Why are Arab armies so embarrasingly incompetent?
Why are Arab armies so embarrasingly incompetent?
Other urls found in this thread:
bad genetics. Jews have superior genetics
>Israel was created in 6 days
fake and gay
Gas the kikes
this is about the six day war in 67, not israeli independence in 48
And on the 7th day, they rested.
Didn't they have a shit load of foreign help?
If the same attack happened today what would be the result?
They aren't united
In the Yom Kippur war Syria lied about retaking the Golan heights despite actually losing which made Egypts army overreach and get surrounded.
But yeah Israel had a ton of foreign help from foreign Jews like Rothschild's and smuggle in post ww2 tanks and weapons.
complete Israeli domination
complete domination by Israel*
that read a little confusing
Cousin marriages
The Soviets supplied the arabs as well, it's just muslims have been shit fighters since ww1
kek your name
>776-983 vs. 20,000+
Jesus fucking Christ.
They had zero foreign help in 1948. The US aid started at around 1967~. Most of what they used in the 1948 war was WW1 gear.
Keep in mind, Jews come from a pretty diverse background so you had Jews that spoke only German or French or Dutch or Yiddish and they were all fighting together in 1948. Pretty impressive
Although OP's 'meme ball' is wrong, the 1948 war lasted 9 months. The 6 day war happened in 1967. It's still impressive because they defeated 5 Arab countries in six days (at the 1967 war).
6 day war wasn't the day after Israel was founded, it was 19 years later
The war of independence was in 1948. The 6 day war was in 1967. Kill yourself.