Senate hearing on C16 featuring Jordan B. Peterson (the only man with common sense in the room):
Behead those who He She
Senate hearing on C16 featuring Jordan B. Peterson (the only man with common sense in the room):
Behead those who He She
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Canada fact 1:
Canada fact 2:
But we made up for it by taking in syrians
Whats c16 and why is jordan relevant to it. Also, is this canadian senate?
Canada fact 3:
Nope wrong post link,
I tried
>cunt lays out a trap for a solid minute aiming to make peterson look like a racist nazi bigot
>peterson immediately shapes up and demolishes cunt's argument with a single statistics 101 statement, completely dodging the trap
Feminists are upset guys. We need to use them
Sort yourself.
Sort your people.
Ok just looked it up, what the fugg canada?
>I may have been born male at birth and I was born with a penis, but I was born a woman
Annex us.
Start a petition to annex Canada and a letter to Trump and just see what happens
Actually more than one person was sensible, curiously enough. Looks to me like even the courts are fucked as clearly, objectively didn't listen or take into account ANYTHING that has been said on the side they dislike.
Fuck off dude it was only Quebec !!!
You anglo cuck followed your british leader like the eternal anglo that you are !!
Here is the bill for anyone interested:
Simply put, it allows "gender identity or expression" to be actionable under our hate speech and discrimination law.
I believe the question of if refusing to use someone's pronouns is actionable under criminal discrimination is up to the Department of Justice, and in a page now taken down, they said they would interpret the law based on the policy of the Ontario Human Rights Code which states misgendering someone is discrimination and runs foul of the Ontario Human Rights Code and thusly the criminal code if the Justice Department accepts it.This is the policy here:
Even if the Department of Justice doesn't accept the policy, than misgendering someone or refusing to use their name is still against the Canadian Human Rights code and you could still be brought in front of a tribunal, fined, and held in contempt of court if you ignore it, which may include prison time. Bill C-16 would only give them more protection do this. Mostly the tribunals deal with employment matters, but not always, such in this case:
Here's the Justice Department talking about their intentions to accept the Ontario code:
Canadian fact 3:
From Wikipedia:
>Under King's administration, the Canadian government, responding to strong public opinion, especially in Quebec, refused to expand immigration opportunities for Jewish refugees from Europe.[75] In June 1939 Canada, along with Cuba and the United States, refused to allow entry for the 900 Jewish refugees aboard the passenger ship MS St. Louis.[76]
All the people who voted for it will never meet these snowflakes en masse and don't have kids who will become like these social fuckups
you will literally be put to death by lethal injection for playing dude look like a lady in your own home in canada. they're going to implement transgender death squads and will patrol for illegal language.
except when you arent called your preferred pronoun
This image outlines some of the practices of the Human Rights Tribunals. You can find more information online.
Here is Jared Brown's legal opinion on Bill C-16:
Soldier is French Canadian btw
It's illegal to be conservative basically.
Where did it all go so wrong Sup Forums?
Makes sense. As is, it's now a very legitimate life-threatening issue to have to work with someone who isn't sane, to the point that it is now a very valid and serious reason to consider resigning as soon as possible.
mapel syrup probably, ask /x/ about it
Fuckin anglo hating on us when we are the fuckin based nation that gave birth to canada
it's funny, during the election we had all the lefties and socialists saying they would move to canada if trump won, now i wonder how many right-wingers/conservatives in canada are wanting to come down to US
Reeeee i hate youuuu
Thy/Zee are a bunch of fucking cucks!! Fucking kill Zee/Thy-selves canadian pieces of shit!!
None, because if you're really a conservative you're not a rootless cosmopolitan
Reminder that the US is on the same way. The leftists want to dictate speech everywhere.
>Not using transgender pronouns could get you fined
>Employers and landlords who intentionally and consistently ignore using pronouns such as “ze/hir” to refer to transgender workers and tenants who request them — may be subject to fines as high as $250,000.
>The legal enforcement is in line with the city’s guidance on discrimination based on gender identity or expression.
Wonder where this will end. Can someone who identifies as attack helicopter sue when e.g. it is misgendered as a AH-64A when in fact it identifies as AH-64E?
I lived in the USA as a child but didn't stay long enough for green card. Wishing so hard we stayed right now. I'd be citizen by now.
We need to spread this countries real history and memory
None because only leftards exist in this cucked land.
I seriously second this.
It's just going to make life harder for snowflakes desu. People won't want to hire them, will make up reasons to segregate them. See: feminists are already upset cuz peniswomen are trying to get into born female only spaces like rape therapy
Firstly, yes. Secondly, you should identify as "Kill the kikes"/"hang the spics".
of course, im more referring to the younger people, specifically in college. must be pretty spooky to think that if you dont call a tranny "ze" or whatever, you could go to jail and possibly have your education fucked with
I hope so. If even one case backfires it would be hell, though. All you need is one judge to decide it's illegal to refuse a tranny like that and you're now looking at a precedent to demonstrate it's illegal not to accept a tranny regardless of any other characteristics.
You leafs are fucking pathetic. Do something about this kind of shit because it's about to be too fucking late to take a stand.
>Can someone who identifies as attack helicopter sue when e.g. it is misgendered as a AH-64A when in fact it identifies as AH-64E?
going against my flight plan is now illegal.
Checkmate atheists.
none because trump is a neocon zionist
Can pol come up with a feasible way to exploit this new law?
None of the helicopter memegenders or whatever. If I'm gonna get fucked I might as well fuck someone else. All aboard the man train
Simple way to troll the law. Create new gender "hitlerkin" pronouns mein/meinself/mein fuhrer
>Get fined for anti semitism
Your move retrad
Exploit the law. Create some stupid gender that they know is fake, identify as it. When they refuse to accep your pronouns, sue them. Beat them at their own game.
Whats going on with the dude on the right? Guy in the red shirt and blue tie. Start the video and then just watch his face.
so is the terrorist :^)
Truly Canada is the most powerful country.
lol i noticed that too when i watched it a few hours ago. seems to have some kind of twitch
Just pick a gender pronoun and start reporting absolutely everyone for not using it.
It won't be easy, because the SJW control the Human Rights Commission and Tribunals. They are legally obligated to look into any complaint you make, but beyond that, they probably won't make tribunal case out if it unless they think you are serious. One way to help this along would be to make a complaint against a business or government. They seem to take discrimination much more seriously in those situations.
At the very least, I suppose you could tie down the human rights system and fuck with them, and you should.
It's less widespread than it seems. I joke about it with my friends all the time
He's Amerindian
what is to stop our attack helicoptorkin from having overtly racist homophobic pronouns.
I am an apache my pronouns are thus
Wait so it passed senate and is actually law now?
no just the review counsel
>what is to stop our attack helicoptorkin from having overtly racist homophobic pronouns.
Oh I dunno, things like currently existing hate-speech laws
the only way to get rid of this is to get a politician to misgender you. Have them arrested.
There's just one more step, Royal Assent. I believe it's basically the Queen's agent approving of it, which they obviously would. Just a formality at this point.
What does it still have to go through to become law and when will that be?
"You do have freedom of speech in Canada, until you don't"
Trying to turn binary things into grey areas
Truly the way of scum
Why would old ivan eat pork; and he only needs pork to call him daddy
never forget where u came from fellow leafs
ontairo human rights commission would implode
>1 post by this ID
A similar law in the US would be unconstitutional. The US doesn't have any "hate speech" exemptions, free speech is absolute.
Great Britain has forsaken us
Unfortunately, stating that this is anti-semitism is now a hate crime.
I do, and I should have the ability to move there within the next 5 years or so through my career. I will definitely retain property in Toronto though due to the extremely valuable market.
>Behead those who He She
What are you ISIS?
>Once a bill has been passed in the same form by both the Senate and the House of Commons, the Governor General as representative of the Crown attends Parliament in the Senate Chamber. The Members from the House of Commons are then summoned by the Usher of the Black Rod to the Senate. Once all parties are present, the bills that are to receive royal assent are presented to the Governor General or a Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada acting as Deputy of the Governor General. The formal request is made in the following manner: “May it please Your Excellency: The Senate and the House of Commons have passed the following Bill, to which they humbly request Your Excellency’s Assent”, the title of the bill is then read and the Governor General or her Deputy signifies assent by a nod of the head.
Just red-tape archaic nonsense left. They were running out of time to pass it, but I'm not sure if the recent vote stops the time. If it doesn't you should see it passed quite soon, two or three weeks.
Where a my leafblower when you need one...
No, only canada.
So is the shit I just took. What's your point leaf
if any lawyers are around there is a term for "using the law, to hide from the law"
Chief Frenchbong sir, My true personality a wretched slave, please mastah punish me. It was all a lie, I was born this way
Yeah, it has to royal assent(ascend?) before June 23, or it gets sent back to the Senate and I think it will have to be voted on again. I guess it's time to get all the "hate speech" out of your system before then.
When will Peterson get fucking arrested already so that we can finally get rid of these shit threads.
t.sam harris
I grew up in Quebec in the 80's and can testify that there was always a lot of anti-semite sentiment.
All it takes is another radical marxist president.
Look at your gun right in blue states.
It's just the terminal stages of our virtue signalling death spiral.
Now that the precedent has been set for government compelled speech, the sky is the limit. Maybe people who live in Sharia zones will be forced to pray. Maybe people will be forced to date trannies. Who the fuck knows anymore.
This bill was literally passed for FEELINGS. They literally said "feelings" in the hearings as a reason for this.
I've heard that they're even cheaper than their stereotypes and a pain to deal with for service providers (I never worked in the domain so I can't confirm)
Did any conservative MPs go against it? There needs to be political winds against this type of overreach.
Why would they? It doesn't affect businesses, which is all the Conservatives care about
I really hope this affects liberals the most.
>accidentaly say the wrong pronoun
>dude look like a lady
Wow. Never thought about that. Just how many songs, movies, TV episodes, etc, just became illegal?
That is just sad. You're not far from taking the cuck crown from us Cuckada.
Or a movie that Sup Forums would love where two black guys dress up as white girls:
>this is now thoughtcrime in canada
Of course not. It would be hatespeech if they did.
Within parliament, MPs are legally protected from liability from anything they say, or something like that