Watch this video right the fuck now.

It will be the most powerful thing you see today.

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Gay server. Don't give in to the homophobia! You are not alone!

beware the faggot named bamf

they're trying to slide it

like their constant shitposting against gay people is somehow a topc they feel more comfortable avoiding

>all these fags
You fucks have your own containment board so stop shitting up ours

Let me level with you for a second

You want to hate gay people. OK Sure. That's fine. Why do you need to hurt their lives because of their choice?

Even worse, your picture is evidence you want to threaten gay people with violence. Why hurt or kill someone for who they choose to KISS?


>Watch this video right the fuck now.


Fuck off, faggot.

>Having an anal fetish and wanting to fill your mouth with dicks and get AIDS is normal
>I should accept you as anything more than subhuman

Rewrite the domain in youtube links to to prevent views and shekels for youtube and the "youtube Creator"

You never stopped to think that everyone hates you people because you're constantly shoving your shit down our throats?

>Watch this video right the fuck now.
No. Go neck yourself with your rainbow flag.
Watch this video right the fuck now.

It will be the most powerful thing you see today.

Can I say that I think a small proportion of people are born gay, and that's fine, but we can't make it as legitimate as heterosexuality because acting as if there is no difference is negative for society? So no kids, no marriages, but Fuck whoever you want

This video reveals the truth about the homos. Former Rhodes scholar and gentleman Samuello Hydenstein explains:

I love gays.
No homo.
They make great music, art and jokes.
Life without fags sounds bleak.

being gay is just a social construct, if you just go to a camp that knows the lords will you can get rid of this deadly sin
I'll pray for your soul to be saved

People that actually hate homosexuals get a boner when a faggot kills themselves, in that way "most power thing you see today"

God hates fags

dont join its run by a actual gayjew who posts pro lgbt shit on Sup Forums

the fact that I cant punch a gay without it being a hate crime makes me hate them

I don't even know what hate is anymore

Exactly my thoughts.


What is this faggotry?

Also, here's a deleted post:
>Gay server. Don't give in to the homophobia! You are not alone!

only good rise against song.

Gays deserve to hang.

It's nothing personal faggot, it's in the sake of national preservation


What's the deal with LGB being about who you love and T is a whole other ballpark?

We hate it.

t. redpilled gay

Any specific reason?

Because most trannies are autistic gays (some are straight fetishist crossdressers) who feel that being fem in the brain means they ought to be totally treated on the softer standards of females.

That and that being trans is homophobic. None of them are "gay" (except for transbians) because they are women now. I see it as a way to try to date straight/closeted men for the femmest (most autistic) of gays.


haha faggot kids

The only way to be red pilled is being straight even gays know that they are not normal thats why they hate themself. Since they hate themselves they are self destructive and wan't to destroy the fabric of society and our culture.

All this stuff doesn't happen in schools anymore. You're literally praised for being a faggot and people can get into dip shit if they show any signs of "oppressing" you.

It is worse for children to be raised outside traditional families

Thoroughly debunked study:

There's alot to take in from that. Thanks for the insight

>Watch this video right the fuck now.
How about no faggot?