Is how society and humanity in general will collapse? I already see results that happened in the experiment happening in real life.
Mouse utopia experiment
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What is population control
what he meant is we're already at the decay phase
The implication here is that this happens naturally, without anyone controlling it.
Which is a much scarier thought.
If you see the video you will understand what I mean. I'm noticing a lot of NEETs who are withdrawing from society at a vast rate. In the experiment the scientists calls the NEET rats "the beautiful ones"
sounds pretty accurate.
Trap/neets sit around and groom themselves into females and achieve nothing for anyone.
Most neets in general think they are smarter than they really are. ( Beautiful ones are considered really dumb in the video )
The problem is we can't really know the mind of a mouse. The video calls the beautiful ones extremely stupid, but what do they base that on? Intelligence tests, animal or human, hinge on the subject's willingness to perform tasks for evaluation. If the mouse has concluded that its needs are met, and has no reason to believe failure to make an accounting of itself will lead to those needs being revoked, why perform? I sometimes wonder if black intelligence tests suffer from this same problem.
Anyway, the problem with NEETs at this moment in history is they know they are going to have to engage in more unenjoyable behaviour than the miserable people that came before them to attain a modestly diminished standard of living based on resource scarcity. They could of course strive for more, but if they're disinclined to do so and remove themselves from the reproductive cycle, is it a problem? We have ambitious brown people right now who are at the early stages of the cycle.
Heh our overlords think asocials are going to dismantle western society. With no social space to call their own they refuse to take part.
Whats intriguing about this study is once the population dropped and space became available the beautiful ones did not build up society again. Instead the whole mouse population just vanished...
So in our world they decided to import 3rd worlders who know nothing of our utopian societies and will willing cuck themselves to attain what we deem unnecessary.
Good experiment and its definitely worth looking at. Bump
the key thing is the mice are contained and not allowed to break off and form their own colonies...
NEETS have a choice to do that
im a pretty princess
Lets compare this experiment to japan since its the closest human equivalent. A xenophobic society who is already beginning the population decline. When the elderly of that society dies off what will the NEETs do? Continue to develop sex bots until the last old timer is sucked off and dies or will they build their own families?
Only time will tell.
Well are we mice or man? Instead of importing brown people which will dismantle our great societies(see south africa) i foresee the death of the family unit. We will have breeders or artificial wombs to carry on our genetics. I already see millennial couples choosing not to have kids which is the beginning of the end.
you mean like the malaria vaccines in Africa or the immigration crisis because our "birth rates are too low"? yeah, looks like population control is working out well.
bump this board is like the_donald now, jesus
I know right? Theres some good knowledge to be had watching that video that ties to modern day immigration.
i really hope japan is a success story of non mass immigration and instead opting to go with a declining population to see what really happens to a society that isnt artificially inflated after its reached a peak of sorts.
I'd rather see us go with a bang than slowly die like that.
Also the video spooked me
this study is required reading for all serious Sup Forums anons
Don't fornicate.