The audio file with the recordings showing the President talking about keep judges at bay IS OUT.
The audio file with the recordings showing the President talking about keep judges at bay IS OUT.
i hope so. good luck bro.
Brazil is doomed and it's all the Northeast fault.
Here is the full audio, btw.
It's 40 minutes long.
Tell your president to put on a Trump mask so the libs can just imagine that Trump was impeached so they can get it out of their systems.
if you have to scape your country,go north to mexico/usa/canada
unfortunately, i dont speak monkey
can you provide with a translate exact, unadulterated, [sic] quote or two from these recordings that prove guilt?
This is the most important part:
I'm holding both off. I managed to get one [unintelligible] inside the task force who is...
>Temer (he is the president)
So he is there...
He is also giving me information. And it's there that I'm trying to change the prosecutor, who is after me. If I manage to do it, there's a good side and a better side. The good side is that it will cool off until the next one comes, you know. The bad side is if someone like...
This is a guy telling the president that he is trying to cut the prosecutor off the investigation after successfully implanting a corrupted person inside the task force, and the president is telling him to keep doing it.
The corrupted, implanted, prosecutor has been arrested now too.
Mind you that this Task Force is literally the biggest anti-corruption task force in the history of our country, so trying to corrupt and break it is a really big thing.
racist, don't you want to be a good multikulti country like Germany and take in some migrants? Don't you know they are just down on their luck dr's and engineers?
I will utilize America white trash name for your better comprehension.
A guy name Cletus went to the presidential palace on the night of March 7 to talk to him about a lot of stuff. The president receives him at his parking lot and they start to talk how the president fixed things up.
At some point Cletus start to confess to the president all his crime, while the president stays pretty much quiet, except one time, when Cletus claims he is all well with Cunha (an arrested pol), when the president says: keep that up (stay well with him).
Cletus then proceed to tell the president how he tried to convince our treasury minister of aiding him, how he stole money from the state bank, how he thinks the people collaborating with investigations are assholes and so on.
He also claims he has control of a prosecutor (arrested) and two judges (no proofs).
Basically a guy name Cletus went to the president's home to tell him about his crimes.
The media yesterday misreported claiming they agreed to pay to silence Cunha (the audio is incomplete so we can't confirm that) and that they agreed upon 50 mi in bribes to the president (nowhere in the audio)
Didnt you just get this president less than a year ago after outing another president?
none of this makes any sense without any context who this Cletus fellow is
then it's easier to guage the severity of the situation, because by your post, im failing to make that connection (or at least a strong one)
and what kind of name is Cletus? use John or Chris or something; hard to follow a script with a nigga names Cletus wtf
Just sitting here waiting for a brz qt 3.14 neet with little to no education wanting to flee to casa del white cock to sit on her pointy throne and be /comfy/
No roasties
He is a billionaire, owner of a beef breeding and processing company (with subsidiaries in the US).
He bribed everyone out and now is collaborating with our DOJ equivalent to bring down the corrupt politicians.
He has a Brazilian white trash name (Joesley)
our president is obviously guilty of complicity in this case, since he heard all the guy had to say and didn't call the police. But he is not clearly guilty of what was reported by our media
what crimes to Joesley commit? Bribery? Who was he bribing and why?
Why is he confessing his crimes to the president? What's the motivation here?
Who is Cunha and what significant is it that Joensey is well with him, (an arrested pol), and why would the president tell him to keep that up?
He has control of which prosecutor and which judges and how do these people tie into the story?
and your last statement here im not following
> beef breeding and processing company
Is there any connection with Operação Carne Fraca?
He is the owner of the biggest one.
JBS is literally the second biggest meat company in the world. The meat you eat is probably from one of their subsidiaries.
These guys have mad power, or at least had until the Task Force got to them.
1. bribery, He bribed up to 1890 politiciants
2. He was recording the president as part of his testimony I presume, and wanted a confession
3. a crook that was arrested for bribery
4. we don't know
5 the media yesterday claimed our president was paying Cunha to stay quiet and he was receiving 50 million in bribes.
yes. They own the brands Friboi and Seara, both involved in Carne fraca
why was he bribing all these politicians? for what purpose?
why would he, record himself confessing these things, and then release it? is he arrested yet or no?
is cunha just arrested? did he have a trial yet? is he in jail?
>the media yesterday claimed our president was paying Cunha to stay quiet and he was receiving 50 million in bribes.
when? before or after he was arrested? he was recieving 50mm in bribes from the president? why was the president bribing him?
What is the relation of the recent news involving senator Aécio Neves? Is true that he wanted to murder some informer?
1. For the same reasons they always do.
2. he was granted immunity. And i'm sorry to say, he is currently in the US making a deal with your DOJ, not sure why.
3. yes to both questions
4. No way to know
Nah that was just a figure of speech. But it looks like he is in very deep shit, his brother and sister were arrested already.
He is only free because he is a top politician, otherwise he would have been toasted already.
Thanks, man and for keeping us updated of new developments
>in the history of our country,
It might actually be the biggest of all time, maybe just behind Mani Pulite.
>Nah that was just a figure of speech.
Wait, the "figure of speech" thing stuck? How can "it's gotta be someone we can kill before he does an accusation" ever sound like figure of speech?
We can't live in a country that think that Saint Manlet is better than King Nigger anyway.
Can someone explain the whole concept of Brazil to me briefly? Didn't their last president get impeached, and now this? What's the overall story?
Yeah I don't know hoe you can that this is a figuere of speech isntead of a cold plan.
Quick rundown:
>socianazi president wanted second term, but was losing votes due to scandals appearing
>had to get together with biggest party in the country to succeed, only allies, but now both were biting at each other
>poor people, being EVIL, voted for president because muh gibs, even though everyone knew something was coming around
Posting again, hit page 10, bump
I meant where does Brazil come from, why is it so corrupt, etc. ? What is its role on the global scale?
Is 2017 the Year of Impeachment?
>she was president again, things started to happen as she was found manipulating data using public money and impeachment talks started
>vice president fueled the fire together with leader of congress and stuff
>president impeachment, leader of congress was a corrupt fuck and got the boot, everything was going stable, our economy was recovering
>leftards only complained about hurr I want direct elections because it was a coup durr even though that is normal procedure of the law
>now the president was found throwing money around because many people including the late leader of congress have a lot of shit about him and other people
>but one of the guys investigated and that will go to prison seek a deal with justice as a get easier on jail card and he just threw the shit at the fan
>BTW the next possible president of BR (current congress president) is also corrupt as fuck and I don't know who the next in line will be when his head roll
Possible aftermath: Socialists all arrested, our corrupt president arrested, the possible next neoliberal faggot druggie president arrested, some other big name corrupts arrested, Bolsonaro president in 2018 and all commies and SJW dead by the end of his first month, also social programs to help people buy firearms. Brazil super power by 2030 with lots of white servants!
it's was nothing.
Seth Rich was not Brazilian
>I meant where does Brazil come from
poortuguese came by, tried to make natives do slave work but the natives are too lazy, bought too much black slaves to work as slaves, made a lot of bad decisions being merely moors after all, then a shit load of nips came by but they couldn't save us because italians, germans and middle easterns came too and race mixed
>why is it so corrupt
Government regulations on everything make people pay government to get advantages. This leads to politicians learning how to spin weebs of corruption to maximize corruption profits and reduce the risks.
But we already impeached two presidents so far, probably more two impeachments coming, and we got more politicians arrested in the last 3 years than in all our history. Draining that swamp.
>What is its role on the global scale?
Either "Brazil will rule the world. Behead those who insult Brazil." or SOPA. The future historians are to judge.
can i have a quick rundown my huefriend?
I did what I could
>imblying anyone want to go to your shithole
Even if our shit is on fire, its still better than your shit.
No one of these babes will go to ex-yurop island friend
No one cares. Please nuke us already.
I really hope we don't follow Brazil down this path
"hurr durr, a culpa não é minha, eu votei no Aecio"
Go fuck yourself, seu bosta.
Brazilbros what happened? except Chile and Argentina, South America is fallen into pieces..
There are a lot of factors here, m8.
Patrimonialism - mistaking the politics as a private way of getting rich is the most common of all, because the corruption of our system is well known to everybody for ages and was never punished... Making this shitstorm right were we stand.
Jeitinho brasileiro - (brazilian way) thinking everything can be fixed with small talks and bribes: ticket parks, being arrested, fines, etc. Everything is easier here for people who know a guy who knows a guy, need a job? Fuck sending your resume, i know someone who work there and i'll talk to him and ask to put me there.
Impunity - as i said, no one is punished for two main reasons. After the fucking military dictatorialship, no fucking politician dared to invest again in any other form of authority, police force or army. The fucking prisions on our country quickly became overpopulated and no politician would construct more, because the niggers and the poors wouldn't vote for him again. So any politician who invest in the police, army or carcerary system is commiting political suicide. No one will do it.
>I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
>All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get their hands on those codes
i used to be a lib. then i realized both sides are the same and the policy "differences" are just keeping us focused on winning next time when the bills are being written by the corporations that get the politicians elected. Its not a system for us.
There is some real butthurt going around. Also, you are using greentext incorrectly, but I won't hold it against you.