What is your honest opinion on Hillary?
What is your honest opinion on Hillary?
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Should've won. Trump is a zionist Russian puppet and shill.
>What is your honest opinion on Hillary?
/pol is not your focus group
she was smoking hot in her 30s
Not the devil as is claimed, not the more pea-brained politician as is claimed, but a not-so-good person in the wrong place at the wrong time.
She's a whore
Can't wait for the day she is dead and gone. Praise kek for a heart attack
implying Hillary is any better
oh yeah so hot
She was an actual penpal of Saul Alinsky.
a sad, sorry human being raised from birth to be a politician by inept elites
i bet they had their eyes on 'first female president' before she was capable of walking
truly believed it was her turn
just another lying career politician
She hates dogs,
She made for a very active first lady instead of just a trophy wife. Ever since becoming Senator for New York she has been kinda mediocre. Not terrible but kinda middle of the pack.
Bad politician.
She would've been worse than Obama and probably fucked our country long-term with her Supreme Court pick.
AR-15's would be outlawed, she'd push for women to be in literally everything (ruins everything), and her laugh. Fucking hell. If I had to listen to her laugh for 4-8 years, I'd kill myself.
I'm saging both :DD
evil cunt
As far as the worst people to have ever lived, she's right up there with Mao and Stalin. Her very essence is pure, diabolical, narcissistic evil.
Worse than Hitler hope she gets painful cancer.
Opportunistic and treacherous politician-for-hire
She's an out of touch, corrupt, amoral, fetid dyke who deserves the rope. And that is being nice about it.
she would have ruined the united states forever. it would be a muslim country by the end of her first term. everyone would be poor. life here would not be worth living.
I hated her, but now I wonder if she would have been a better president than trump, despite the fact that I would probably disagree with every aspect of her policy.
The Cunt needs stripes.
Needs to be BLACKED
I think she would probably be a little tough to chew as she's aged quite a bit. I am thinking a southern fried, with an apple in the mouth. Donald Trump would be tender and juicy, but you would have to wash him first as the chemicals coloring his skin would be toxic. Do him up like Scotish haggis, and bon appetite.
I wish her fireworks had gone off anyway, just to rub it in.
Career politician that wanted it too much. Probably either a sociopath or suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. Smart, but that doesn't make her a good person (or leader).
She's a plutocrat political dynasty family daughter who is completely out of touch with normal humans and may as well be another species that isn't human
We normal people can't even fathom what it's like to grow up from cradle to death without having to worry about laboring for money to make ends meet and not having to develop any skills because you have an armada of policy makers, pilots and limo drivers that take your vapid husk and present it to the world in a way that suits the agenda that makes the money that keeps you alive
praise be!
the worst presidential candidate ever. worse than al gore, which is fucking impressive since gore is an outright sociopath
I heard she sucks a mean dick... then bites it off.
A truly unpleasant unlikeable individual who seems to have trouble connecting with people on a personal level. She seems false and all her interactions forced.
Also, that voice, fingernails on a chalkboard.
She was the rational, sane, and more highly qualified candidate.
Wow.. She was actually really hot.
cookie cutter upper class white woman. The only thing that distinguished her life from any one of the insipid cunts who occupy the D.C. cocktail circuit is the fact that she married Bill Clinton. I honestly think the main reason she can't be called evil is that she is simply too shallow.
I don't think she deserves all the hate she gets, though. She's well documented as being an unpleasant person to be around, but that's only on the level of being a stuck up bitch and throwing the occasional tantrum. By the standards of Washington, though... well, Newt Gingrich cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, George W. Bush had so many DUIs it's amazing he didn't actually kill someone - speaking of which, Ted Kennedy actually did kill someone while driving drunk. I probably don't need to point out that there are more whoremongers and adulterers in congress than your average Tijuana strip-joint.
I mean, even if you just look at the people who have made a run for president and you're first response would be 'oh god, why are they not in prison?' Chris Christie shut down a bridge while he was Governor of New Jersey as an act of political revenge against the town's mayor - the traffic disruptions crippled ambulance services and may have contributed to several deaths. John McCain probably contributed, through his incompetence (he would never have been a pilot in the first place if his daddy wasn't an admiral) to the USS Forrestal fire which killed 131 US servicemen. And Rick Perry executed a man he knew was innocent while he was governor of Texas (a commission appointed to investigate the case found the the guy was almost certainly innocent. Perry replaced several of the commission's members with his own political cronies, got the answer he wanted, and went ahead with the execution).
On a personal level Hillary Clinton's unpleasantness barely scrapes an average by the standards of the average elected official.
she's a gangster
occult larper and child-torturing demonic rape monster
>Election rigged in her favor
>1.5 billion dollar campaign
>Funded by George Soros
>Destabalizes Lybia to let all the refugees into Europe just like the Zionists wanted
>Promotes open borders, multiculturalism, political correctness and all other Zionist agendas
>Says Trump is the Zionist shill
Don't forget to punch out after work today ShareBlue.
What happened to her guys? She was suppose to be /ourgal/!!
>calls blacks predatory
>cucked but unjusted shortly
>had kkk ties
>literally is antisemtic
Wtf happened
She isn't very good at faking emotion. If she tries it under stress she plunges headlong into uncanny valley.
She is a horrible human being that deserves x10 worse than the death penalty.
Emotionally disturbed and ugly cunt.
The most corrupt and shallow politician in American history.
As for her time in politics, well... she's been a competent public servant, and an outstanding champion of corporate power. But again, she isn't really any different from the majority of the American political scene in that respect, and during her time in office she was a good deal more effective and a good deal less scandal ridden (with the exception of fake controversies like benghazi), than a lot of her colleagues. Really, the fact that Hillary Clinton is so widely disliked stems more from the average American's antipathy towards the political class she represents than anything she's actually done (although her enemies' propaganda also plays a big part. Case in point, dumbasses like )
Don't need a pandering old woman leading a country
I must be living in an.alternate universe cuz she shouldn't even have been in the running. Just a first class smug cunt who thinks.shes the second coming. When dick head slick Willy was president she wanted Gore to relinquish his office because as she said she was his number 1 advisor. The crime deception and corruption that follows that hog turd and shit brains voted for her?!?!? Fuuuuck! Well, she didn't win
Avid social climber who never got to what she wanted most in life.
>Destabalizes Lybia
Is there any non-AlexJones conspiracy bullshit to back this up? I sincerely think there's some credibility here and would be interested on more info
She should be tried for treason, based solely on what is publicly available.
Based on what isn't but is true, she should be executed.
irrational, insane and more highly qualified candidate for a sanitarium.
Do fun camps sound fun to you?
>Fake controversies like Benghazi
>Not scandal ridden
The first thing Clinton ever did out of law school was get kicked off the Watergate committee for "attempting to manipulate the law and justice in ways that benefited only herself".
The first things she did as a politican was get caught for insider trading when Bill was governor.
She's scandal free like refugees don't rape white women.
Don't tell you would't be into that girl back in the days.
I do like trump, although I prefer rand, but I don't like trump as much as I am informed on the evil that is clinton.
Shit, but the pathological hatred she gets from a lot of people is completely insane. Totally and far beyond anything insane. She really wasn't any more scandal-ridden than any other political climber, yet somehow ended up hated more than Obama, despite HIM actually being President!
Probably could've beaten Trump if she'd worked her way up from state to national politics and therefore knew how to campaign properly, being handed the Democratic nomination for NY Senate and therefore the seat didn't do her any favors.
>but a not-so-good person
is this what we call people who murder to cover up their crimes these days?
With the way Trump has been acting, she would have been the exact same thing, minus tax reforms
fake mkultra robot it jewish overlords
pathetic tool
And no surprise, Trump and Hillary are friends and part of the same NY elites outfit
minus the actual enforcement of our borders and minus the actual arresting of known human traffickers, and minus the dow jones being at a record high, and minus the giant bump in employment.
She's the Devil.
She funded the rebels to get rid of gaddafi. If you think that's "Alex jones" shit you have to be underage it's a known fact.
Finally a good post.
The US never had a choice.
The most corrupt human being in the us
>anouncing your sages
sure is 2007 in here. ebin!
She actually understands how the American government works
Genuinely nasty human being on a personal level
Subversive, tricky, rich, uncaring and motivated on a ''Business'' level
I genuinely think she would do anything to secure power, but she's short sighted and now is on the defensive to cover up previous misdeeds.
She coughs up slime because she is the swamp.
>The first thing Clinton ever did out of law school was get kicked off the Watergate committee for "attempting to manipulate the law and justice in ways that benefited only herself".
You really need to stop treating facebook memes as news
>The first things she did as a politican was get caught for insider trading when Bill was governor.
I can't even find the fake story you're referring to.
Needless to say, if she had actually been convicted of insider trading she wouldn't have able to become a Senator.
Absolutely demonically evil anti-human. No soul whatsoever. Completely sold out to Satan. A puppet of pure evil. The most vile and deplorable person to ever run for high office.
Guilty of ordering dozens of murders. She literally killed her way to the top.
Soulless and with out any emotion other than rage and greed.
For far too long she has escaped justice.
she is a globalist MAJOR SHILL
Gilf status
The absolute manifestation of a system that everyone hates.
she was right all along
Someday there might be someone who is brave enough to do what's right and shoot her in the face.
>What is your honest opinion on Hillary?
She is either autistic and/or manic bi-polar.
She is a total hot mess of anger and resentments. It will kill her.
Is she locked up yet?
The most corrupt politician of the 21st century by far.
U dumb croatia
I'm kinda scared Sup Forums
ever since the Seth Rich thing blew up tuesday they have gone all out. They have really started making their move now; the deep state or whatever you want to call them.
they have been sock piling their best shit and we are now witnessing the start of it.
>These aren't fucking fools
>They played this game before
I eat at my parents place a few times a month and watch them watch the television and see what they get to see. They've never heard of any Seth Rich, they have only heard about Trump and Russia, over and over again.
>start thinking about dems blathering about muh russia during all kinds of random hearings
>this level of programming
I'm kinda scared because this feels like it will go all the way
I still expect Trump to pull his ace and blows everythone the fuck out, but it will still be war
She and her cronies are servants of Moloch/Ba'al. Evil witchcraft at the highest levels of politics. The only ones that are beyond them are the servants of Set who have some legit PSYOP behind them.
Is she dead yet?
>Needless to say, if she had actually been convicted of insider trading she wouldn't have able to become a Senator.
The senate has so many insider Tara fees in it that it is the ONLY group of investors to routinely beat the S&P 500.
You will have to go back 10 years to find that study. tl:dr the senate is chock full of corrupt people. They all cheat like mad. And your boss is one of the most vile of them all. Fuck them. And fuck you.
As far as being a faggot and using "fake news" unironically:
Oh wait, she'll just have you disposed of when you become a liability.
She had the might of the MSM behind her back, yet she still lost. Bernie would of had a better chance than this old hag.
Right, that's why I was politely asking for references or more information. You are a nigger.
I know you're baiting, but I'd pretty much take anyone else over that evil fucking cunt.
Gross, you gypo freak
This it's what we are reduced at?
She is satanic pedophile illuminati scum. I will not rest until she is in prison.
Is the Democratic party done for good?
Ugly murderous and corrupt cunt needs to have a seizure and fall on a bed of aids infected shit covered spikes and fucking die.
Corrupt and wants to let in muslims.
t.Tommy Christopher