Why is this allowed?
There's no way US & Turkey are going to allow this hotbed of communists to exist after ISIS is defeated, right?
Why do you care? Are you a turkroach?
why is this allowed?
>quarter pounder education
Idiots. Rojava and PKK are both anarcho-communist polities that must be stamped out. Just like ISIS, they will eventually send their own revolutionaries to stir up trouble around the world if they are granted international legitimacy.
That's either a LARPer or a Kurd who doesn't know the political platform of the party his unit aligns with.
The Democratic Union Party are straight-up communists.
They're the ones fighting ISIS along with Assad. But go in Syria and stamp them out if that's what you want. Don't expect others to do it for you though
definitive cockroach diaspora. they are the only ones who make kurds and isis t the same shit. never heard ypg takes slave or kills christian or yazidis. they are the people who rescue them, where other muslims nations dont do i fuck or support the radical islamists like turkey or saudi arabia. radical islam is a bigger danger for the world.
Lots of players are fighting ISIS, and not all of them are allies.
The US alliance with the YPG and their affiliates right now is purely out of convenience. They must be fucked over once ISIS is defeated.
>they are the only ones who make kurds and isis t the same shit
Not all Kurds are the same. The ones in Iraq and Iran aren't communists. The ones in Turkey and Syria are communists, which is a far greater existential threat than radical Islam.
come muslim, tell everbody that islam is a relgion of peace.
the kurdish iraks are the most religious people who betray yazidis. of course you like them.
pol hates islam. get in your mind. dont make islamic tricks. communism is dead. you islam is a danger for all countrys. everbody who fight against your radicals should supported
Go back to t_d, faggot.
Islam is a cancer, but communism is the fucking plague.
It's far from dead, just look at the "dirtbag left" on twitter or reddit. Melanchon got 20% in the first round of the French election. Rojava is going to become the next Catalonia/Aragon when the Syrian Civil War moves onto the inevitable Assad vs. Kurds phase.
Either way only dumb fucking niggers embrace gommunism in the 21st century, we got some mountain niggers in the ME and some Spics in South America and that's it. They're not going to spread that in this day and age.
you stupid monkey, do you know that are you talking? how much fucked is you education system. first learn the difference between commis and socialists. ypg or pkk is since 2000 not commi and the only reason was, because the us hold to turkey and the only friend was to that time sowviet union.
second socialist dont work but you dont know which system they will get. in 60-70er we have good socialdemocrates here in germany, the modern form is shit, like only leave from oil like in venezuela.
3. you are moslem and of course you talk bad about the people who stop you shit.
4. every american who sold up christians, is a fucking satanis or moslem or a hillary clinton fanboy. go to reddit, if you are triggered.
t. mehmet
you're a fucking moron
>beleiving turkroach and us propoganda on anything related to syria
Kurds are ok, just leave them be
>working with the roachs ever
just fucking kys
I bet you were one if the people damage controlling for trump who claimed assad actually used chems
I am more worried what will happen to the Christians of those regions, judging by the Kurds previous history with Assyrians and Armenians.
I don't like working with the roaches, but it's preferable to the Kurds.
Antifa is our fighting alongside them, why are you defending these faggots?
Kurd monkeys stealing Syrian Government land. They will be punished like the takfiri terrorists.
Don't know why you attacked me, I was saying that communism is dead so any fears of it spreading is unfounded
>communism is dead
If that were true, then why is antifa on literally every major US campus now?
reminder to all that this "South African" is actually Jewish
disregard his posts