How do we rescue Western Civilization?
How do we rescue Western Civilization?
By being an obnoxious right-wing nutter. That will definitely help things and certainly not create a backlash against nationalism, thus accelerating Western Civilization's demise.
You know what we have to do...
>How do we rescue Western Civilization?
Gas the kikes
You have to change and save America first.
>a cuck
whats new
bomb north korea
Kill every last Jew. Except for maybe Ben Stein. If you leave any others alive, all is lost. They'll inevitably mobilize everyone off a cliff, 'cause that's just what they do.
I've been redpilling people about the Jews back when you faggots were on reddit. But there's a right way and a wrong way to do things, and you niggers do it the wrong way.
>immigrants destroying your country
>how do we stop them?
>you: let them in
I didn't say that at all, and you're proving me right. Your mother either didn't hit you hard enough or she hit you too hard and it messed with your cognitive development.
yeah we get it your an oldfag
pls just neck yourself you dumb nigger
>nigga semen
So, what's the right way? Jews will always keep each other afloat and they have control over the mainstream media, the intelligentsia, half the economy, both American political parties, and the sympathy of any liberal inclined person 'cause once you hear about the Holocaust you're pretty much an eternal victim in their eyes. They've brainwashed people into thinking only white people acting in the interests of their people is amoral and they're exceptionally good at complaining.
Initiate mass pandemonium or economic collapse which would inevitably result in race war.
Once times get stressful and the nice leftist white people are confronted with the nigger/spic menace, they will fall into tribal allegiance real quick.
Iunno man, I think corruption porn is hot.
>tfw got a boner from the image on the right
Is everything lost Sup Forums?
>implying anyone would want them back
I'm convinced you never had it. Why would you fuck a monkey?
Drop the Semitic universalist cult of Xianity for a start.