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>trump's been mixed up with the russian mob since the early 2000s

yeah, no.
you're an idiot.

but Flynn is the reason why Comey was fired and why Pence is being targeted by the media

its all because of this shit

Trump was warned not to take on Flynn. Trump is retarded.


Comey getting fired is a good thing. He was Hillary's crony.


Trump knows exactly what he's doing, you're just to fucking "retarded" to understand how the long game works.

Read his book if you want to understand what he's doing here.

so why did he fire Comey?

why did he keep him for so long

was that part of the plan


You should try reading a book yourself. A remedial English textbook for example.

>Trump was warned

"Warned" by the jihadist in chief. Any enemy of Obama is an American favorite. General Flynn was fired for trying to drain the swamp. Now the only patriot left in the White House is Bannon. Sad.

“Former CIA officer: Flynn fired over high-level DC pedophile list”


Correction. American patriot.

so you also deny flynn taking money and lobbying for Turkey

>manafort money laundering for russia
>flynn making a backchannel request to russians
>trump taking bank loans from russia
>more money laundering thru real estate deals
>18 contacts with russian ex KGB
>page making promises to potential russian donors
>taking russians on the campaign and at RNC

These guys are fucked.
Don't try to rationalize it.



Yes it was. He needed comey to say exactly what he said at the last testimony before he could fire him. Then he had an asset read the fake memo over the phone to the NYT. If comey agrees with the memo then he committed perjury. If he disagrees then the NYT loses credibility and trump can cal them witch hunting liars

Comey fucking testified that the president didn't try to halt or hamper any investigations AFTER that memo was supposedly written

Flynn was sloppy as fuck which is a shame because his ideology was good.

I actually have started to believe this stuff....unironically.

The mother fucker seems to be 2 steps ahead at all times. It is almost uncanny.

How do you think it would look to the American People IF a sitting president accosted and threw a former president and a former candidate in prison for "charges".

Now that you are done imagining that.

Now imagine that EVERYONE everywhere is investigated, and after it all settles with the same result....

Which seems more palatable to the US citizens?

I really think that him taking Flynn into this was part of the plan....

I hate to say it...I think getting caught was part of the plan.

so you think this was a barium meal test/ canary trap to oust leakers...

You're helpless and can't see what's real anymore. Your spewing brietbart talking points, and turning your brain off. Do us a favor and end your misery

Not how it works... NYT will be fine you realize newspapers have always gotten big stories wrong at times right?

thats pretty much what I think too

How many times has Trump said retarded shit and you say "th-this will catch the leakers!"

ask the guy im asking that

Is that what CNN told you?

>hurr hurr hurr..

>be a public figure
>figure I can make some money doing speeches
>sign up with Leading Authorities, a speakers bureau
>get sold as a part of a package to an RT event
>many other notorious people were there but the only one you hear about is Flynn
>get the entire trip cleared by Obama's department of defense
>debriefed after and told them every that happened. They were fine with it
>get paid by Leading Authorities, an American company, not RT
The whole Russian hysteria is built on misinfo and lies

Just think it, you don't have to say it... we know

His game is working very well because the elites are shitting their pants.... and when the elites are afraid you know things are going right for a change.


Will concede, Jill Stein has gotten off unscathed
Rosenstein is compromised - special council is a trap

>Russian oligarchs help fund the Apprentice
>Trump marries a Russian supermodel whose cousin has ties to the KGB
>Trump took a trip to Moscow during the early 1990's and helped open it up to the west with corrupt deals and bribes
>Trump was one of the original backers for RT, now Russia's state media wing

Your orange dictator has been in bed with the Red Soviets since day 1. You could have had Jeb Bush in the White House right now, bashing gays left and right, but instead you are going to lose everything in a recall election.


melania is Slovenian

so may want to look into the breakup of yugoslavia more

Slavs are all the same.


I thought Flynn was just some dude they had on Fox News for the past few years. Then he causes all of this stupid Russian shit.

Okay, think of it this way: The United States breaks up. Is someone from Texas American?

The answer is yes.

new phone who dis

Keeping Flynn on was an awful idea. Can't believe there are people on this board who want Flynn back in the admin. Nothing but PR nightmare.

Trump choose him on purpose. He knew about Flynn's issues, so Trump hired Flynn hoping he would be caught. Ever since Flynn was caught people have become even more suspicious of government. This is all 3D chess plays.

What Is Turkeys relationship with Russia

what if trump kept him because it alligned with the greater polict goals

what about Israel and Russia

He's on a special mission by the President to expose the leakers. All of it is a plan.

>le 7d chinese checkers
Imagine being such a brainwashed Trumpcuck, any flaw in your imaginary golden god is dismissed as "playing the long game". Meanwhile you're accept every other politician can have slip-ups and mistakes, but NEVER Trump. Because that would spoil your narrative of retardation.

The book he didn't write?

This is an excellent theory of context as to why things happened the way they played out

Holy shit

Lol, facts are now "breitbart talking points"...

You really can't talk sense with these libtards.

Oh God please let this be real. Did we troll the MSM again?

There's oceans going on in the background that's not being discussed. But this seems to fit nicely as to why Trump and Flynn immediately rolled over.
That's the only thing that makes sense,

Yeah, there has to be some info on their side that would make them act so cool about it, info that could damn the opposition. I really hope the truth comes out. No lies by either side. Is this why /pol is so excited for Mueller?

Is this real?

I really hope this is the case and the Jews don't just have him by the balls like it seems

Of course it is, it is signed by Comey

>Generals take orders
>Trump is the Commander

Trump is a traitor
Get used to it faggots

Was getting caught part of his plan?

I'm excited about Mueller because faggots now need to STFU about 'Muh Russia.'
Maybe the administration used the bogus Russia angle as a huge distraction while the dust settled and information was obtained.
But whatever the case may be, it's obvious to anyone who can thunk for themselves that Russian collusion was rubbish to begin with

I wonder what Flynn knew about the boston bombers

>dude baseless claim lmao
The Russian narrative is mook and podestas doing

>fucks on about typo
>better never make typo
>we all make typos
>who gives a fuck about typos
>forgot to add question mark to last statement
>real faggs know what i meant

It is Trumps fault for firing him. Firing Flynn signaled to the Deep State and The Establishment that there was no real glue holding the Trump team together as a united front. Pence signaled his willingness for the soft coup by playing along the whole thing. If you do not stay loyal to your staff in Washington D.C. they will not stay loyal to you. Trump made a rookie mistake and it is a fatal one.

Trump is going to be removed from power. It is all over but the crying.

Flynn was not sloppy that is a media narrative. The dude ran counter-terrorism operations for fucks sake. Trump panicked and stumbled and fired Flynn because Pence pressured him to fire Flynn instead of telling Pence to back Flynn. Pence played his part in signaling that he was OK with a Soft Coup. After Trump cut Pence off at the knees for the Comey firing ye changing the whole narrative after sending Pence out to make a fool of himself. (((They))) kicked the operation into high gear Trump will be gone in 8-12 months. Watch Pence will distance himself from Trump stop stumping for him. Also Pence will start overtly consolidating power and a base around him with the power brokers. Watch Pence's speaking schedule while Trump is out of country he will be delivering speeches at all the right establishment venues. Seriously watch Pence and his speaking schedule and monitor his speeches you will see the subtle break between trump and Pence forming in public laying the ground work for a cuckservative Pence Presidency.

>doing his job
Wait, do you guys really believe this?

>give a fantastic case for locking Hillary up in public
>but no I won't because she didn't mean to lol

lobbying for Turkey was a misstep. there's no getting around that. Trump should have taken the heat and kept him on, but Flynn did indeed mess up.

>long game

not sure if fake news. seems like it would be a chore to fake a conversation like that. leaning towards that being real.

Yup Flynn made a mistake but Trump firing him sent the signal to the entire Trump team that Trump is not loyal to his people. In D.C. you need loyalty above all else to survive. Think about what Trump did to Bannon for example he castigated Bannon in the fucking Jew York Times for fucks sake during the ongoing Kushner v. Bannon feud. How loyal do you think Bannon is after that? Everyone in TrumpWorld knows trump will not back them to the hilt so why should they back him to the hilt especially when subpoenas start flying. After clawing your way to the top in Washington D.C. politics do you think anyone is will to fall on a sword for Trump after some of the mistakes he has made? Republican leadership can never be sure in the House or Senate if Trump is reliable for a legislative agenda or during a political crisis, or will he throw them under the bus of just be careless and say shit off the cuff that undermines an agreed strategy. From there perspective Trump has to go and the sooner the better. So that is what they are gonna do and as quickly as possible.

>he unironically believes the 4d chess meme in the current year

the mental gymnastics on pol lately are olympic tier

i think it is denial

threads like this will help people

Fake. The lack of contact info on the site puts it into the garbage background noise propaganda arena.

Stop listening to maddow and Louise Mensch.

And screaming about russia collusion and money !aundering isn't insane either?

I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes
