We do everything we can to assimilate. We have family values. We hate niggers. We wear the American flag all the time. We join your military and die for your country. We cut your grass and pick your fruits. What's not to love?
Why do you hate Hispanics?
If it's any consolation, I like you guys. I lived in a hispanic neighborhood for years and everybody was very family oriented, lots of big parties all the time with bouncy castles for the kids... you're good Christian people.
For what it's worth
>We do everything we can to assimilate. We have family values. We hate niggers. We wear the American flag all the time. We join your military and die for your country.
are not who we're talking about.
>We cut your grass and pick your fruits.
Are the ones we're talking about. If you're American, you're not one of "them."
Do you have to ask why? They love hitler.
You raped me, killed my friend, sent me to jail, stole my social security number, and fucked up my car.
You poisoned me, beat me, kicked me out of school, and took over my neighborhood.
beans are usually alright, just a lot of of chollos who give you all a bad name. but I've met a lot of good, honest, god fearing burritos.
There is a special Hell for Hispanics.
Have you ever made tacos and the next day your kitchen still stinks? That's how I feel walking around my America with all these damn spicks. They just stink the place up and never go away.
It's how you blindly defend immigration even if youre a natural born American. YOU JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHATS IT LIKE.
Just cause your fuckin tio has some stories about hoofing it across the desert doesn't mean you should be an advocate of la raza and Hillary and every left wing ideal. Stop this whole My Culture! Bullshit and figure out your own spot in society
Mexicans ruined the image of "Hispanic" countries
Your race has a tendency for violent crime and is dependent on white accomplishments. If you fuckers didn't have the right to vote and stopped spreading your latino culture all over the USA you'd be okay, but no. You put Mexico first over American interests. I support Mexico but not Mexican-Americans unless you've been here for at least a few generations and adopt white culture. America is an anglo nation, or at least it should be. Ethnic state. Not to mention you are the WORST drivers. Fuck you guys.
It's not hate. It's immigration policy in general. Adding immigrants in a stagnant wage environment(for most workers) and the increase in crime, hispanics are much more criminal than the average white person.
Whitey uses property prices to stay segregated, and dindus tend to stay concentrated in cities. Hispanics fan out in a similar fashion as white people, and make significantly more money than dindus thus increasing crime in our neighborhoods.
What is wrong with your countries that cause you to leave? When a lot of you come, you create that country here.
It was alright when there was just a few of you, now it's getting fucking ridiculous.
Hispanic isn't a race. Mestizo is. Mexicans are mestizos mostly. Those mestizos go to your country and fuck it up.
Oh and stay the fuck away from our white women you fucking crypto Jews. Stop race-mixing. We know white women are superior and you guys want to be white so badly but there is nothing you can do about it. Racemixing ruins culture.
>We do everything we can to assimilate
Right off the bat
Not as bad as niggers but contain a higher percentage of their genes than whites.
Also that demographics that come here tend to be the least educated, most prone to crime.
here's a pretty decent reason..
because i live around them and they are fucking retarted. they act like they are owed everything. they try to act like they are smarter than everyone else. they fucking throw trash everywhere, including their own yard and it starts blowing down the street trashing up the whole neighborhood. they are impolite assholes.and most of them fly the mexican fag, not the american flag.
No wetbacks move to America because their home has weather that's too shitty to survive, fields that are infertile, or religious persecution.
They move because Mexico is an impoverished, crime ridden, corrupt shithole.
In short, because it's filled with Mexicans.
Every wetback knows why Americans hate Mexicans; it's the same reason they break the law to live here.
>We do everything we can to assimilate.
Yet you can't even be bothered to learn English and increasingly I have to search and search for the English label every time I walk into a store to buy anything.
why do you assume we hate you just because we don't want you in our countries?
>90% of the class is named Rodriguez
Please be a shoop.
my Walgreens plays latino music with that trumpet thats in every fucking latino song. FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!
Rodriguez is a last name bruv
>90% of the class
I don't know what tiny school you went to, back when I graduated it was a class of almost 1,000 students. One page of Rodriguez isn't nearly that much. Don't worry though, surely the other pages are full of more spic names, my yearbook sure was.
i only hate the fucks that dont learn english.
i had insurance through a company once that whenever you called, would give the automation instruction in spanish first.
god damn was i pissed. i canceled it asap
i will never learn spanish. i refuse to do so and none of my children will either.
>We do everything we can to assimilate
Except speak English.
Why do you refuse to assimilate?
why do you suck dick and be gay?
I've lived in Miami for the last 15 years. I've had your food, I've dated your women and I've socialized with your people. Some of you are civilized, hard working people who truly do want to assimilate. Many of you, however, are not. A lot of you come from your shit-tier, socialist dumpster fires that you call countries and come here attempting to grab as many government gib me dats as you can so that you can have the same pathetic, lazy lifestyle that you had back in ParaColumBraSalvador except with better shopping malls. You drive around in your 1991 Honda Civic with the flag of your failed socialist dictatorship hanging proudly from your limp rear view mirror that is held on to your cracked windshield with duct tape on your way to work as a bag boy at Publix at the age of 35, a job that teenagers do for a few years before going on to college. A lot of you are literally filthy and have no desire to learn English (just enough to get by). You also bring your corrupt morality to wherever you go and you think bribing and palm greasing is par for the course. If any of you work in any kind of service industry, you REQUIRE this sort of compensation to do any sort of decent or passable job. Oh, and most of you are materialistic to a fault. The vast majority of you are doing NOTHING to better this nation and THAT, my friend, is why I hate Hispanics.
>i only hate the fucks that dont learn english.
wow so the brown unwashed hordes who commit crimes at a far higher rate, have low IQ and rape your white daughters and recreate latin america wherever the fuck they go will be good to you as long as they speak english. huh
You can't assimilate visible minorities even if they are equal in every other way they will still look different and that alone creates a whole host of ingroup preference / kinship patterns which are the WHOLE FUCKING REASON MULTIRACIAL SOCIETIES ARE DOOMED
because I had a nice place
but then mexicans moved next door and they sit outside all the fucking time playing music
If it was just the weekends or some fucking party i wouldn't even care...but its every fucking day.
also most south americans are fat little potato people and I don't like looking at them
yeah fucking idiot, i was obviously saying im OK with shitstained looking fucks coming here breaking the law, IF they learn english
youre fucking retarded
>but its every fucking day.
LITERALLY every fucking day with the mariachi ey. I do speak spanish because i've lived in spain but i play dumb around the mexicans and here what kind of shit they say. Very entitled people they think they own the place
there are a lot of people who think exactly that no shit i'm surrounded by them daily it's frustrating as fuck. As if their shitty goblin children speaking english makes them do less crime or achieve better in school
>We join your military and die for your country.
You're a subhuman savage that expects your dead to do your heavy lifting for you.
No soup for you.
we dont hate you bra, i live close to a mexican neighborhood and everyone around here gets along pretty well
Still monkey tier.
Hispanic isn't a fucking race fucktard
>mexican neighborhood
fuck you traitor, the fact that this shit even exists in the United States of America is alone proof that they are incompatible. Soon that neighborhood will be half the city, then half the state, then half of the country and we'll be Mexico / Los Angeles tier all over. Fuck that and fuck them.
i fucking hate them all.
i live in the fucking appalachians and i still see these shit colored spics jibbering their taco speak everywhere.
we hate them too, at least us "white washed" mestizos do
There's way too fucking many of you guys. It was fine when you were a very small minority and were on their way to assimilate. Now it's just ridiculous, especially when there are basically Mexican colonies near our southwestern border.
85% Laplander here, kids with 85% Central Amerindian.
I appreciate the latinoss work ethic. I like their food, and their pacifist culture. I don't like the raza. Latinos should be less isolationist. A half hispanic child isn't accepted by hispanics, but is by whites.
You guys are poised to be total bro-mode with white america, but opt to call each other white washed when they've assimilated.
I'm half spic but look white as fuck. could never stand spics. It's all rooted in the basis of mexican culture: machismo. They're hell bent on proving to the world how big their dick is by being douchebags and assholes then threatening to fight when they've got 9 or 10 other hombres backing them up when someone suggests otherwise. This thrown in with how literally retarded they are makes for a shit smoothie. they are by far the most obnoxious and socially inconsiderate group of people ive ever encountered. my mexican neighbors will blast shit mariachi music at 8 in the morning in their garage. the same neighbors can't afford a garage door remote so to signal little jose inside to hit the garage button, they honk a good 50 fucking times in the driveway regardless of the time of day. these same pieces of shit live off of section 8 housing, are illegal, and sell used cars for untaxable income. other mexicans do a fuck ton of drugs and drop out of highschool after failing algebra for the 5th year in a row. they're also terrible drivers. uninsured assholes who will weave through traffic and ride your ass in the slow lane until they finally cut in front of you and flip you off as you see them drive away proudly displaying their piolin radio bumper sticker. fuck spics
t.southern californian who grew up with mexican extended family and neighbors
Just a reminder that you're not white either
Honestly if spics didn't live in America I would like them.
Thing is this isn't where you belong. You have to go back.
i used that gif on omegle once. so many butthurt latinos flipping the bird. it was glorious.
It's simple really, You're bad for the economy. More laborers bring down the pay of laborers all around. And you tend to do it cheaper to, which also brings down the cost of labor. Socially minded I don't mind you at all. You're all pretty great and friendly. You have a Cartel problem, but that's find as long as you're not in a gang.
Would pick south americans everyday over muds and niggers. But that doesnt mean they arent trash. Most violent people on earth.
So are Hispanics the American version of a Paki? I've met plenty of Spaniards and they're quality people, never met a South American before though.
You have to go back.
They are not white.
>We do everything we can to assimilate
>we do everything we can to assimilate
You do the exact opposite. You open Mexican shops, Mexican stores and taquerias. You don't learn English and are massive welfare burdens to tax payers like myself.
James Rodriguez
>all of the ass blasted gringos in this thread
You mean tax payers man. We are tired of you and your free ride. I'm in Texas shits hitting the fan for you and yours.
You don't produce at a level that would keep the US going - seriously, you have to be in the top 30% of earners for the US to break even on the amount you give in taxes, compared to the infrastructure you consume.
And you're brown and ugly, you drag our school scores down, make parts of our cities look like the 3rd world, and you want to be around us like pesky little brothers.
Hispanic is not a race, you mong. They are either caucasian, indio or mestizo (mixed).
The thing is that mestizos, which are really cancerigenous (even more than native indians), are the majority in these countries. We did a great mistake putting our dicks inside those disgusting aztec women.
The race is Latin your fool
>american education
Stop embarrassing yourself
u mad wite bois? me on the left
Immigrants illegal and otherwise pay taxes you rural and suburban retard.
To all of you who responded to this thread
Would you mind an union with Spain? Why the fuck is Argentina a country, were the Spanish oppresing you?
>We do everything we can to assimilate.
Yet it's practically a requirement for every single sign in this country to have Spanish translations for all the spics that can't and refuse to learn how to read English.
Fuck stupid spics and they're ugly squat legged spawn children. Go back to your Latin American shithole.
you evade taxes
you steal medical care
you cockroach up homes with 50 people
you do shitty work then disappear
you smuggle and sell drugs
you steal (Swiper stop swiping!)
> John Rockwell
I honestly really like mexicans. i trade all of our niggers for them if i could, but unfortunately there's just too many of you coming here not paying taxes and using too many benefits. it's economics taco bro. nothing personal.
I like how smug the baby is
Stay in your own fucking country. What reason could you possibly have to come here other than to take something from the white man? Take his jobs, take his benefits, take the comfort and security, take the free schooling, the healthcare, etc.
The only reason is that we have things that you want, and that you can't do for yourselves. We created a better society than you can, and we're supposed to just accept you coming here and living off of the benefits we built for our people, our children, our descendants? Fuck off.
Everything a society does is passed down to the next generation. That's supposed to be OUR kids, OUR grandkids. Not yours. You're stealing our birthright, and the birthright of our children, and their children. Squandering five centuries of hard fucking work.
You're not capable of building or maintaining great societies. Your presence here reduces our ability to do so. Also, you're fucking ugly and unsightly and too many of you commit crimes. And once you're here, you don't respect or give thanks to your benevolent hosts. You shit the place up and offer nothing in return.
Fuck off back to wherever you came from. I don't care if you were born here. You don't belong.
>stopped spreading your latino culture all over the USA
what culture? nigger culture is spread all over the world
>rural and suburban
Every fucking thread you're in, you little shit.
I swear to God.
SAGE + Obvious nonsense shariablue thread
Well there went those blue eye genetics. 40,000 years to cultivate, and she shits out a brown turdbaby after 26 years of miseducation.
Let me guess, you think blonde hair, blue eyes is white. Danes are the niggers of civilization. They come and steal and run away when an actual army comes and fights them. Its hilarious the French BTFO'd them
Spanish,French,English,Mediterraneans(rome) are all white, anyone else is dirty and filthy lineage of society
>1 post by this ID
To those reading though, civic nationalism is death. Everyone has a right to exist, but we should not be forced to collide like this, it is unfair to all parties involved, including Mexicans.
No thanks, we don't want muslims coming here like in europe. We have enough problems with immigrants from the rest of south america.
Hispanics are fairly community orientated. They depend on themselves.
It's because white people weren't let into their cool kids club in junior and highschool
But then you wouldn't have as much good BBQ.
Sounds like most of southern white people to me.
This though
Family oriented
Well meme'd my colored friend.