I renounce atheism. It's destructive and cringeworthy. I am not renouncing the religion my ancestors followed for over 1000 years because of some Reddit memes and Dick Dawkins. I will be happier as a Christian agnostic. SJWism begins where atheism begins.
I renounce atheism
Other urls found in this thread:
More proof that genetics is a stronger predictor of behaviour than education. We can't fix your bad genes, and you will revert to the level of your prole ancestors.
Is it more or less cringeworthy than this post?
I did the same.
Started reading to my 4 yr old a child's version of old and new testaments last week actually.
Atheism+ is cool dude what do you mean?
Fucknig bigot.
Christian Sup Forums is the religious version of fedoras. They lack the self awareness to realize it.
Good for you buddy
Jesus was wondering when you'd come back
I've taken on Esoteric Hitlerism as a religion
Savitri Devi integrated Nazism into a broader cyclical framework of Hindu history. She considered Hitler to be the ninth Avatar of Vishnu, and called him "the god-like Individual of our times; the Man against Time; the greatest European of all times",[3] having an ideal vision of returning his Aryan people to an earlier, more perfect time, and also having the practical wherewithal to fight the destructive forces "in Time". She saw his defeat—and the forestalling of his vision from coming to fruition—as a result of him being "too magnanimous, too trusting, too good", of not being merciless enough, of having in his "psychological make-up, too much 'sun' [beneficence] and not enough 'lightning.' [practical ruthlessness]",[4] unlike his coming incarnation:
"Kalki" will act with unprecedented ruthlessness. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, He will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine Cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the luke-warm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardised, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or in character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen Ages.[5]
Why do you idiots post these threads? Trolling? Atheism isn't a belief system. And why the fuck are you making life decisions based on the memes you see?
This is Social Activism masquerading as Christianity. A social club with a cross on the lawn.
Welcome to the team
Imagine trying this hard
I'm glad you started to sort yourself out and answered the call.
>not having a faith AND reading Dick Dawkins and Meme Harris and the Wrong Hitchens
>not realising that the realms of science and faith aren't just non-overlapping magisteria but both intrinsically required for growth
>"I'm done with water! I'm going back to Oxygen, fuck water!"
>fedoras believe stuff
>Christians also believe stuff
>therefore they are the same!
must be nice to be an enlightened moderate
Glad to have you on board.
Le cringe meme
isn't this dude have a real tiny dicklet?
and shoved a banana up his ass
>Christian agnostic
That doesn't work you retard.
Ooooh fuck this oil is way hotter tgsn before. Oh ouch, ouch its burning my penis and arse cheeks. Oh fuck yeah its bad but it feels so good. Let's get another banana up there.
christianity and atheism are semitic ideologies
Amazing atheist is a big pile of a shit - literally.
He believes his Atheism allows him to do whatever the fuck he wants.
Here you can watch him playing with a Banana and smearing shit on himself and other fucked up things he posted.
His rich Daddy maintains his ability to be ac complete fucking loser.