

>Fix marriage laws and MGTOWS have no reason to exist

Absolutely, return to the men authority over his family under the law, and white people have another baby boom.

I know tons of normie men, short, bald, poor, everything in between. Yet they have loving girlfriends. I'm a friend of these girls and I have honestly many times wondered what do they see in these guys - to me they aren't anything special neither look or personality wise. But I'm sure my friends have thought about the same thing about my past partners.

If you can't find a woman it's more or less your own fault. People are still to this day paring up with people on the same attractiveness level as they are, and if you leave the house you'll see all kinds of people in relationships. Not just the tallest and wealthiest ones.

The problem is Women are irrational beings. You may marry her and she'll divorce rape you. You'll end up financially fucked for a long time due to her getting bored of you. Divorce rate is far too high for it to be a smart idea for anyone in the U.S.... unless you're a woman.

80% of divorces initiated by women.

>according to data from the National Survey of Family Growth, the probability of a first marriage lasting at least a decade was 68% for women and 70% for men between 2006 and 2010. The probability that they would make it 20 years was 52% for women and 56% for men, so that percentage is closer to the frequently-cited "half," but still not there.

It's a bad idea to get married. By all means go make white babies, just skip the marriage step right now.

This whole "MGTOW" thing is rife with butthurt virgins who blame everyone else for their perpetual virginity. These faggots also like the pretend like the don't care about sex, but then they post their images and infographics which always confirm that sex is on their minds 24/7 and they're very bitter about being virgins for life.

>fix laws

Or you know; just learn how to play the game.

>It's a tradcucks repeat feminist lies thread

It is best for men to be celibate.

Second best is to be married and to stay married.

Having pre-marital sex and engaging in extra-marital sex or forgoing marriage altogether but still engaging in sexual acts with a woman is weakness personified and will never result in anything good for either party.

Men these days are weak. They want to bury themselves in women because the world is hard and they have no strength. If they had strength and faith, they would see how useless this all is. Sex is not something for most people. Most people should just focus all their intentions and thoughts on God and spend all day in constant prayer. This would give them the most happiness, but like Paul said, if you are burning with passion then it would be okay to be married, but you will be a lesser being.


This post is pure truth. But it disappoints me that if you and I had a conversation we would reach at some point a disagreement I'd hate you over.

They should not be bitter. Virginity is a wonderful thing. It is the truest and highest order of humanity, to be pure of all defilement. Sex within marriage is sacred, but it is a lower order of sacredness (in my opinion) and naturally a man who is married cannot reach the heights of one who is "married" to his faith. Marriage is good for those who are too weak or too consumed to walk the higher path though. Sex outside of marriage is disgusting and makes you a weak person. A slave to your gratification, like a dog.

i wouldve dated her and married her, but too bad she wouldn't look my way.

story seems fake

>Play game thats stacked against you.
Want to go play the slots in Vegas with me?

you can this a society? lmao. it's a fucking playground out there

oh and how about these "elite" men getting everything they ever wanted. oh boy that modelling career that pays 70k a year must be grueling. you gotta work out and take care of yourself.. shit that normies have to do ONTOP of their shitty 40h/w job

yeah. but thank god we have those chads at the top posing for the magazine shots. how would society ever function without them

get the fuck off my board

Actually, they will once I'm in my 30's because I have an apartment, a car and lots of disposable cash. Then I'll tell them to fuck off and go back to my sweet vidya.

Poor soul all she wanted was to be a wife and mother but she for Shlomos feminism ruse

What I'm reading is that the problem is the US courts. The lawyers game the system to get the most out of their cut, and a feminist culture has no sympathy for men. You can insulate yourself from this with a prenup, maybe even a Mexican marriage, not sure.

I don't know about your marriage laws, but where I come from (not Strayan but Western European) you can't get divorce raped too badly. If you are significantly wealthier than your partner, you just sign a prenup. Most of the times the living standards of a married couple doesn't differ greately anyway.

And when it comes to the whole "ex wife doesn't let me see my kids" meme, it is often times bullshit. More often the guy doesn't care much about his offspring. They just like to play the victim.

Do you really think that women just randomly stops loving and caring and decides that hey it'll be much funnier to raise my kids alone and have lower living standards in a one adult household?

Often times it's not the case. The problem is that the woman is rather a single parent than a parent for both her kids and husband. It's incredibly common that the guy tries to avoid household chores and the ugly side of child-raising. You know which demographic group is the most common one to get cheated on? It's the mothers of newborns. Aka the biggest risk to get fucked over as a woman is when your focus is 100% on the baby.

Men also cheat more ofte than women so it's only natural that women are the ones wanting to divorce if such occurs.

If the situation was at least somewhat bearable for those wives, why the heck would the divorce in the first place? Why the hell do you think that a 30yo+ woman with a career and kids would think that it's better to start all over just cause her husband is a bit boring and the biggest flame is gone? That's just irrational, and you are totally forgetting the aspect that maybe, just maybe the guy just didn't make a really good husband for one reason or another. It's not always the man's fault, but if you believe that 95% of the marriages are caused by women getting bored of their good husbands which also make great fathers, you are truly delusional.

She wanted the most handsome the richest guy, but he can get hundereds like her.
Too big ego strikes again.

She did not want to be a wife and a mother. She wanted to have a ring, take a last name, brag to her friends on facebook by posting pictures of her husband who is much better looking than her, and then eventually divorce him so she can "experience life" and then write whiny articles about how evil men are because they won't remarry a divorced, aging 46-year old whore.

Though I will agree it is sad what Godlessness and feminism will do to women.

95% of the people in MGTOW were never going to get any women anyways.

And capitalism that makes a woman a merch for buying and selling.

I also don't get it why they blame women for men being pigs. How often a man actually wants to take care of his kids after divorce? Most of the time the man wouldn't do say even if given the chance. So the responsibility always falls for women eventually.

You'd be amazed if you knew how many women feel like they are nothing but cleaners and pussy holders in a relationship. No wonder they'll rather be single and leave you than be in a such position without getting anything back.

Maybe marriages doesn't work, cause for men it's a matter of convenience but for modern women being single and alone is 9/10 more convenient and rewarding than being in a relationship where the guy is just enjoying the ride and the benefits but not giving anything in return.

You do realize women have a group of well armed state funded thugs (police) who will do their bidding, right?

mgtow is literally self-cuckold

kill yourselves please

It is absolutely ridiculous for a woman to divorce her husband and doom her children to single-motherhood because "he's not paying attention to me" or "he's not helping with the chores."

If he is abusive (ACTUALLY abusive), a drug-addict, or cheating on her. Fine. Otherwise, she took AN OATH and she should fucking keep it regardless of how she feels. But since no one gives a fuck about oaths anymore, it doesn't matter.

Men and women are sick. Women in their 20s and 30s and early 40s tend to be the ones who are cheating and divorcing, men in their later 40s and 50s then take over that market, in my experience. Both sides are at fault because they all engage in pornography and pre-marital sex.

>Both sides are at fault because they all engage in pornography and pre-marital sex.
Libertine women are simply a reflection of weak men. It's that simple.

Prenups aren't a guarantee. The courts can and have thrown them out. Sometimes the prenups were justifiably poorly written, but other times there was no good justification for it.
50% of women cheat at some point
The economically dependent spouse much more likely to cheat.
This one claims cheating is equal between the genders.

Cheating when proven should void any benefits that the cheater gets in a divorce. But we live in no-fault divorce land.

>Due to an accident i'll be childless against my will anyway.

ha who needs more white children anyway right haha


>Men also cheat more ofte than women

hahahahah no

Bullshit. Women are perfectly capable of making their own decisions and they choose to make bad decisions and then blame it on "gross men!" because both sides (Left and Right, Christian and secular, Godless and God-fearing) will usually cover for women by always beating down the men around them.

Most women get more out of this shit-hole system than most men do. That's the one and only reason why women support this shit. Not because "men are failing" not because "men aren't man enough" not because "women are naturally like that" but because generally the system will work in the favor of the woman over the man. Mostly because men are actually the spiritually weaker, less intelligent sex and allow themselves to be taken advantage of by smarter, more socially aware, more intelligent women. As long as they get some cheap pussy, then they'll destroy everyone and everything and feel nothing for it but a vague sense of emptiness, and then they'll scream and bitch and cry when it's their turn to get fucked over, but no one listens because in sex, someone else always wins by your loss.

you described what every single man in their 30s has like it is something to be aspired to

So it's fine that men doesn't put in pretty any effort for their partner and kids but woman should sacrifice everything, at the same time when working full-time like the man in question?

That's the problem. Women doesn't exist to make things nicer and more convenient for you guys. It's equally on your shoulders to make the family life work. And it's not like the man should buy her expensive gifts all the time, it's about taking equal responsibility of the children, home and not trying to avoid chores and things he doesn't fancy and think that the woman will take responsibility eventually.

If it wasn't fine then she shouldn't have married him and shouldn't have slept with him. She decided to open her legs like a cheap whore and then she decided to let some man-child pretend to propose to her because she wanted a ring and a wedding day and then she thinks it's fine to abandon her OATH because things got tough, even though her OATH specifically mentioned tough times.

Women can do whatever they want. Society will reward them either way. But if they want to play the sympathy game then they have to stay in that shitty marriage, otherwise they are just a fucking oath-breaker.

So if the woman cheats, it's the same as if she wanted a divorce just because? That's violating her marriage contract, her husband should be able to sue her or get out of it unscathed.

How the fuck is it even possible for 30 something plus women to cheat when they are busy working and taking care of their kids? Add hobbies and marriage to the equation and time really is limited. I'm single and childless with full time job studying at the same time and even I don't have time to meet new guys. Not to forget that we women are naturally more pickier when it comes to sex and wouldn't sleep just with anyone anyway. Also most 30+ guys aren't single and it's not like 30+ mothers were the hottest sex partners on the market anyway.

It's not married women looking for sex online, it's pretty much married men only.

You should strive for Brahmacharya

I don't like the source, but it's also the truth. Cheating has little impact on divorce proceedings in the U.S. It can impact the divorce if you've spent money on your mistress/boy toy.

More info here as well:

>women are naturally more pickier when it comes to sex

MGTOW is valid if you cannot prenup and marriage laws stay the same.

>Men can still into a family well into their 50s anyway
>It's women with the problem here
>They have every advantage
>Except time
>They know it too
>They fucking hate it

Stay mad roasties

>woman's fault for choosing a partner
>woman's fault that the guy turned out to be a man child

It's always our fault anyway isn't it? Stop playing he victim card already. There is no way for women to know what kind of a father the guy will turn out to be later in life. Sure, if you marry an irresponsible drug addict who's also ex-con, you kinda saw it coming. But most men aren't any of those things. But are you saying that most men are manchildren then?

From what I've heard, it's male "friends" and colleagues. "It just sort of happened!"

Prenups routinely get thrown out in court m8.

>Jews ruined Western families/women
>Haha you losers can't get a good woman
Which is it Sup Forums?

>avoid women because "at least I'm not a cuck"
>shitskins don't give a shit and have kids anyways
>less whites and more shitskins
Just try to find one that isn't a whore.

Because the myth of women taking care of their kids and "working 60 hours a week" is a fucking myth.

Most women work like shit, work less than full-time, and send their kids off to school and daycare and TV-time for the vast majority of the day.

"I don't have time to meet new guys"

Literally throw a rock outside your window and you'll hit seven dudes who want to fuck you. Is not hard at all for a woman to cheat if she has any desire whatsoever to do so.

>50 year old new father
>hey dad wanna toss the ball
>sorry son my arthritis is killing me

at least your life insurance will be a nice gift to your child

mgtow = virgins who couldnt get a girl even if they tried, so they larp "not wanting women" out of sure frustration and sense of defeat

And remember the only way to fuck with time is to mess with your perception of it.

You. have. time. use. it.

Dont settle for some whale.

Dont be MGTOW, only be a dick to women if they are acting badly towards you first, dont single out the entire gender

Lol. Yeah a 50yo dude is hot stuff amongst fertile-aged women. But hey don't you guys always say that if a woman is 30+ and unmarried with no kids, there's something wrong with her and she's used goods by then? But I guess it doesn't matter when you are 50 yourself and then you can lower your standards.

Don't put your hopes on marrying a 20yo in your 50s unless you are very wealthy. And in that case you will most definitely face the scenario you are most scared of - the woman only being with you to benefit from your financial assets and getting the fuck off when they got what they wanted.

>Stop playing he victim card already. There is no way for women to know what kind of a father the guy will turn out to be later in life.
There is plenty of ways to know and pretending like there isn't is playing the victim card. Just because you ignore the warning signs does not mean that everyone else couldn't see them. And you could have seen them if you wanted, but you chose to ignore them so you could have your little fantasy and then play the victim and there's no real cost because society protects you. If it was stay-married or starve as a social pariah and lose your children, you'd suddenly see women gain the magical ability to tell whether a douche-bag is a douche-bag or not. But because they get auto-custody, social celebration and validation, and financial rewards for having a cunt, they lose this "magical" ability.

>But are you saying that most men are manchildren then?
Yes, I am. I'm also saying most women are spoiled little girls who deserve a lot worse than they will ever get from any man.

Oh yeah. Alrighty. I can't underline how much my reality-based view differs from yours. In my experience women are most likely to work in healthcare or education which is a soulsucking field with low resources and constant busy schedule.

>seven guys who will want to fuck you
Guess how many random guys I want to fuck with? 0. Women doesn't work like that. I don't care how many men wants to fuck with me if I have literally 0 interest in them.

>needing to label shit
You're no better than the women you ignore.

Women cheat more, and they have the ability to cheat more. A woman can go to a bar and get her pussy stuffed 100% of the time. It is harder for an average male to get sex they can try for years and get nothing. Any woman can get laid in a couple minutes. Your perspective is outdated.

>50 year old men ha ha never get women
>Do it now
>But money
>Do it now or regret it
>If you make even more money you lose!!



>Just try to find one that isn't a whore
>Just find an unicorn and then bet 50% of your net worth on her

If you're in the US and want a wife and kids you will need: a salary twice what you need to live comortably (she'll get half for child support if you have 2 kids), live in a non alimony state, and at least 20k in the bank(to cover the costs of divorce and to get back on you're feet, also she'll take half of this so 10k will be enough in most places..

If you have all of this then you can get married and have a couple of kids. You will have a safety net. Otherwise mgtow is the only way, and it doesn't mean that you don't fuck women. You just don't want serious relationships with them.

Education!? Healthcare?! The two easiest, most fucking simple, retard, fucking lazy fuck fields in history? Try spending twelve hours in a manual labor job where your life is constantly in danger and you're making $10-15/hr with minimal benefits and talk to me about soul-sucking "hard work." God, you women can't even begin to imagine a world with actual difficulty, can you? I'd PAY to have a fucking job like that.

I don't care about your bullshit personal anecdote. Most women are sluts, all women have a non-existent opprotunity-cost, and most women cheat.

>"ex wife doesn't let me see my kids meme"
Yeah, it's mostly a meme (although I know poor men that are in this situation).
But as a guy who has divorced parents and about 60% of the people I know has divorced parents, women will shittalk the father to their sons relentlessly. And showing some kind of affection to the father will start a psychological warfare upon the kids. Everyone I know that lived just with their mothers are socially awkward, effeminate, drug addicts and depressed.

Also you can't be a traditional man if you don't have authority over your family. You cannot possibly have authority if she can completely fuck you over anytime she wants and she knows it. They all know it, and use it to their advantage. Society can't continue to function in this way. Its the reason patriarchies are the norm.

Women can't predict the future. It's really men who should now step in and act like "men." The modern chauvinists have this ideal that women will be traditional women yet they pay 0 focus on their responsibility to be equally traditional partners - meaning being loyal, showing some actual respect your wife. But no, instead you get all comfy and expect your regular pussy and cleaning service just to happen. And then it's women's fault for fucking off from the situation where they have an adult child to take care of who doesn't share responsibilities with her what so ever. Even you said it yourself, women have the full responsibility to make the marriage work - they gotta choose the right guys, and even if they don't, they have to suck it up and adapt no matter what.

Ofc women will leave if they have the chance to do so and the marriage is not satisfying. Why don't you tell men to man up and change their ways instead of just wanting to install laws to stop women from having the chance of leaving an unsatisfying marriage?

You know why it's harder for average men to get laid? Cause women are picky. And most men late average. When I go out, it's not like there was a pool of attractive fuckable men anyway. So you are wrong.

for example my brother in law has to deal with my sister hanging his love for his daughter over his head to get her way. She will literally mention the possibility of divorce to get her way, right in front of everyone, at fucking Christmas. These guys saying mgtow are just losers have never been in a long relationship before.

>women are picky

Because they can afford to be.

All I'm telling you is that if you want kids, you are stupid to wait until your 50s. And if you marry someone out of love, you are better insured for losing your money. You can't find a 20yo woman who loves you if your are twice her age. Let's just be real here for a minute.

Common for divorced parents to try turning their kids against the other parent, my dad's experience growing up.

>60% of the people I know has divorced parents
Doesn't the Catholic Church prohibit divorce? I'm surprised divorce rates are so high in Mexico.

>Do it now marry now marry now or else
>Y-you have a bi-biological cl-clock too

I love when roasties tell men how to be men.

>Australian woman showing why Australian women are the least desired in the western world
Loving every laugh.

If you want good women you need to be good men. Show them you'll be a good father and are capable of providing for a family, and she'll do whatever you want.

Lol. Western men haven't worked in coal mines in ages. Maybe your work culture differs, but in my country healthcare and education are underplayed, not enough resources, stressful af.

I'm a man and I can travel around the world..

Of course I can, any of us can with enough effort and time.

>It's really men who should now step in and act like "men."

How? disallowing women from divorces? changing the laws? Those things will never work as long as women can vote. Every "traditional" relationship you've ever seen was not traditional in the slightest. All of those women know they can destroy that guy's life, and will use that to their advantage to get their way. Always. Why wouldn't they? It would be stupid not to.

What the fuck she was barely thrity, she literally just had to ask out someone at her hospital. All she had to do was ask some male nurse if he wanted to say guardians of the Galaxy or whatever people do when they date

>Women can't predict the future.
Funny how most women had this magical ability until we removed all of the costs from not doing so and provided incentives for not doing so, and suddenly they lost this ability.

>And then it's women's fault for fucking off from the situation
Yes it's the woman's fault for BREAKING HER OATH. She made the promise in front of everyone she knows and never had even the slightest intention of keeping it.

>Why don't you tell men to man up and change their ways instead of just wanting to install laws to stop women from having the chance of leaving an unsatisfying marriage?
Because manning up requires men to start treating women how they deserve to be treated, which is like rational adults who are fully capable of judging a man's character before they take an oath to stay with him for the rest of her life.

Fuck you. In so many fucking ways, fuck you. You are worse than a fucking rapist. I can't believe how fucking childish and selfish women are these days. How fucking self-absorbed and how fucking shameless. Every time I start to think: "You know, maybe that's just some women. Maybe it's not all women." Some roastie cunt will remind me exactly how fucking wrong I am.

I can't wait to meet your ex-husband some day and hear about the fucking horror stories.

How fresh is the corpse? i'll take one for the team and make her a real women.

This guy gets it. It really is that simple. Sure there's always a chance that she might leave, but if you have kids and a stable life, it's really not very likely. The dick of a man you love and adore and who treats you well is of high value.

MGTOW is exactly what the jews want
if a woman isn't already a virtue signaling lefty she'll eventually lower her standards and marry/breed with a foreigner who's anxious for a green card

Plus all of these arguments go right over the heads of most men and women. Most people are way more concerned about the latest Marvel abortion, and don't consider shit like divorce rates, or the discrimination in family court until life slaps them in the face.

>So I should call up former classmates that are about to hit their literal expiration date.
Really Zamboni's my pepperoni

We all know that's another roastie, even you know it roastie.

Bad, no tricks. truth only, also timestamped tits.

>Sure there's always a chance that she might leave

Yes a 50% chance, and she doesn't just leave, she makes you leave, takes your kids, ruins you financially, and fucks other guys in the house you paid for.

>Provide me with everything
>And I MIGHT not leave you and destroy your life.

You women really think this is a legitimate trade, don't you?

>most men are average

How the fuck is this possible? Bitch, do you even know what average means?

Haha, my former class mates got pregnant and don't live with the father. That's not even a real option.

>he doesn't know average has many meanings


>Sure there's always a chance that she might leave

Statistically speaking 85% M8. If you think those are fair odds i want whatever you're smoking.

It's not going to be easy, but the alternative is to die alone and let Juan, Ahmed, and Jamal take over.

Not 50% at all. The divorce rates are high because it's the same people getting divorced multiple times. A friend of mine, both of his parents have been divorced 4 times. If the stats only took one divorce per person into account it would be much lower.