/SRG/ Seth Rich General

>SURGE edition

Was he unmasked by Obama during routine surveillance of Assange? You know he was. That's why the catalog is filled with shilling, because we're this close to ending the Russia narrative and restoring the republic.


We need: CCTV footage, bodycam accounts, hospital staff testimony, more clues to the wheeler puzzle, among many, many other things. WE DON'T SLEEP, WE SEARCH.

Other urls found in this thread:


OP needs updating and thread needs new sponsors in the next few hours. Where my hawaii anons at?

bump for justice


Sup Forums literally memed a president into office and changed the course of history

However if you bring justice to the murder of this young man, it will be the greatest thing you have ever done. This is truly a noble and honorable cause. You're literally doing God's work. You're helping avenge the fallen.

And the greatest irony is that you're all conservatives helping to avenge the murder of a loyal Democrat. That's how you know you're the good guys, the heroes. Because you're willing to reach across party lines, to ignore politics and to pursue only justice.

This is truly a battle between righteous good and darkest evil.

And this time you're the good guys. God speed dear brothers.

>it was him


Stop it fag

This man gave us victory. In return we will give him justice.

Just confirming, the 3 shots theory is fake. Rich was shot in the back twice, with one bullet going through, leaving 2 wounds, with the other getting lodged inside him. The lack of shell casing and bullet examination has determined the gun used to be a revolver, so the Balistics report thread is right on that. We need to compile the medical info next.

>you're all conservatives helping to avenge the murder of a loyal Democrat

I couldn't care less about this bernie-supporting faggot. In fact, I'm glad he died. All I care about is spreading the evidence that the DNC murdered him.

No. KYS.

Amen brother.

Think about it for a moment. Seth actually helped avert WW3. That's truly amazing. One man who cared enough to do what's right may have saved millions, if not billions of lives.

WaPo should call up Milf Hunter for some leads


>"WTF? Watch this video many times. Something stinks. The first few seconds in, the brother is cracking up and trying not to laugh. He does this throughout the whole video. 30 seconds in, the dad says the police called him and stated that Seth was alive when they arrived and MAYBE stable when Seth got to the hospital. No, no, no, no, no. A cop would not say he was MAYBE stable. You are either stable or, you are not. 40 seconds in, the mom starts to talk and just as the camera is panning left towards mom, dad is actually mouthing her lines. He knows what she is about to say. One minute 3 seconds in, the mother says something off script? The dad subtly moves his right arm and taps her on the back and then he quickly takes over her conversation. WALLS COVERED WITH DISNEY AND MOM, HOLDING A GD PANDA! C'mon people."

This video proves seth's family is not behaving in a normal way, therefore, they are suspects of knowing relevant things about the dead of their son/ brother.

prove me wrong.

>inb4: psychologists classify humor as one of the "mature" defense mechanisms we invoke to guard ourselves against overwhelming anxiety blablablabla

Wasn't there a witness saying seth contacted WikiLeaks via email

Beautiful. Posting on r/The_Donald

I don't buy the revolver theory (with the avaliable info).

Think about this: You shoot two rounds in the middle of the street, how big is a case? Easily lost, kicked to the curb, not collected.....

I haven't seen anything showing what bullets where recovered from the body.

I say this one is still open.

none of this matters if the dnc is still silencing the rich family and making statements on their behalf.
we need to contact the rich family directly!
the last known update from the family was on their gofundme page located at .com/sethrich

>"I will ask again if everyone would re-share this effort one more time. Help allow us the independence we need to assist, not impede, the solving of Seth's murder. Allow us, Seth's family, to seek out the help required, and not rely on aid offered with strings."

>not rely on aid offered with strings

what aid is he talking about?
why do they not want to rely on it?
why is the media only having statements that are going through brad bauman being published?
why isnt the family making these claims themselves on live tv?
they had no problem talking about the case 5 months ago on a live news interview.

theres alot more, but i think this'll be a start.

they do not want to dnc crisis manager dealing with the case.
brad bauman is the co founder of the pastorum group.
we need to find out if it is linked in any way to soros, podesta, or the CF


dead of lung cancer tho


Fair point, but if someobody found a dead body they would call the cops and not disturb the scene. We need an DCanon to down to where he was shot to see if there were any storm drains.
Then again, it's entirely possible that the killer(s) took the shells or that the ballistics guys were in on it

Why did Rod Wheeler come out and say he had evidence that Seth Rich was the WikiLeaks leaker then backtrack? Was he a republican plant the whole time or was he threatened?

Reporting as requested....

Wikileaks told him to point to the laptop.

Wikileaks is pulling the strings on this.

Questions anons need to be asking:

1) Is the SEIU a clean up crew for the DNC? Can union members be tied to other crimes?

2) Who controls the DC police? They also were up to some fuckery during the whole Comet Ping Pong incident. Who calls the shots with them?

>implying the replublicans are that sophisticated
We know why he backed off ok

Where is that confirmed ?!

Watch this link

If you want to solve this, you need to answer those two questions, also:

Archive of Joe Capone's FB post showing he was at the WH


Evidence of Joe Capone's WH visit



why don't leakers ever leak THEIR OWN email

would provide proof and link of deliver, chain of ownership, intent, etc

>wonders about seth richs digital fingerprint

Does anyone know any of his alias?

if you just shot someone would you stop and look for a small casing. and so what if someone found it?
If it has no prints, the gun is probably long melted and on the bottom of the ocean, why limit yourself?

I say this is very inconclusive so far and should stay open.

I just sent them a message over gofundme.com asking for them to make a public statement without the mouthpiece.

Stop spreading your fagotry.Go post that shit on reddit or smtg

>We know why he backed off ok
?? Why?
I want to believe but I have to ask. How do we know that WikiLeaks is pulling the strings? How do we know that Rod Wheeler is acting on behalf of WikiLeaks?

Seth family is a fucking CIA-OP. Watch the fucking video.


to the user talking about the DNC lawsuit

theres actually 2 lawsuits in process
(one for under minimum wages aka slave wage and in some cases no compensation)

thats something that also must not be looked over


both twitter and ig

i second this. WE don't know what gun was used. Need autopsy/hospital and EMT reports. All the gun theory stuff came in because "rumor had it that there were multiple robberies on the street 'lately' with a 'silver handgun'". GUN THEORY STILL OPEN.

Bottom line is this so called backtracking story came from CNN and in usual CNN fashion is not legit

ty sherlock user


democrats are cancer

There was a lawsuit filed over the DNC leak and the rigging of the primary. Then the lawyer who filed it dropped dead in his house like a day, or two later. Do you think he had a copy of Seths' files?


can you also ask them to publish all investigative information they have access to, to allow people to better help them with clues??

to the anons who doubt his families remourse

i can imagine having to go on television and trying to prepare myself

they obviously dont want to be in tear and they are trying to force a smile and laugh

this in result is a exaggerated false portrayal

would you rather they pretend to be more distraut?

honestly to be on television alone alot of people would act similiar its almost a buzz of adrenaline

these people are under pressure but they suck it up and know what is required of them

no, fox too to a degree, and the investigator, according to wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Seth_Rich

>Does anyone know of his alias?
This is a great question. Digging into this.

I understand that, but my Facebook friends don't. I tried to talk about Wheeler and got my ass handed to me.

oops, didn't see

bump for any and all of Seth's alias'

This is what i sent the Rich family over gofundme a little while ago.

full text:

We know that Brad Bauman is an assigned DNC 'crisis manager,' and WAY to big a name to be handling such a small matter as a 'robbery gone wrong.' The statements he made in the news were not your words. What do you want done? No strings attached. The all seeing eye is on your side in this. We need information. The autopsy report, ballistics report, trauma records, any camera footage you might have access too would also be very helpful.
But do you want our help in this????
.... like you asked... 'no stings attached'. Just citizens looking to find a killer(s).
We would want this statement from you please, and not the "Spokesman."

Corners report

personal items found on person

I am trying to archive *useful* info as it is found. feel free to read and comment on info.

The victory will be ours

Bump. If one of the rounds passed through Seth Rich, it *may* be still near the site of his shooting. The last I could tell it was 2 shots, 3 wounds. That means one round penetrated. Or a piece of it anyways. We need to nail down the caliber of the round before we do anything else. Again, last I heard: no brass at the scene, which leads me to believe a revolver was used.
We should call /k on this.

Just a reminder that we also need some people looking into SHOTSPOTTER for footage or audio at the time and location of the murder

Your son/brother died yesterday, from two shots, would you laugh? would you be so fucking awkward, or would you be just sad?

defending that behaivor sounds like shilling to me.

bump for heroism


bump still reading out the threads to see what i missed.

i like how you sidestepped brad and contacted Aaron via gofundme

lets try and keep that ad up since its really their only mouth piece

No problem. I feel like doof because I fell for the backtracking story as well and never dug deeper which I usually do.

read the fucking go fund me
look at the interviews other than the one reported by abc news.
look at the video they posted themselves crying and thanking everyone for the work and concern theyve voiced towards finding the murderer of their own son.
the dnc spokesperson has been the only person relaying information from the family to the media.
they want these theories to go away?
then they need to come out themselves and make the live statement.
this whole entire thing is a dnc coverup and theyre using the media and brad bauman and the pastorum group to influence media relations to report only what bauman says to them.

last i heard codefag was on the run. he posted that last night and others were warning him to let his personal friends and family know that hed never commit suicide. he was hunkered down in a library last i saw, but said it was compromised and that he was on the run.

the dc police cheif resigned 2 months after the murder occured
where the new chief stepped in and the case began to go cold.

>how big is a case? Easily lost, kicked to the curb, not collected.....

a revolver would expend the casing of the fired shot from the gun. it would stay in the cylinder and not be able to be kicked to the curb or lost.

a relvolver used makes more sense since you wouldnt have to worry about picking up the casings, and you could just melt the whole gun down from there which goes with the casing, hammer or striker markings that could be used to match up the ballistics or any other way of linking the rounds that were fired into seth rich to match up.

democratic server user log

good job user.... address saved. keep updating this and i'll use it as a go to for info. it's looks pretty solid. awesome job

is there a source for this?

> at 5:30 the leaks were safely with WikiLeaks before September.
> Seth was already dead.
>his knowledge of the source relates to the meeting in the park played a small role?
>legal access

Also: we are assuming it was the DNC. It may be so. The content of the emails kicked off "pizzagate" the next chapter of pedo-gate/wood. Methinks these characters have more of a motive than the DNC to shut people up. That's just me.

George Webb reporting surgeon user's account of the ER trauma scene: youtu. be/KH2pgrLiajs

public report


If i could get aarons number i'd call, but can't find it.

You misunderstand me. I want to determine weather or not it is probable that any shell casings were accidentally whisked away. To do that first we should examine the weather that night.Also you would need to go to exactly where he was murdered and see if the area has an easily accessible storm drain. If it doesn't, and the weather was clear, then we know it was either a revolver or we are being lied to. Either way isn't groundbreaking, but anything helps
The primary objective for DC anons should be to determine exactly how many cameras were on his route and how they could've missed his 3-hour disappearance.


Indeed. This place is an unlikely ally, one who will even shitpost in response to sentiments like yours and it really ain't no thang.

are you aids-user?

he looks high

exactly. This is absolutely embarrassing beginner plebbit level stuff.
Brother might be sleep deprived, zoned out, alienated, realizes it would be inappropriate to burst out in laughter just know and voilla...
'Art'work in the background interesting though.

The guy's family said all he conspiracy theorists are crazy and the journalist who started the story said he was taken out of context.

What's the point of all this?

look up "gaymergate"

what is this exactly?


Last I heard he just said "I'm alright. Laying low" and "Tread Carefully" Sometime about 12 hours ago. I guess thats the last we've heard.

and the recent retweets

yes... someone said that AIDSanon was blatantly offensive and would rather call me sherlock-user. I took it as a badge of honor.

you dont represent all of us faggot

most of us here dont trust self aligned political party

i dont trust every repub just because they say so

i dont trust mccain or rand paul

trump wasnt liked by either party

we are driven by truth alone

it just so happens alot more truth and fact is with repubs

seth had this same ability

he was willing to give up the democratis whole credibility because he believed in liberty

we are all americans at the end of the day


What's the name of the new chief? Who are they connected to? Where did they work before etc.?

We ought to get that figured out, might put things in context

Ok, i saw that one too. Now watch this one


And read this greentext and tell me if its misleading what happens.
>"WTF? Watch this video many times. Something stinks. The first few seconds in, the brother is cracking up and trying not to laugh. He does this throughout the whole video. 30 seconds in, the dad says the police called him and stated that Seth was alive when they arrived and MAYBE stable when Seth got to the hospital. No, no, no, no, no. A cop would not say he was MAYBE stable. You are either stable or, you are not. 40 seconds in, the mom starts to talk and just as the camera is panning left towards mom, dad is actually mouthing her lines. He knows what she is about to say. One minute 3 seconds in, the mother says something off script? The dad subtly moves his right arm and taps her on the back and then he quickly takes over her conversation."

>rich followed reddit on twitter
he has a reddit username, we need to find it.

Also are the officers that responded to the scene have they been re-assigned are they okay etc.



Good on you for not sitting this one out, user.

yes if we can get audio mapping we could maybe differentiate revolver or something else

We are here to solve a murder. Leave you politics in (fuck which form is it again....ummmm) /r/? No /p/.... yeah. leave it in /p/.

no they did not.
the spokesperson stated that.
the family themselves have not came out to confront this problem face to face.

if it was that important that it was taken out of context and the conspiracy theories were crazy, they wouldnt be going through a dnc appointed crisis managment official to relay statements from them to the media.

new police cheif is connected to comet ping pong and alefantis

its reported that he is also a pedophile.

are you suggesting he made him self more visible in the spotlight because he was being harrassed?

no one knew who he was before hannity

I have a question. If Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks, why doesn't Assange confirm or release the transcripts of his conversations as proof?

>The first few seconds in, the brother is cracking up and trying not to laugh

I watched that video the other day and for some reason kept focusing on the brother. Something didn't seem right the way he was acting.

do u have moar?

because WL doesn't reveal sources as a matter of principle, to keep new leaks coming in.