Is this the guy who started the backlash against feminism and sjw? Without him there would be no Trump then.
Is this the guy who started the backlash against feminism and sjw? Without him there would be no Trump then
He hates Trump, but said that he was a bit giddy about the whole SJW meltdown. So were many other libertarian leaning liberals.
Thunderf00t is proof that you can be against Trump, but hate SJWs and modern feminism at the same time.
Anyone who follows this guy is reddit-tier. He's on the same level as Sargon of Cuck.
He is the reason i found out about gamer gate, but he's way to obsessed about anita sarkeensian even if she really is a huge cunt
RIP Chris Cornell - gone too soon :(
hes proEU because they fund his shitty experiments, he doesn't care that britain isn't owned by the native population anymore
No. Somebody else would have done it, mostly because Gamergate happened and redpilled a bunch of normies.
He's also a pro EU shill so he can get fucked for all I care
hey thunderb00t
Die cis scum video is the first thing I remember really kicking the backlash into gear. Nobody needed an eceleb to tell them what to make of it.
>tfw all your understanding of thermodynamics comes from Thunderf00t and sixty symbols
Anyone with a functional brain can feel that way. I completely support Trump's campaign promises, but never the man himself. Because I had no trust that he would actually follow through with them, and over 100 days into his Presidency, he's proving me right.
What we need is a leader like Trump who will actually fucking do what he says he will.
Very gifted scientist, very one dimensional view of politics.
Pretty much what I would say.
Rush Limbaugh has been talking about this shit for more than 20 years.
I don't like him, but he's someone Trump voters have actually heard of, unlike pic related.
>hes proEU because they fund his shitty experiments, he doesn't care that britain isn't owned by the native population anymore
This is the default narrative of every conservative who can't figure out why someone is against their views.
Let me guess, George Soros?
He's a chemistry professor that used to make a living making fedora fag videos and fathered Sargon of Akkad. He started making anti sjw videos because making fun of Christians was no longer an edgy fad. He was big during Gamergate and the safe space incident in Missouri. People stopped supporting him after supporting Remain during Brexit because muh college funding. B the time he started getting critical of Trump, everyone have already stopped listening to him.
His science videos were cool.
that image
top fucking kek m8
>Let me guess, George Soros?
He made a video explicitly stating this, it was the only point he mentioned, he didn't attempt to hide it, I can respect him for that much at least.
I would say he even started the trend to shit on Islamic propaganda on youtube. He made a 20min video making fun of muslims and as a response he received death threats from some autist in Indonesia
The kindling had been building for a long time with no one person being responsible but Quinn provided the gas with her prostituting and Jim lit the match with his quinnspiracy series.
>likes military history
>likes science
>hates SJWs
how long before he becomes one of us?
I bet he keeps a copy of Mosley's speeches under his bed "for research purposes"
What if I follow him for the science debunking videos?
That was only the tip of the iceberg, nobody actually realized what lies beneath.
is that daphne
>Without him there would be no Trump then.
Trump got elected because of an atheist scientist. Lol.
>He's a chemistry professor
I rather doubt that considering some of the equipment he has access to, I mean did you see the facility he was in when he put an iphone in front of a particle beam?
tell me about it. What a ride it's been.
It's Our Lady Vivian, mascot of Gamergate. She's
a girl gamer who just plays games instead of
bitching about sexism.
No Sargon is a new level of cuck. Can't be beat.
this guy is an ebegging shit stain his videos are boring.
>It's Our Lady Vivian, mascot of Gamergate. She's a girl gamer who just plays games instead of bitching about sexism.
Well isn't that just special.
Thunderf00t is proof that you can be an anti-SJW, but not be based or correct about anything.
He pretty much went downhill after Brexit.
Its hateful to even ask that question, and you bring a bad name to all Sup Forumsacks.
In fact, to combat this negative stereotype i think we should all become Sup Forumsacks+
No, the sjws have done that themselves. Without their crusade against all things they deem as heresy, them wouldn't have pushed so many people to the right. "Right-wing" e-celebs are just kikes capitalising on that pendulum swing.
t. brainlet
lmao @ all the brainlets in this thread who can't bring themselves to opinions they disagree with.
But I shouldn't say that. It's not your fault that you were born stupid.
thunder n3ck