Blumpf BTFO by a real hero
Blumpf BTFO by a real hero
Member when McCain was a rethuglican nazi? I 'member.
sm h
>I've been worse treated
Is it dementia?
McCain is bullshit.
Always was. Always will be.
One can like trump or not, but there's no denying that this guy is the literal incarnation of the devil himself
this skeleton needs to die.
I like guys who don't blow up the USS Forrestal
>Real hero
His mother is still alive, she's 105 years old. He will probably live another 20 years
He neve4 became president so that's simply not true but yes, every Republican even faggots like McCain get treated like literal Hitlers.
Both are right, McCain was tortured, and Trump is the worst treated President.
>look up to see if the thing about him causing the death of 100 sailors on the aircraft carrier was true just by being a retarded with a jet
>it says a "bomb" was responsible
wew lad, those VCs and infiltrating aircraft carriers huh
>oppression olympics at the White House
>I've been worse treated
What the fuck does that mean?
>War Hero
Nope. McCain is only a hero to shills lIke you
I've done quite a bit of research on this old faggot. He was a spoiled military brat with a high ranking daddy. He didn't rescue anybody, and he didn't "refuse early release until all his fellow POWs were released", that was their orders.
Didn't McCain shut down a hearing of people, imprisoned with him in Vietnam, in which they were going to allege that he avoided harsh treatment by giving his captors all the information they wanted?
I think the guards at the prison nicknamed him "the songbird", because he wouldn't stop giving them operational information about US forces.
You would be 100% correct. At the slightest prospect of getting tortured, he would give them whatever they asked for.
I thought that said mcRib. I'm very disappointed.
Heroes don't get captured
Captured people who get let go have sold their brothers or nation down the river for their own freedom
Heroes don't get captured.
No way. it would be worth it for Arizona to become blue to get rid of him.
He also claimed to sustain his broken limbs in captivity, but it turned out that he was photographed after being pulled from the crash, injuries already present.
Then he changed his story completely, and nobody gave a shit because he's a "war hero".
McCain sucked commie cock for special privileges, my uncle was in the same place and they fucking hated the Hanoi Rose.
kill yourself shill rat
He's implying he was tortured in vietnam, which is a lie
He got almost got executed at sea for lighting an aircraft carrier on fire before daddy intervened
>Real hero
Who was shot down and sang to the gooks like a canary.
Yea they were still trying to tout that "The injuries from his torture made it so he couldn't lift his arms above his shoulders". Horseshit. He got those injuries because the dipshit didn't know how to properly eject from his plane.
>because of daddy get three meals a day and a bed in a POW camp
Fucking faggot, I could get trapped in a jungle but just because I was in the military that doesn't make me a hero. Then again, trump is also a faggot.
Bullshit. He's a good little goy.
Which is surprising since it was like the fifth or sixth one he crashed.
On the thumbnail I read McRibs......and I just ate even.....
Yeah I'm sure the songbird of Hanoi had truely terrible treatment as a PoW.
Didn't this fag sell out his brothers in arms? The vietcong should've just roasted his nuts and saved the US some trouble.
Jackson, Kennedy, McKinley, and Lincoln were treated much worse.
>real hero
>gives up
Kill me
A real hero? He pushed the wrong button on his plane and made a fire on the aircraft carrier killing almost a hundred troops and nearly sinking the ship. Then he got captured. Hes no hero just a war mongering scum
I'm gonna clue you in on something here user.
When I went through SERE school in Fairchild AFB, Wa. They told us not to act like John McCain during our interrogation phases.
There are tons of accounts of him getting special treatment, making propaganda videos and diming out his own soldiers.
McCain is no war hero, on the other hand, he is a war hawk, ready to send folks into the same awful type of places he was in.
Okay. What's next, you gonna tell me it's all a work? Mike Pence gonna do a heel turn?
He must be talking about the time that got him the nickname songbird.
>rats out brothers for chink pussy
>proceeds to warmonger and throwing USA into stupid wars
>real hero
I didn't know the Vietcong qualified as part of the media
>I've been worse treated
Not even English, retarded old fuck.
Soon to be BTFO by the Republicans. That recent tape where Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy were discussing Trump being "paid by Putin", just shows how they talk behind his back, even if it was a joke.
I wonder if leaks will start to come out of the RNC by Russian hackers now. People say it's Trump, but I think it's Putin playing 4D chess.
>McCain was tortured
He was not.
Omg he has ridden that fucking Vietnam bullshit for long enough. This fucking white nigger has been in congress for 40 fucking years. Term limits now!!!
Very left leaning.
John Insane McCain...Putin's right about him.
he is both a white nigger and a
>"I've been the worst treated president so far"
>"Oh yeah? Well, i was tortured!" [citation needed]
>OMG GLUMFPP BTFO what now flumpkins?
What was the point in this?