That will be $19.99, sir.
[spoiler]PLUS TAX[/spoiler]
That will be $19.99, sir.
[spoiler]PLUS TAX[/spoiler]
>a fucking leaf
i see our new caliphate government has enacted the jizya. so soon? damn. here you go.
>Well as I'm not a dumb fuck, I knew that going into the transaction so here is your money.
Why did you open the box, you incompetent fuck?
That slice that has like one piece of pepperoni on it bothers me.
>If in the US
19.99 plus theft.
This. Finally a decent leaf.
exactly right my friend.
Ok, heres your tip. Have a nice day.
Go back to Sup Forums with your awful and outdated meme threads.
Plus delivery fee which is not part of tip because we say so
Plus real tip
That'll be $29.99
No, khaffir, you must pay me the jizya. Here is 10 dollars your change.
You can't even afford pizza can you? They literally tell you how much the total is on the phone, there is no surprise. You tip them if you aren't a poor fag and don't hate your country, ez pz.
>[/spoiler] tag on pol
Fuck off back to your faggy board, leaf.
why does he have a pencil behind his ear
Writing down orders or notes on the chefs he was judging most likely
cheese pizza,nice
It's pupperoni you fucking dunce
Pizzas are for fatties. No thanks.
I like sales tax being added afterwards since everyone is reminded every time they buy something that the government takes a cut.
If you spend $10000.00 on goods here in canada. $1300 goes to the government.
If they raise it 1%, you can kiss another $100.00 goodbye for some social program that you wont benefit from