Can someone kindly provide a rundown on what is happening with McMullin
McMullin Rundown?
>Plant to try to stop the Trump presidency
>Not married (Mormons all get married early and have babies)
>Tells Glenn Beck (Mormon convert) that getting married and having babies is his life-long dream
>gets humiliated for his attempts to spoil Utah
>won't go away
>still at it working for the Jews (Mormonism is actually an apocolyptic Jewish sect)
Owes a shit ton of money for being a failure in the last election.
He's broke now
Pretty much this tbqhwyf
He borrowed some shekels from the NeverTrumpers and now that he lost, they are all throwing him under the bus
So McMullin was a CIA spy embedded in the Republican party? What evidence is there?
he's going to run for Jason Chaffetz' Utah-3 congressional district after he resigns.
lol that's not how the CIA works.
Try, "The Secret Team" by L. Fletcher Prouty, who acted as a fence between the CIA and the Pentagon back during the JFK days. He goes into extensive detail on how the CIA works/worked. Just the foreword alone will tell you what's still going on today, although I would suggest doing at least the first two chapters.
>when you're not in the know
It's a mcmuffin for starters
Nothing is happening with that poof...
Utah Mormon here:
It's very complicated. There are now three major political camps in the Mormon Reservation area of Utah (majority of land and political power in Utah is in the hands of the Feds; not the Mormons).
McMullin has a lot of supporters out here with the new conservative movement. Democrats claim the Republican tickets are split, while they have lost plenty politically and demographically to the point they are a joke. The movement consists of majority Reagan Conservatives and Deseret culture Mormons who're having second thoughts on statehood.
You all want these folks on your side; it ain't gonna happen. They want Deseret restored and the Constitution fully enforced. This is what McMullin and his lot are after.
There's no reasoning with them at all?
Do you guys realize McMullin alone is making people start hating Mormons?
McMulling probably forced Chaffetz out with blackmail.
He either wants the congress seat or wanted to get rid of his main competition for the senate seat when old man hatch retires.
>second thoughts on statehood
lol good luck with that
Order at McDonald?
>McMuffin says Trump has no chance of winning
>I better spend millions in utah haha ((:
>Trump isn't going to win the presidency so I'm going to campaign in the one state I have a chance of stealing from Trump
>I guarantee trump won't win but we can't let hillary have utah right??? (:
He is a retard who tried to steal Utah because (((they))) knew Trump had a chance all along.
People will find any reason to hate us. McMullin is just the latest convenience.
Not really. You lot are typically pretty likable (I would say downright admirable) on an individual basis. It's the cult aspect that McMuffin shamelessly worked that lessens your collection reputation.
The last election left a lot of them with a really bad experience - especially the Mormocaust tweets and robo-call from Alt-Right guys. They'll forgive, but forgetting will take a long time.
Egg Mcmuffin with cheese and bacon.
Especially since Utah's Constitution has no secession explicitly written into it.
>rothchilds bow to mcmuffin
>rules france with a cheesy fist of egg
>nano muffin technology
>designer muffins
>first mcmuffin on mars
Let's not forget about that NSA base or anything, or how Utah would be not just landlocked but surrounded by the same different country on all sides. Seriously who the fuck comes up with these things.
Not what happened. Mormons and conservatives have had it with Washington DC, leftist's, Alt-Right, and the rest of em.
If a third party won Utah, it could be a way to finally get some political leverage. Many folks here want the feds influence minimized, the land in locals hands, and our right to industry restored.
Probably wouldn't work anyway.
That is a very Mormon thing to say.
The hamburglar
>right to industry restored
What does this mean?
What is preventing your industry?
First off; thanks!
Secondly; He didn't work a cult-like aspect: he worked on pre-exisiting desires. That's why folks flocked to his camp and stay there today.
and reagan battalian twitter
Original Deseret (dotted line) and Utah territory (shaded)
Two fries away from a Happy Meal.
We are sitting on plenty of resources: metals, lumber, coal, oil shale, rangeland, water sources, building stone, etc. and we can't get it without dozens of federal agencies allowing it.
The feds control over 73% of the land in the state and nearly all of the natural resources. State holds about 24%. What's left is considered the "Mormon Reservation". Pathetic how this worked out.
It's unfortunately true.
Royals with cheese
Le Big Mac
Having McMuffin in congress would be disastrous for Republicans. He's like a retarded McCain
You sound like the kikes
two mommies
Definitely still a CIA asset
Might be a double agent within the antitrumpers
Zero calories