Is universal income socialism?
Is universal income socialism?
It's an horrendous idea
It's capitalism on life-support. It would create and expand a class of people whose social role would merely be "consumer".
Nah. It's the thing that will finally kill democracy. That's why I support it even though I'm a right-winger.
but is socialism evil?
50% of jobs will be automated in less than 10 years.
no. what the point of making technological advancements if everyone still has to be a wage slave to get by >_>
It's good if we abolish all other welfare first. Get NEETbux every month you can do whatever you want with, but if you squander it you're screwed.
The problem with Universal Income is that the mere proposal normalizes an end game in which all of the world's power ends up irreversibly concentrated into the hands of a small group of people.
>but is socialism evil?
If stupid idea equals socialism, then yes.
Isn't that necessary when all the producer roles are robots 'n shit?
You tell me, how it worked out on your continent? How's Venezuela?
No, it's the reverse of socialism - you dismantle the entire welfare structure, hand out a percent of the person's tax back to him and tell him to go fuck himself and find his own healthcare. There's a reason why lefties are actually against it
It's the means by which choice dies.
>50% of jobs will be automated in less than 10 years.
i think you might think you mean that 50% of all jobs will be automated in 10 years but you should qualify this statement with a source so that i can understand whether or not you mean that 50% more jobs will be automated or automatable than they are now.
Exactly. In essence it's a transformation of money into political power more efficient than lobbying. A final victory of Capital over Labor.
> that's state capitalism, not socialism
> let me explain because you are apparently too stupid to understand
> if it works, it's socialism. if it doesn't work, it's capitalism
> don't you feel stupid now, little baby boy?
>50% of jobs will be automated in less than 10 years.
there is unlimited demand for labor and the right price
deflation will solve the automation 'problem'
It's civilisational suicide unless it was done as a one off for a period under 2 years
Basically this.
Why would they spend all that money on robots? in the end people will be begging to work for nothing more than the basics rather than be rendered obsolete.
If you want to know what happens to a society that doesn't work and just receives money look at every welfare receiving minority ghetto.
People in order to fulfill their genetic need to create a social status and raise it will resort to crime as it would be the only way to get bitches coz bitches love social status.
Because robots don't have labour rights, don't get sick, don't have children and don't cause drama in the workplace.
always that fishmouth shit
>citation needed on academic journals
It's the other way retard, if you read any journal.
>replace your factory workers
>nobody has a job
>nobody can buy your products
they still cost money and there is plenty of crap they cant do
Remove all but the most exceptional women from the workforce
>society is fixed instantly.
Yeah but at some point the desperate, starving population will give up all of that to delay their inevitable culling.
People who believe UBI will ever happen are fucking naive. You should be looking to arm yourself. Not begging for the government which is bought for and paid by the very same people for handouts.
Its welfare
>factory jobs are the only jobs that exists
>factories will ever be 100% automated
govt regulation on economy = socialism
Yes. But it will be inevitable in the future. Machines will replace humans more & more, so those people need some sort of income. It would be stupid to let people do the work if machines can do it faster & better.
Google "research scholars" for me.
No. Socialism is worker control of the means of production. UBI is social democracy, which is the liberal democratic state, which is basically the same as fascism but with sham elections.
If you want socialism, look at Revolutionary Rojava or Catalonia or Ukraine
>what happens when the majority are starving
>what is venezuela right now
>half of current jobs can be automated in the next years
They also require a shitton of maintenance and trial-and-error programming.
Of course, thats way only some jobs have been automated so far, but we're seeing a trend of automation and who knows where does it end
will never happen for at least 300 years
source: literal automation engineer
why are you asking this question
>>half of current jobs can be automated in the next years
and then new jobs pop up
>and who knows where does it end
It ends at non repetitive tasks
Yes, that's why it's a problem. If robots are better at many jobs than human, then what role those humans will have in society? I'm not advocating for UBI, because i've seen in my country what does socialism do to human psyche, but the problem exists and i personaly don't know how should it be solved
You seem to be infering some moral position on my part?
I just explained what a society reliant on UBI would be like.
Most people would have no job and just enough wealth to get by - complacent welfare recipients.
I don't even understand if you are for or against UBI, it seems you just spill memes as a sort of kneejerk reaction?
Even a part of the legal system is being automated now.
What roll do we have now in the west? The vast majority of jobs in the west are either the service sector, or industries directly servicing the service sector. We each do our own thing to enable people to shop and eat hamburgers and then when we are done we go and shop. And eat hamburgers.
Our job is literally to just shop. Sooner or later the powers that be will start asking ourselves what even the point of having so many people around whose only purpose is to shop. We use up resources they could be hoarding for themselves.
I'd rather have the robots than have the money, because that would be where the power would be at.
apple currently has a third of workers than 1950 General motors though.
>ignoring manufacturing is the biggest contributor of jobs to the economy, being 4 times more than the service sector
>being this nigger
Sounds like communism to me. You get paid regardless of what you do, kinda like how everyone in communism is supposed to get the same amount of money. I've heard the argument it's not because it's "base income" Plus whatever you earn but still. Fuck if I know I just don't feel it's a good idea. Seems like the $15 minimum wage argument which literally just raises the cost of living and devalues the dollar.
I just finished reading a 700-page book of Nigger Luther King Jr.'s speeches and articles, and he advocated a guaranteed income for everyone. He said it should be pegged at the median income and should be increased to keep up with rising incomes.
He also thought the US should give a lot of money to non-white countries.
He was the gibsmedat king.
He also thought ending segregation and discrimination would help niggers. Pic related: it didn't.
I see it this way: in the past, they have been many technological revolutions, that left masses of people laid down. But after all, people where still able to find new jobs, because freed time and resources enable for more luxourius needs to be satisfied. A professional typist was fired, but she was able to find a job as a barrista for example. The thing is, that more creative jobs, less prone to automation require higher and higher intellectual skills. And thats where the problem lies, not everybody has an IQ to be a programmer or scientist. Not everybody has a musical talent to be a professional singer etc. The skill bar rises and less people are able to satisfy it
Population culling have been memed for decades now, that may be one of the factors. Google Rome Club
The biggest problem with this automation meme is that robots are hardly one-size-fits-all, every assembly line would bare minimum need different programming, and more than likely need completely different specialized robots. That shit's expensive, the only companies that are really jumping on it are ones that had most of their process automated already due to demands of precision (i.e. computer parts)
Here's an idea. Why not reinstitute the idea of servants? People a long time ago used to have servants even if they weren't very rich. It was just standard.
The servants were live-in, so they got their room and board and a little pay. Couldn't many middle class people afford to keep a servant or two if it became popular again?
(Personally, I would never want a nigger servant.)
Fuck Phil. He should be shot in the fucking head. His game sucked dick too.
>not everybody has an IQ to be a programmer or scientist. Not everybody has a musical talent to be a professional singer etc.
there are still nannies/maids/gardeners
Yes, but it's just a liveable income. Granted there will be shitty people taking money for having a kid and spending it on themselves. But, that is far and few between. If they want to get to a point of more expendable income, they would have to work or use their noggin to get money.
I'll just take anarcho capitalism instead
>citation needed
that's wrong retard, manufactoring has become cheaper.
except the data contradicts your meme opinions.
it lowers crime rates, since poor people now don't have to steal to afford food.
Don't forget about prostitutes m8. And i've already seen efforts to automate elderly care (see Japan, it's a hot topic there)
>50% of jobs will be automated in less than 10 years.
this right here is modern marxism
Agreed, but there are plenty of oiks who'll never manage that
Don't you burgers have mexican servants and gardeners?
ok, we'll talk back to you in 10 years when it has happened.
>then what role those humans will have in society?
not the role of a drudge
Thats a very different question. But the end goal of socialism is communism, and communism caused millions of unjust killings throughout history so yes, it is
Also people prefer artisanal shit to things made in factories just because of the status that comes with it
No, it's a neoliberal scam to dismantle all social welfare programs.
You'll reject it simply on the grounds that it's "FREE MONEY" and not recognize that it's goal is to make it trivial to cut welfare spending.
No. Perhaps it's something a socialist might advocate for, but it is not, in and of itself, socialism.
>i deserve other people's money for existing
Yup, sounds like socialism to me.
It's means I could get paid to shit post
What does a kibbutz sound like to you?
Then way do unemployed people so often turn into mental wrecks? And you don't even have to be poor. Look at NEETs for example. People want to be needed, people want to have a purpose
You should read Agrarian Justice.
It's not that bad of an idea.
You can dismantle a fuckton huge amount of government and the army of paper pushers it employs since you don't need things like welfare or possibly social security anymore. Cutting x amount for everybody is pretty simple.
It gives a lot of power to workers to demand better since they know they will live if they lose their job.
UBI would only give enough to live in a shack with other people, no car, shit food.
White people could afford to stay home and have kids since the kids can get UBI too.
Women could also leave the workforce to have said kids.
[spoiler]It would only work in an white ethnostate with white cultural values, unfortunately. Nogs and immigrants would rush to exploit this system as hard as possible.[/spoiler]
Agreed. It's socialism.
Kibbutz is based on voluntary association, unlike leftist scams.
ayo hol up i got a solution
remove all nigger and beaner frm usa
deport dumb witey to afrika to colonize that shit
kill the robot before theyk ill us
bring back factorys and shit
i only 2 i solved this shit elekt me as dictator
Look at gang bangers and all of the unemployed opiate addicts. The NEETs are also the most obviously over-represented group of people with chronic depression on the Internet.
yes and you can keep this without menial labour. society has advanced if no one needs to break their back doing shit jobs
I think universal beatings is a better idea
A kibbutz is a leftist scam you illiterate kike.
Put some white stars on your flag and ask that same question
No, it's Bread & Circuses
It is socialism.
The reason socialism doesn't work in today's society is because it simply can't be supported.
HOWEVER - when technology has advanced sufficiently, many socialist ideas will actually become viable - especially with the automation of menial/low-tier labour. Things like a universal basic income may not only become possible, but necessary.
>Is X a Y
Only artists feel the need to categorically label things
So if I inherit a completely automated factory from grandpa I should be allowed to all the profits from it even though I contribute nothing to the production process?
You're clearly the illiterate one, because the post you're responding to explains exactly what separates leftist scams from people just getting together and doing their thing. American """education"""...
See: The more advanced society will become, the less people will satisfy the skill demand to have a genuine role
When automation takes over 99% of job the current system should stay in place this would ensure only the 1% will survive, universal income communism.
Better dead than red.
I'm just going to leave this here
It's a good way to crush the human soul.