Who do you think is controlled opposition and why?
I think Alex Jones is so that conservatives look like crazy tin foil hatters who believe in conspiracies like vaccines cause autism, government weather control, and Sandy Hook being a false flag.
Who do you think is controlled opposition and why?
I think Alex Jones is so that conservatives look like crazy tin foil hatters who believe in conspiracies like vaccines cause autism, government weather control, and Sandy Hook being a false flag.
But all three of those things are true...
There are actual studies showing links between issues such as autism and vaccines.
The government has experimented with atmospheric spraying to manipulate and it is written into law how it should be used.
Sandy Hook was a blatant false flag using crisis actors.
Evidence? And not a link to Infowars, please.
Any proof that the government can use weather as a weapon? I would like to see repeatable studies published in a journal about links with vaccines and autism. What evidence do you have about Sandy Hook?
well, it's too obvious to say: but 99% of the GOP
stop looking elsewhere, that's enough
EVERY nevertrumper
Alex Jones for sure. Fox news is (was) conservative establishment controlled opposition.
The thing to remember about counterintel is, if one is attempting to control a narrative, the counterintel doesnt work unless its accurate info.
Ex: (((they))) put atrazine in water to emasculate american males.
They don't want anyone to break this info, so they give to AJ, who puts it out to the general public, but in a very unpalatable way for most people, which automatically turns them off to the legit info. And all the while, the truth is floating around in plain view.
Voila! Controlled Opposition
Exactly, and Alex Jones doesn't even know they are feeding him the information on purpose. He is controlled but does not realize it.
>Who do you think is controlled opposition
noam fucking chompsky
pls read his explanation of 9/11 and tell me he isn't a system jew.
These days 'tin foil hatters' and 'conspiracies' are words only used to dismiss thoughts or ideas or people without providing argumentation. Judging from the rest of your reactions, you probably haven't spent even an hour looking into any of the examples you mentioned. I would highly encourage you to do so (and preferably longer). Not only will you learn more about the situation, but also will you come closer to being 'truly' redpilled, namely being critical of EVERYTHING you'll ever read, see or listen to.
This thread is obviously bait, btw.
But sandy hook was a false flag
It's a war crime in the Geneva convention. Why would that be in there if it isn't possible. Would be like putting a moratorium against weaponized zombies if it was tinfoil like you say.
Why does the cdc refuse to do a study on vaccinated and non-vaccinated children?
So i'm confused. I shouldn't listen to alex jones because everything he says is true? Hahaha not going to fall for your jewish tricks this time friendo.
>This thread is obviously bait, btw.
You take Alex Jones seriously? Do you think upper level politicians are pedophiles who sacrifice children? Alex Jones does.
I absolutely do. Must be a newfag since you missed pizzagate dumbass.
No, they feed him information from time to time to make it look like the conspiracies and paranoia he peddles.
Yeah I think he's trying to look like an idiot when it comes to conspiracy theories that are actually true in order to discredit anyone who actually believes in them.
I never watched any of his shows. So can't comment on him.
If you really are interested in stuff like Sandy Hook, there is a lot of material on youtube. But you aren't, otherwise you would've known that already.
The thread is bait, because it starts about controlled opposition, and following that it introduces controversial people and ideas. Tell your teacher I'd recommend a B+
Here's some relating to the vaccine thing. No direct words relating to autism on the CDC site, but an interesting list of chemicals none the less.
Here's the PDF's link - cdc.gov