Convince me the Earth is round

Convince me the Earth is round.

I'm the type that doesn't believe the Earth is flat, but I know I can't back up a belief that the Earth is round. The best I could do is point to some videos that shows it's round, and describe simple observations that it's a sphere (like using 2 sticks and the Sun to measure the length of the shadow and figure out the circumference of the Earth), but even I didn't do those experiments - I just read them in a textbook.

I have to be honest with myself and say that I believe the Earth is round. I trust the majority of people and I trust scientists who have observed its roundness directly and calculated it.

>earth is flat
score one point

I'm not saying it's flat, I just want to be able to back up my belief that it's round because I'm pretty sure that it is round,

Can someone please give me a serious response?

Thing is, I realized that this whole time I just believed it's round because I was told it's round. I mean, sure, there are videos and such, but I can't know for sure until I see it myself. I don't believe it's flat, but I just want to know for sure that it's round.

>Space is real

>grab telescope or optical zooming camera
>view horizon from ground
>take note of what is visible
>go up a hill
>look again
>more is visible
Earth is is at least curved QED

I can do that, I have a place by a river and there's a lot of flat land there, and maybe I could find a place with a hill. Do you know of any cheap telescopes or optical zooming cameras?

Snipers have to compensate for the curvature of the earth.

Look up coriolis force.

solar eclipse

isnt it a (((coincidence))) that the moon is the exact same size as the sun

I think the earth is indeed round but just more bigger than we actually think it is. There is a lot of land out of the north ice circle. It would also explain the hollow earth theory with Agartha being land beyond that ice circle.

Why would use use a solar ellipse as an example and not a lunar eclipse which actually shows the earth's shadow?


Damn, that's crazy. But from what I see it can also exist on a flat shape.

I found this "The diameter of the Sun is about 400 times larger than the Moon's, but it is also roughly 400 times farther away from Earth. These two qualities almost cancel each other out."

Sounds like a coincidence to me.

Why would you believe that though?

The earth is round because it's the easiest solution, every single argument for a flat Earth conspiracy requires on absurd magnitude of mental gymnastics to dodge the points and accept alternative conclusions. It's a lot simpler and would make a lot more sense that you walked in a strait line and came back in the same place if the earth was a sphere, rather than believing that you walked in a strait line but in reality the atmospheric lensing and the gravitational illusion is minipulating your perception into making you THINK you're walking in a strait line, when you're really walking in a circle.

Just because a solution and thing is simple, doesn't mean it's wrong, hel usually the simpler theory's in science are the correct ones.

occams razor.

basically the more absurd and ridiculous an explanation is the less likely it is true

>being this stupid

earth isnt curved, thats just an optical illusion

Yeah, I mean it's simple and I understand how it works but that's not good enough to me because something that makes sense doesn't make it correct. You'd need observable evidence which has been done, but done by others and I just trust the people. Best I can do is say "It makes sense and science says it's a sphere."

well fuck nigga the day you can hold the earth in your hand you tell us whether it's shaped like a piece of paper, a sphere, or a star of david

Radar beam height with respect to distance is non-linear. As the beam propagates, the altitude increases, even at a starting elevation of -0.5°, which means the beam travels in a straight line but the earth curves away from it. This proves the earth is round.

Great Circle Route
Learn to navigate your planet lads

The southern hemisphere has a completely different night sky because they are looking down.

come on, man. think how many millions of pilots, sailors, and scientists would have to be in on this conspiracy, and take the secret to their graves. it's logistically impossible.