Let's get some things straight, Sup Forums

Let's get some things straight, Sup Forums,

Is there a lack of evidence surrounding Seth Rich's death? Yes.

Does it need further investigation? Yes.

Is there evidence of a conspiracy? NO.

Stop treating people as retards for not immediately believing EVERY CONSPIRACY like you fucking morons.

Maybe then you'd actually get somewhere.

Who knows why Seth Rich was murdered? Certainly not Sup Forums. So stop acting like it, and if you really care... Do some fucking research.


TFW suggesting that conspiracy theories aren't automatically correct because they fit your precious narrative is considered bait



Wow user you must be tired, how about a story before bedtime

lmfao there's insurmountable evidence, you're just a dumb cunt who can still watch national television as if it still has the virtues of credibility.

At this point some random fuck face troll has far more chances of being closer to the truth than most networks on television and its fucking pathetic.

False prophet liars who enabled these demons in America to get away with so much trash will eventually reap what they sow.

I'm waiting to see this evidence.

Let me guess, Wikileaks retweeted something?


>Is there evidence of a conspiracy? NO.

There definitely is circumstantial evidence of conspiracy. Whilst that isn't proof enough, it's there.

>worked for the DNC
>killed for no reason; it wasn't robbery, because nothing was robbed; no leads at all for the murderers released
>Wikileaks release the DNC hacks shortly after
>Assange implies Seth was the leaker

Nothing solid, but circumstance. Which means there's nothing wrong with looking into the DNC connection.

or russian connection

Joe Capone who owned the bar Seth left before being shot was photographed at the white house a few days earlier. In the interview with Seth family the dad is mouthing the words his wife is saying before she says them as the camera pans away, no one was allowed to see Seth at the hospital he was taken to and his records were scrubbed. Just more bits of evidence.

>or russian connection

We've got nothing tying him to Russians.

Podesta may have been scammed by Russians, but the DNC leaks were apparently an inside job.

The funniest part of this is that if you actually look into any of this beyond shilling they will kill you and dump you in the river. I'm sure as long as you keep pushing what they want and keep your mouth shut you will be fine.

>Joe Capone who owned the bar Seth left before being shot was photographed at the white house a few days earlier.

I wouldn't look too much into that.

The important thing about Capone is what he said about Seth that night. He said Seth was abnormally drunk, especially that he's usually able to drink quite a lot of beer and remain unaffected.

His drinks could have been spiked in other words, or something was bothering him and he was downing lots of spirits.


>No evidence of conspiracy
>Police body cams hidden
>Hospital name not given
>Alive in Ambulance
>"Talkative and didn't realize he'd been shot" to paramedics
>Supposed leaker
>Dies day after leaks published
>FBI seizes his emails and computers day after murder
>Family goes silent and DNC crisis management worker becomes their spokesperson

I'd suggest you Google something called circumstantial evidence.


If it was Russians the Dems would be all over this shit instead of covering it up


>leaks shit to Wikileaks
>gets shot shortly after

How, how can one be so fucking dense? How do you believe the media, ever? WHat the fuck is wrong with your brains?

Let's sort out this mess:

Right wing groups/people try to push conspiracy to damage DNC.
DNC tries to fight against that also in a dirty way.
Seth family is probably overwehlmed in all of this.

Murder is weird; but botched robbery can be imagined, when they try to get his stuff and he gets threatened and hit and shot by accident(2 times?)

Now why does Assange RT the story or why does wikileaks put out bounty for solving murder?
According to their statement they protect all suspected whistleblowers but have policy to never ever confirm them.

2 things would be bombshells if confirmed true:
>Seth was the leaker
>DNC murders him

Those can be seperated, like dnc killed him but only suspected him to be the leaker and he can be the leaker but it was a legit robbery.

2 things can happen, his laptop tells that he is indeed the leaker or wikileaks confirms or denies that he is the leaker, therefore breaking their own policy which is in itself a story.

The robbers/murders can get caught; therefore proving wether it was a hit job.

The problem with the whole story is that there is a clear motive for both sides to push and denie the story regardless wether it's true ot not, because for them it's a fight for public perception in the first place anyways.

Assuming wikileaks does not lie, which would destroy their reputation so I doubt it, the dnc stuff was a leak anyways, so wether seth is the leaker or not doesn't really matter for the RUSSIA stuff. It was not RUSSIA

>Murder is weird; but botched robbery can be imagined, when they try to get his stuff and he gets threatened and hit and shot by accident(2 times?)

They'd take stuff from him if it was a botched robbery.

A gang initiation murder makes more sense if you're looking for a basic street thug murder; these do happen.

Otherwise, you're looking at a murder where he was targeted for who he was.

I have no further knowledge in street crime in USA. I can just imagine that when I try to rob someone on gunpoint and shot him by mistake that I'd run and not take anything. If his stuff is found on me or can be tracked back to me then I'd be charged with murder and not "just" robbery.

He was attacked by 2 people in an area that was relatively quiet in the early morning.

They shot him in the back several times.

If you're going to rob someone with a firearm, you've already escalated it to the threat of death, so you should still rob the person of their belongings if the threat is realized. There's no benefit in not taking anything if you're a robber.

You have the murder weapon, which is the only important item evidence for a conviction. You have the residue on your hand from the shooting too.

The items on Seth are a rather minute risk here.

>You have the murder weapon
Hm, right. Good point.

There is only a "lack" of evidence because literal psychopaths are waving their hands like they are doing jedi mindtricks and telling everbody there is no evidence while obstructing investigations and using the media they own to bury and brush off the story.

The fact is (((Seth Rich))) was killed by his fellow establishment jews at the DNC for acquiring and leaking emails to wikileaks. To set an example. But they sort of fucked up and it's going to cost them dearly and all the media hysteria and crying wolf for Russia isn't going to hide the fact that they're made of glass. So is deep state. So is CIA. So is Mossad and Israel and the so-called jewish "people". They won't get the justice they deserve (which is, of course, death) but they're definitely fucked

Get out redditfag


Might be tumblr, they're supposedly raiding us.

Day of the rope soon my dudes....

Justice for Seth

>Let's get some things straight, Sup Forums,