MOMENT OF IMPACT CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Times Square driver plows into 23 pedestrians
Times Square Video
>he u-turned onto the sidewalk
I wonder what he saw.
7/10 for technicalities
Good dismount tho
Mr Trump please take these men away
Pretty good desu. I hate New Yorkers.
Brown people suck at driving
How will the media cover up the facts when muh terrorism or mass murderer was the cause?
I've been out of the loop, is this the gist of what happened?
>Illegal alien
>High on drugs
>OP webm related
This was a fucking psyop.
Public torture and punishment when?
*Freeze frame* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering, how did I get there? Well, it's a long story...
wasn't illegal. He was a hispanic 26 year old navy vet. Apparently had some kind of mental issues. Blew 0.0 on the breathalyzer. Don't know yet if he was on any other drugs. When he hit all those people he jumped out of his car and started running around screaming until people on the street caught him and held him for the police.
So just a grade A nutcase then? That's boring.
>that one black guy who is just like "da fuq"
May I ask what would make you take time out of your shitposting duty to photoshop this image which will probably never be circulated as a meme.
thats some bad driving right there
He was actually high on marijuana before the crash
Guy was reenacting GTA IV in real life.
you're such a fucking faggot it isn't even funny
How will normies ever recover?
but that doesn't fit my narrative :/
Everyone on that street was a democrat
I'm glad they were run over
guys it was clearly just an accident by a confused, poor, helpless immigrant who is not use to our strong american drugs who got lost and was looking for directions. lets not politicize this tragedy!
>As a Jew, I personally blame Trump and white people for this poor oppressed white Hispanics anger and aggression.
I bet he either he himself is an anchor baby or the child of one.
Work three streets over, didn't even know this happened. Guy should of tried harder
>hmmm, i wonder in what orientation i should film this horizontal screen
>i know!
>should of
>was a hispanic 26 year old navy vet
Aka white extremist.