>be evil jewish mastermind
>decide to import massive amounts of jihadis into the white Western world in order to destroy the only culture standing in the way of my Utopian Talmudic dream
>the muslims have started killing jews in the streets now that white society is too weak to stop them
White nationalists argue that jews are flooding our countries with muslims so that they can end up ruling a divided sub-human race. That's obviously a shit plan though because the muslims share perfect solidarity; the only reason the Middle East is destabilized in the first place is UN interference. So..? Can Sup Forums explain this one or are y'all just going to remain silent like you usually do?
Sup Forums's Jewish Boogeyman BTFO
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tfw no jackie gf
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Nice try honeybuns, but no. I want an answer, and if Sup Forums is too stupid to provide it to me, I'll simply consider you defeated.
White nationalist here. The Jews are a problem, because their organized activist groups are completely SJW-tier.
But yea the whole "jooz R trying to rule the entire world someday becuz mixing races" is kind of tinfoil. I can understand why some people think that, but it's BS.
I love this post. Rewatch a couple videos off it everytime i see it
>White nationalists argue that jews are flooding our countries with muslims so that they can end up ruling a divided sub-human race. That's obviously a shit plan though because the muslims share perfect solidarity; the only reason the Middle East is destabilized in the first place is UN interference. So..? Can Sup Forums explain this one or are y'all just going to remain silent like you usually do?
congratulations you are retarded. firstly, the average jew in the UK or NA is usually a normal person (albeit prone to low level kikery). they have nothing to do with the actual zionist bullshit that this is all about. what do rothschild, soros, et al care if a few schlubs get stomped. the last time that happened the survivors parlayed it into a brand new country in the middle of the Middle East and 70 years of unlimited support and reparations from the nations that saved them in the first place. so a new shoah narrative for the zionists to use would actually be an ideal outcome.
the middle east is unstable for a lot of reasons, some of which are to do with the people, and others the political situation. either way i think Israel knows a little more about Arab and muslim solidarity than you do, and they fear the muslim masses no more than they fear a fucking ants' nest.
please think about the things you post from time to time.
This I can understand, and I am willing to admit that groups of academics and government officials do push a white genocide angle (because they're psychopathic fucks: youtube.com
Why are half of those Jews?
Pure coincidence.
They were able to parlay, you pseudo-intellectual, because whites were sitting at the negotiating table. How well do you think they'll be able to govern once they come face to face with a number of muslim countries (which outnumber them a hundred to one).
>come back
Has common core gutted your reading ability that badly? I'm still here.
I dunno you dickhead, how have the fared over the last 70 years in the middle east? seem to have done alright in a tiny country situated in a fucking viper's nest of people who want to obliterate them. if you really don't think that Israel is more than capable of assuring its own survival with or without us i don't know what to tell you. they could ruin the muslim world twice over. in 1998 they were building a biological weapon that specifically targeted arabs for christ's sake (and even if they weren't, it's fucking arbitrarily easy to do so). you don't understand anything you are talking about.
>muh superpower israel
You mean the country who uses the United States like a crutch? Muslims don't fear the jews--they fear the repercussions of attacking the jews. Sheer force would see Jerusalem firebombed twice over, no matter what kind of pathogens they cooked up. Get it through your thick turban: Israel is tiny.
this is what I get for treating leafs like humans I guess.
Explain Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
protip: its not fake
You're equating upper levels of zionist establishment with the common serf jew? And you want to pretend to be the intellectual superior here for having been sucked into a retard fight? Top kek you dumb slut
Fuck off you degenerate leaf
This thread is why Sup Forums is considered the worst board. I don't even have an opinion on this topic but it's clear everyone is dodging OP's central point.
OPs central point is retarded because its built off an assumption that conflates low level normal tards with the upper echelons of zionism
its retarded
op is retarded
and you are retarded
Arguments you can't debunk?
It doesn't conflate shit, abo. Assume that your ZOG machine is few and far. How does that make controlling muslim hordes any easier?
Are you some sort of genuine retard that expects some sort of matrix level mind control situation? Do you understand the concept of "geo politics"? If by your own suggestion muslims hordes are being used to dilute western populations, why would they need to be controlled beyond being a cultural force that was introduced? Because some nobodies are also getting owned in the process? Why, its like these internationalist kikes dont care about anyone, even their "own"! Fancy that.
If you're worried about the fact that it doesnt make sense for zionist israel to create a large muslim problem where there wasnt one, consider that even with the crazy immigrant crisis of today, its not like the west is going to turn islamic overnight - yet the anti semitism that was rampant and growing the past few years has been successfully diverted into "well lets support nationalism which means zionist israel is an ally in this fight against muslim hordes, not the enemy"
no one knows the answers 100%
but for you to sit here and deny so much evidence pointing in one direction based on the fact that its "bigoted" and "racist" to acknowledge certain facts?
kys faggot I am going grocery shopping
>But yea the whole "jooz R trying to rule the entire world someday becuz mixing races" is kind of tinfoil.
>their own words aren't good enough
I've heard more than once of Jews saying to other Jews that they have to stop their advancement of Muslim immigration because the muslims will ultimately try to kill them. I've also heard they've planned to at some point they want to stop the importing for a while so the people currently here could get to the job of destroying the culturhand at the same time make the Muslims less anti Jewish. Sorry I don't have sources because its been a while since I seen them
Jews consider whites their archenemies.
This is why they knowingly import Muslims and shitskins into Europe and NA. They know that they can win in the future against a diluted white race since they plan off on killing competition with a strenuous ww3 and an internal race war there after.
yeah it's all just a giant cohencidence
Except that they are trying to destroy white culture (and almost all other culture) but Jews are immune to this.
No, the central point that the Jews don't have the power to stop Muslims considering they're vastly outnumbered and, by your own admission, divided into the haves and have-nots. And that their current positions of power depend on whites having power, and that if whites fall so will elite Jews. None of that has been disproven, and when it's been brought up the only responses have been trolling.
>those feet
>ywn cum on those feet
moreeee wtf
>the muslims have started killing jews in the streets now that white society is too weak to stop them
Different tribes of Semites get along fine when cooperating against a shared enemy. Jews fight with Arabs over land in the middle east, but cooperate when parasiting other people's countries.
>White nationalists argue that jews are flooding our countries with muslims so that they can end up ruling a divided sub-human race.
Jews have correctly determined that Europeans are a far greater threat to their tribe than Muslims. Besides, the Semitic tribes get along pretty well when not directly competing for land.
You are only one layer deep in understanding. The UN is mostly controlled by them. UN Replacement Migration and schemes like Agenda 21 are their design. It isn't a joke. (((Globalists))) will usher in a communistic slave class under Israeli control (a new world order) by first bringing mass strife and dilution of intelligent people who would resist. Backlash against Islam is the core part of the strategy. It will allow Israel more leverage to retaliate against Islam and expand their ethnostate once breaking points in the west occur. After world depression and the next war, docile survivors will beg for food and quick stability in return for giving up national sovereignty. The American liberty experiment will come to an end under a post-UN new governmental body. In future generations, central planners will have unspeakable power to decide your people's fate and access to resources. Dysgenics is coming to strip future generations of their high humanity. World peace will be declared. People of the underclasses will never again be in a position to resist. Free expression will be relegated to ghettos.