This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.
>Recommended Reading list
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
Other urls found in this thread:
>If communism was so profitable why did it collapse?
Communism has never been shown to be profitable. Never in human history has a society abolished private property.
You know, "It wasn't real communism". And all that trash.
Also, the NAP only applies to people which communists are not.
Daily reminder that pic related is why authoricucks fear capitalism.
that too.
>Those are red anarchists you're talking about.
red or cap anarchist are of the same (((root)))
Adolf Hitler describes the National Socialist
monetary system in a succinct paragraph: “If
ever need makes humans see clearly, it has made the German people do so. Under the compulsion of this need we have learned in the first place to take full account of the most essential capital of a nation, namely, itscapacity to work.
All thoughts of a gold reserves and foreign exchange fade before the industry and efficiency of well-planned national productive resources. We can smile today at an age when economists were seriously of the opinion that the value of currency was determined by the reserves of gold and foreign exchange lying in the vaults of the national banks and, above all, was
guaranteed by them. Instead of that we have learned to realize that the value of a currency lies in a nation’s power of production, that an increasing volume of production sustains a currency, and could possibly raise its value, whereas a decreasing production must, sooner or later, lead to a compulsory devaluation.” He added, “We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced.”
The National-Socialist economy is one based off work and production.
I've mentioned it before but there is a top priorty bounty on finding the archives of Ron Pauls controversal 1990's newsletters. I've seen it quoted, I've even seen a single page on PDF, but I cannot find a full archive. Please, if you're a neet with nothing better to do please look for them!
You're jewish.
What exactly is on those letters? Rants about minorities?
Nope, you are.
The idea is narrowed down to 2 main points:
1) Degeneracy is increased the moment people can isolate themselves from any judgement and their livelihoods are not affected in any major way.
Welfare enables degeneracy, back in the day, in order to have a good healthcare deal you needed to associate with others and form an insurance, obviously people would not associate with people known for their degenerate lifestyles as that would incur a higher cost on the non degenerates.
The elimination of welfare will force people to interact again, and therefore they shall be exposed to judgement in a decentralized (more efficient) way.
2) Anti-discrimination laws are also degeneracy enablers. Anti discrimination leads to multi-culturalism, again, back in the day some might have been atheists but Christian people formed communities that were more successful due to better moral values, and atheists had to adapt to those moral values for their economic interest.
With anti-discrimination, successful people dictate the morals, because you want to live near them so you will accept their hard work ethic, without anti-discrimination and no ability to segregate, the power of dictating the morals falls on the hands of democracy, and the majorities are degenerate.
We have the belief that economically motivated migration is augmented incredibly in Anarcho Capitalism because of segregation, people who would vote (due to social pressure) for degeneracy will never "vote with their feet" to move to degenerate neighborhoods, so it should, eventually, lead to healthier societies.
The moment you ask yourself why brown people loving liberals always threaten to move to the whitest country they can if a rival wins the election, why commies always emigrate to the most capitalist country they can, or why the commies built the Berlin wall, you understand that people voting with their feet tells us a different story than when they vote with a ballot.
All the race realism, "homophobia", and anti-semitism you know libertarains are into but never publish. Ron Paul has denied writing them but I believe he did. He was running for office at the time after all.
Nevermind I did a quick Google search. Now I like Dr. Paul even more. "Zootopia" lmao.
>oh scheisse mein fuhrer, they have a 2 for 1 deal...
I thought you guys liked order. Why are you posting this shit here? Go to a natsoc thread.
/r/Libertarian is the least libertarian community on the internet.
people there support minimun wage, govt healthcare and education...
how do we deal with it?
>n-no I'm not jewish.
NatSoc will win the internet and ideological war.
You can't compete against the spirit. It's also the worldwide known defender of white race ideology.
The masses will crush you, "rebels" !
Ignore them, the time for arguing with leftys is over. Libertarian civil war NAOW!
Do you like RAC n Roll?
You're rejected from every forum on the net and now you're shitting up one of the few sites that'll have you by posting off-topic crap. Do your movement a favour and gas yourself.
>mfw Hoppe comes here this summer and I can show him the work we're doing
We got to organize some nice thread for the 30th of July
lolbertarians are off topic in general
Are you avoiding my post because you do not like RAC?
>If you act like a nigger, your future will reflect that.
Are you not talking economics?
What is a libertarian economy for btw?
Would it not essentially boil down to smaller economys of free trade?
This is a viable sub unit within a libertarian society btw.
Being from Europe I am so jealous at you guys, at the fact that there were libertarian flags vs the commies in some Trump protests...
Years back we tried arguing that you don't need any of that government crap to have a lefty society. Cooperatives and mutual organizations exist in fairly free markets like Switzerland today. So there's no reason to exclude that option under a right libertarian system.
succession is the force that creates liberty
>Are you not talking economics?
No. Discussion on roads only.
>What is a libertarian economy for btw?
Producing copious amounts of drugs and sex toys.
>Would it not essentially boil down to smaller economys of free trade?
No. Imagine a Hunger Games society. Now add warlords to the mix.
If you're saying could you have a natsoc 'themed' covenant that engaged in free trade within an overall ancap society, then I'd agree that's viable - as long as those participating were doing so voluntarily
There's a ton of hypocracy in the right and left wing libertarian movements. The only reason there's a "right" and "left" wing libertarian movement is because of the hypocracy. Protecting personal freedom and liberties from government, institutions and entities should be the main goal here. We need a unified movement because all and all our core beliefs aren't that different, just skewed by a media that ties things into narratives to appeal to different demographics.
the (((left-libertarians))) are just subversive kikes and sheep
thinking we can reconcile our differences is naive because they're libertarian in name only
we're not a democratic movement, quality and dedication is far more important than quantity
Are authoritarian-national-libertarians allowed in here?
Yeah I'd say so.
A wut now?
He's not wrong. But pragmatically you really need to end social programs first. And restrict voting rights along with that.
We're assuming in that statement that there's 0 hypocracy in right wing libertarianism and that all libertarians that lean towards the left have the exact same experience, beliefs, ideas and intentions. We're giving the establishment more power by splitting into left and right wing tribalism because of media fearmongering. I think that when critically evaluating the essence of libertarian values which is personal liberty, we see that both sides have the same core values and that if we were to come together we'd have more power to advance these.
you'd be in good company
He wants an authoritarian govement to enforce libertarian ethics and protect the people I assume.
>We're assuming in that statement that there's 0 hypocracy in right wing libertarianism
no I'm not
>that all libertarians that lean towards the left have the exact same experience, beliefs, ideas and intentions.
no i'm not
>We're giving the establishment more power by splitting into left and right wing tribalism because of media fearmongering.
no we're not
>we see that both sides have the same core values and that if we were to come together we'd have more power to advance these.
no we don't
Tfw anarchist nationalist moderate
who exactly makes these graphics? are there more?
Just seems a bit of an oxymoron
lots of this
> How government solved the healthcare crisis
I weep everytime. Found some interesting newspaper clipping from the Australian version of events.
> Mutual Aid societies not hurt by National Insurance scheme
> Nekk minnit
>What we believe in are private property rights.
Which is exactly what Kokesh says in the video.
Some is OC by the guys here - that one I lifted from the lrg site
There are literally hundreds of libertarian memes at the url in this pic
End Result.
I make em'. I like to make them as edgy as I possibly can. Im inspired by the success of communist propagada in the modern age. I want there to be propaganda just as powerful for hardcore libertarianism.
sometimes you need a pinochet when times are tough.
I dont have much more tho, and I posted the wrong pic.
What Hoppe and Rothbard books would you recommend buying first?
Democracy: the god that failed should be a necessary pre-requisite to posting on this thread
the road to serfdom by Hayek is good but not necessary
> Mutual Aid societies not hurt by National Insurance scheme
>t. Federal Royal Commission
Yeah that was completely impartial.
Yeah I definitely got the PDFs, but nothing beats having a physical paper book to read from.
Anatomy of the state
Democracy, the God that failed
fuck, i hit post by accident.
Anatomy of the state for beginners, literally any of rothbards essay books
as stated above Democracy is pretty much required reading.
Man, Economy and state was was pretty brutal but covered the basic Austrian Economics position
Bump for this
What fonts you using mate?
libertarian and capitalist here. i finally have the (((credit))) to purchase property. tired of being a poor pleb, i would rather be a just land lord
Have some feel good, old school, fat, chris cantwell spirit.
>Man, Economy and state was was pretty brutal
That's because it is an economics textbook. Not exactly casual reading, although Rothbard's writing style is one of the most palatable that I've seen from an academic. I find Hoppe comparatively harder to read.
>land lord
You sound like a parasite to me. You are engaging, literally, in rent seeking behavior
You just HAD to summon him didn't you?
Good luck with your investment. Would be a shame if something were to happen to the housing market...
Serious question guys - Ive had enough with this world now thag leftism has truly conquered everything. Free speech is now being opressed in canada and more socialist programs are in europe and the partys are a fucking joke. What the fuck do I do now? Im thinking of living on my own in the woods i cant deal with this shit any longer
come to Somalia and start helping build outer haven desu
>Im thinking of living on my own in the woods
Do you have any experience living in the bush? Do you have any gear? Do you even have woods to go inna?
>Im thinking of living on my own in the woods.
I've been saving and planning for exactly that for years. soverenty is the goal. I don't know if you'll be safe from communism innawoods of europe tho. Long as the man doesn't come for my guns or shutdown my moonshine still im fine.
Without the internet it took 50 years for Marxists to gain a strong foothold in my country, with the internet we can turn things around in our life time. Don't run away.
I'm a libertarian and I'm a faggot. I like sticking carrots in my ass and watch my wife take big black cock! This thread was started by an agent but we will ignore that to get are fag feels out and about! Oh god, I need some bbc in my ass because I'm a libertarian faggot!
>By Based leaf
Ive had camping experiences in the past not so much on hunting but im eager to learn. I go shooting on weekends so holding a gun is fine. UK is full blown nanny state so im not sure what state to move to in the US hopefully one with more freedom than here.
So no, to any of my questions.
Don't go live in the woods, you will die.
Outer space it is then
hey folks guess what
the united states government is communist
apparently i learned that the mortgage, (or deed) that you get nowadays is so that the government owns the property, you just use it; its been that way since the late 1800's
Fuck off, seriously fuck right off the planet
no, we just shoot you in the face as soon as you go beyond talk.
we're going to hang you and the spics niggers and jews are going to help us,
We Dance
yeah but at least i'll still have a place to live, and my price range of property can't drop much
what a typical loser bern bro comment. burn in the hell you'e created for yourself, commie faggot
Since most of the regulars on the lrg are not sub 80 IQ brainlets and since these threads always end up gradually disappearing due to inactivity can we make a habit of starting a topic of discussion in the OP and maybe have some reading or listening we can do before we join where we can begin to start a FAQ or something. Just an idea.
it's usually expected that other people would post bait that we refute. Over and over again. As far reading/listenings go, the website has a good selection of reading material as well as pic related, with hoppewave on YouTube for music
do you have any particular questions in mind by the way? maybe that is how discussion can begin, honest discussion at least, better than the usual bait replying
how to trigger a communist
I've got so much love for the philosophy behind libertarianism, but it contradicts my interests as a poor, practically disabled person
you can't into race realism, homophobia and anti-semitism? why not?
fuggn bump
Sorry to hear that man.
I don't think it necessarily contradicts all of your interests, at least not in the long-term. true, it would depend on the extent of one's practical disability, but a better economy means the greater availability of jobs, employment opportunities and career advancement, cheaper goods and services, and most of all, more money able to be charitably donated to the needy. These benefits can be enjoyed by everyone
i'm rather poor myself but I stand by libertarianism as it eventually raises standards of living for everybody. That is what capitalism does, and what capitalism will continue to do. The tragedy is the short-shortsightedness of the masses to seek gratification in the immediate moment, rather than delaying it for more future gains
Yeah definitely this.
I'm a little surprised Libertarians in general aren't very active on activism ideas considering the momentum the ideas are having over the last 10 years.
thanks bro
that's a good point about more money to be donated. it's not like philanthropy will be non existent, rich people will still need to virtue signal. although it's comfy to have a social safety net so i don't starve, as guilty as it makes me feel to accept