US air strikes pound pro-Assad forces in Syria
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this is damage control since the media were sucking his dick last time
Explain this shit trumpcucks
Trumpfags will just ignore this story like the 1 billion other stories they ignore
Makes no difference to me if he kills some fucking goat fuckers its ok.
50 shekels donated to your account
>The U.S. military launched fresh air strikes against pro-Assad troops in Syria after they ignored repeated warnings from both coalition and Russian forces, officials told Fox News Thursday.
>ignored Russian forces
The Russians have no clue what's going on in Syria do they?
He already as all the other powers of US against, if he piss off the kikes he will be killed.
Iranian militia advancing on US special forces base, told to stop twice
gets bombed
it's a story of stupidity what else is there to say?
I like how even Russia told the shia militia to back off and they didn't listen. Serves those stupid sandniggers right.
>killing nonwhites
What's the problem here?
Assad is white unlike you kikes or the orange orangutan in chief
Fuck Drumpf and his supporters!
Jews Jewing Jewingly.
"apparent" yeah ok....
I'm not even sure what is going on anymore.
I read this was an Iranian Backed militia violating the descolation zone after ignoring orders to stop
Kinda hard to know whats shit when you gay left cocksuckers just make shit up every day.
>The U.S. military launched fresh air strikes against pro-Assad troops in Syria after they ignored repeated warnings from both coalition and Russian forces, officials told Fox News Thursday.
>"We're not increasing our role in the Syrian civil war but we will defend our troops, and that is a coalition element made up of more than just U.S. troops, and so we'll defend ourselves," Mattis said. "If people take aggressive steps against us, and that's been a going in, a policy of ours for a long time."
>The attack on forces does not reflect an escalation, the Pentagon official said. "There is no change in policy"
wow, fucking nothing, who would have guessed
Maybe they shouldn't have tried to attack an outpost that had already been identified to everyone as Coalition-held? There were legitimate ISIS areas all over the place that they should have attacked instead.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Seriously this little shit just keeps melting back into his own asshole
Why won't Trump bow to assad??
He's the good guy! If they want to kill us, we should let them.
>complains endlessly about foreigners entering the U.S.
>thinks its ok to take a part of a country and overtly help rebels killing the people of that country.
How do you people reconcile your stunning hypocrisy?
All much whiter than someone of Scottish and German ancestry, Ahmed. At least after they are cremated.
>He thinks the american military exists to stop mexicans getting into our country
>inb4 zomg talking to russia
this. best greentext. best analysis.
The U.S. military is comprised of conservatives who hate foreigners.
Somehow they never have a problem violating other nations in the worst way imaginable.
It reminds me of this quote:
"How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?"
Good tactical move by Trump.
But seriously america, you need to start addressing the jewish question.
shouldn't you be in a safe space coloring?
>The U.S. military is comprised of conservatives who hate foreigners.
>Somehow they never have a problem violating other nations in the worst way imaginable.
What don't you get about "they hate foreigners"??
So the purpose of that meme is to help wake up idiotic liberals to what they're really advocating for when they say IMPEACH DRUMPF?
>and mixing up Khomeini and Khamenei too
Clever in a way.
Like any liberal will criticize the military in a way that amounts to anything significant. There would be no safe space to hide in if they did that. The military gets an insane amount of support which is why nobody points out their ridiculous hypocrisy.
Liberals can complain about rights for women, homosexuals, and transgendered people but they won't touch the troops. As long as they let them slaughter foreigners they can gain power domestically, which has always been their main concern.
What do they really gain by criticizing the military besides being morally right about an abstract issue half a world away? The negative reaction would be similar to criticizing women on twitter times a million. You'd lose your job, family, and be driven to suicide.
we've got to protect israel by taking out assad, besides check out this based melanin enriched gentleman wearing a trump hat xddd
funny thing is khomeni's been dead for decades you underage retard
Newfags. Newfags never change.
wag that fucking dog
and this is the king, you are a special kind of stupid amigo
10 ISIS tokens sent to your ISISbasket.
I like how you don't know where that image came from the most.
Ok, you got me there. Just because it's hypocritical doesn't mean it's logically inconsistent, I suppose.
>Trumpfags will just ignore this story like the 1 billion other stories they ignore
As usual, they will ignore this shit until it backfires
>I will reluctantly acknowledge that foxes can eat hares.
>reeee kill all the shitskin mudslimes
>oh he actually did it that fucking jew lover
really boggles the toggles
>grammar nazi reporting in
>Like any liberal will criticize the military in a way that amounts to anything significant.
that's called a sentence fragment. don't do it again. you literally just attempted to criticize the military. ironically, you're right in that your critique didn't amount to anything significant.
Well whaddaya know Trump is a fucking kike after all
Dude, you are a fag and your meme game is whack
He's winging it. He's playing it day to day with no zero long term goals or strategies. Basically everything he does is intended as a distraction for the last thing he did.
Assad doesn't want to kill you.
You have to remember that there are posters from Stormfront here and that some of them are actual Putin shills.
Then you also have to remember that there are expats all over the West that back the Assad regime as hardcore as the tankies do.
Former Trump supporter here, not gonna lie, he's really been disappointing. Probably the worst president we've had in at least 700 years. Not only do we need to get the nuclear codes out of his hands immediately, we must impeach him and lock up his most fervent supporters. i've come to realize hate speech is not free speech. This has to stop. Please spread the word.
>muh Storm Front
Fuck off new faggot.
You two sound like simple folk.
I've been here longer than any of you and I'm never leaving.
I will however enjoy watching you be mad as shit on the Internet.
Yeah you are a confirmed newfag now.
I fuckin knew it and called you out
I can tell that I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of you.
See you around, friend.
For a guy who's helping Jews he sure has a poor way of showing it.
This. If Syria attacks US interests, they'll get bombed. That's their fault.
>implying im Mad
>implying you are an old fag
>implying you aren't some butt hurt new faggot with a bruised vagina
Sounds like some automatic triggers were set off. A + B = paveway delivery
Spoken like a true smuggie.
>former trump supporter
should add osama to that list
The US interest is US/UK terrorist support base on Syrian territory.
All I see is an evil man on the left. If Kissinger were to spend the the rest of his life in unimaginable pain and humiliation, I would be happy.
You're really brave for saying that.
South rebels are quite secular and supported by Jordan which is itself quite secular.
North rebels are not secular.
Or is the secular argument you retards throw around only applicable when it suits you? Afterall the groups bombed by coalition airstrikes were not secular.
Die in the next mass shooting faggot
Top lel most of the media are simply refusing to report it. They can't have real news distracting from their fake news narrative, can they?
>plus they're still hurting from how they lined up to lick his shaft - even though they hate him - when they thought he actually had gone Neocon in that first strike
It is a shame that Assad and Syria are going to have to keep taking a bit of collateral damage due to the spillover of US domestic politics. But as Mattis said, the Syrians were moving against us and I guess it was one of those situations where someone has gotta get hit.
Like they said "no change in policy".
what the fuck does that quote even mean?
You seem to have your head on strait, can you give me a TLDR?
Specifically was this just against the Syrian forces that were approaching the us forces yesterday?
>we have troops just inside Syria near the Jordanian border
>status quo is that there's a buffer between Syria government forces and US-UK forces
>Syrian troops moved a bit in to that buffer "building a fighting position"
>warning shots, official warnings including from Russians (good to see effective communication with them)
>Syrian troops ignored it
>got bombed
Based on this:
where you from brotha? im also a syrian christian, living in ny
Thanks friendo, with so many people here from other boards fishing for (you)'s it's hard to tell what the fuck is even happening.
Syria is not going to exist in a few years thanks to US foreign policy
>Supporting Trump after the infamous Fail Day
Mattis and the rest proved to be the same liars for war, who do you think is holding up Trumps people's security clearance? Its the mad kike mattis himself.
bruh fourth guy's been dead for a while