If Trump gets impeached (somehow), do you think it could spark a civil war? Also if it did, which side would you be on?

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yes, I would unironically die for my liberty to choose a smug asshole for president. No one gets to take that away from me.

I have the home addresses of every dem rep in my state..if that answers your question


>I have the home addresses of every dem rep in my state..if that answers your question

This is satire. Everyone knows that this is satire. Satire, you got that?

Yep, just a prank bro

regardless, the war is closer than you think

Who's going to fight for a moron?

Not him you fucking twat. Im fighting for my right to put a moron like him in office.

I'd fight against the left, I don't even care for Trump, but as long as I'd get to fight the liberals I'd be on his side.

I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes

Reminder to the wannabe warlords on Sup Forums: If your nation-state doesn't preserve the Constitution verbatim (barring the exclusion of the 19th Amendment), you will be considered a traitor and will be dealt with appropriately.


I'd be on Russia's side

>I'm fighting for my right to choose between a globalist shill and a globalist shill!

Except Trump isn't a globalist shill. His immigration ban and reluctance to invade has McCain, the holy grail of cuckservatives, calling his a Russian plant. I think Trump has capitulated to a few corporatist positions, but altogether still not supporting a globalist agenda.

Hey man if there is a civil war going to happen on this Earth because Trump gets impeached, let's broad-cast this.

I'll be selling ammunition to both sides

You're a fucking idiot

I fucking voted and I voted for Trump. He better stay in office or else I'm going to feel like the government doesn't give a shit about my vote. Plus, I've been waiting my whole life to use a gun on other dumbasses, especially liberals, so as soon as an ((((uprising)))) happens you better believe I'll be right behind it.

Also, I get to rape the women liberals as I go along. Spoils go to the winners.

No. If there's to be a civil war, leftists are going to be the ones to start it.

Almost a certainty at this rate.

Oh (((you))).

>leftists are going to be the ones to start it.
How? What are they going to do? Mobilize their radical gun-hating left wing militias?

No. No one really cares about this pos. They just voted for change. Even if he's gone we still have that for a little while.

Autistic screeching is the ultimate weapon.

People are idiots if they don't fight for this.
>But Trump's a kike shill
Even if this were true it doesn't matter, this is the one chance to kick off something that would fracture this country and give you room to operate towards ends that would be more favorable to us. You can splinter off from the Trump side at some point. The alternative to this fracturing is becoming Swedent 2.0 and when you're an old weak man having some sandnigger stomp your head in when you're too geriatric to fight back.

We'll know it's a full on Civil War when politicians start dying. I'm gonna be honest here. I do not want a Civil War. There's never been a good civil war in the history of the world. They always end up leaving the country worse off than it original was. And this isn't just killing people like it was during the 1800s with the first American Civil War. If there's a civil war it will be like the one going on in Africa. It'll be full of rape, torture, flaying, and just horribleness everywhere. And both sides will be fucked too because when civil war happens only those hungry for power will rise up to try and steal leadership. That's every single civil war.

"Politics, economics, the arms race - they're all just arenas for meaningless competition. I'm sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, No West, No Cold War. And the irony of it is, the United States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me. "

A Civil War now is far preferable to a slow decline that culminates in mass slaughter of our kind later when things have tipped to the point that we couldn't possibly win.

What about the people who voted for the Congressmen that would hypothetically impeach trump? Aren't those votes Co-equal?

>Implying Trump isn't the only thing keeping Conservatives and Constitutionalists at bay
You're just asking to open up a can of worms.


A new American Civil War will only have a negative effect. We will all lose people or die, and suffer throughout the process.

I don't want to sleep with one eye open every single night.

Democracy's a sham, who cares how people voted? If people vote to put you in the gallows are you just going to go meekly along?

I'd give my life, not for honor, but for you.

What can men do against such reckless politics.

You're a weak soft little faggot that prefers our definite extinction as long as you get to enjoy a life mostly of comfort towards struggling for survival.

screenshoted and submitted to FBI
enjoy the v&

No. Americans are too lazy.

>I have no idea how laws work so I'm going to create extra work for the FBI over nothing

Yes it would likely cause a civil war. It would be better to just split this country up in conservative and liberal Sates of America regardless of whether or not Trump is impeached. But if Trump is impeached that means we live in a tyranny and elections are meaningless. All semblance of consent and social contract will have been blown to smithereens.

Yes. Very likely. Lots of high level military people have already confirmed that if funny business goes on "something" will happen.

Fucking this. Even if he was actually stupid, I'd rather have a stupid inefficient president (which he isnt) than a self hating commie like Obama or Hill.
Remember to buy your path of light patch or cards

Impeaching him would prove he isn't

What about the congressmen who do the impeaching? Werent they elected? Isnt the congress coequal and given the impeachment power?

Yeah, I'm sure some asshole will try and start one, no one will follow along, or maybe like ten dudes max, they'll get put down within an afternoon and we'll all go back to playing video games and shit.

>Remember to buy your path of light patch or cards
Remember to operate with longtime friends or family and not to trust strangers even if they have internet memes in common with you.
>who cares if we go extinct at least we'll get to play video games until then

they could start at like idk.... some kind of wildlife refuge in Oregon idk just spittballin ideas here

Not happening

>one side gave up all their guns and divided themselves into race, gender, sexuality
>the other side has guns and like money

what a fucking shitty war that would be.

How many votes did Trump get? How many votes did deepstate congressmen get?

>muh we don't like him so we can just overthrow him based on some unsubstantiated conspiracy theory cooked up by Butthurt Podesta and Assblasted Roby Mook.

Hey man, I don't know anyone and live 70 miles away from family.

I pray to God that there is one.
The only way we're going to get anywhere is accelerationism, which can only be created through instability.
We will restore order only through chaos.

I know where Bill Kristol lives, only 15 miles away.

I hate that fucking guy.

Fix that, you should have been working on connections for the past couple years at minimum. The trajectory we're heading on has been obvious. Don't get involved with a militia style group as those are heavily infiltrated, instead just start going to the range routinely and try making friends.

If you ever end up feeling suicidal/depressed, then you know what to do then.

>I hate that fucking guy.

Who dosent? Jesus christ i swear id take a plane to the USA overnight if it meant i got a chance to watch kristol die with my own eyes.

That's the spirit man, you guys go fight over some pointless shit that you've got all worked up about on the internet and I'll just stay home and play Skyrim while getting drunk and fucking up my saves without even caring.

That's the world I'd rather live in than some weird Mish mash of white supremacy and psuedo libertarian garbage economics... I'm not dying for that shit

This. White Americans don't have enough drive anymore. They're too cozy lying on the couch and watching muh Netflix. It's like what Apollo Creed said to Rocky Balboa, "You lost the eye of the tiger, man. The edge!"... I would say we need to get it back, but it's clearly hopeless. Do you expect most white people to get off their fat asses, leave the comfort of their suburban home (that they moved specially to hide from niggers), and go fight and die in the streets? Of course not. We're too "civilized" for that now.

What are you even asking? People voted for the house and 1/3 of the senate at the same time they voted for trump, its the same voters, what exactly do you have against the constitution?

You autists aren't gonna do fuck all, be real. Civil war requires that you get your fat asses out of your mobile home.

That's what people thought about the first American Civil War too. They thought it would be one small battle. Some people even picnicked out on a hill to watch the fight happen. Then it get more violent, and those onlookers had to leave. Then the Civil War spread. Then it took years. Everyone makes the same mistake and thinks these kind of threats are unrealistic, or just can't happen. They always think this until it's too late.

You can die for nothing instead, sounds more fitting for a hedonist like you.

And youuuu are a soon-to-be mass shooting statistic at best ;)

liberals would win easily

conservatives are weak and stupid. most conservatives would probably kill themselves, after writing a poorly-spelled, grammatically-incorrect suicide note to their waifus and mares asking for forgiveness because they failed to make anime great again :(

liberals could just walk over the corpses of the pathetic, dead conervative armies and take anything we wanted.

I've fought in one war already, I'll absolutely fight in another to protect my children's future.

Dude we never had that edge, probably since the birth of agriculture the whole point of society was to not have to fight and shit, to make life easier.

There's solid theories agriculture started because we wanted to brew beer for Christ sakes. Fuck fighting and wars and all this shit man. The trajectory of human existence is for less and less of that stuff.

In any civil war, I'm siding with the legitimate government. If he were impeached, then it means the legitimate process took its course.

Also, Pence would be President so...why would their be a civil war? Oh right. The Progressives want to start one, so they can have Madame Fuhrer.

Yes, I would go out and fight for the GE with guns... but I have small kids to care for.

God tier post

Finally someone who gives a shit about the Constitution, remember that use to be our thing?

Also once their government benefits overwhelmingly funded by the liberal areas dried up they'd be pretty fucked outright

You changed your mind because the media isn't nice to him? Why should they be?

Liberals are rabid, feral dogs. They cannot be reasoned with. They need to be put down for their own good.

I'd fight whoever's killing Jews.

They're going to fight our literal guns with deconstruction and critical theory.

I'll be opposing the communists that's for sure. It's going to happen. God wills it, civilization needs to die and the USA will be the first in a chain reaction.

I want to die for something, I'm tired of buying the lies of comfort and peace, I just want purpose.


... you lost me user, this shit doesn't make any fucking sense.

I'll fight whomever is protecting jews


What about not picking a direct side and just killing anyone who tries to fuck with your home? Of course if there's BLM riots I'm defending my home. I'll only offer refuge to III%s and patriots.

There's a lot of ways to find purpose in your life without hurting anyone, get a dog or something, sheesh.

Conservatives have the main control over the army and police force, and are considerably more armed and able to live off of the land. Plus, we control America's agriculture. You don't need money when you can supply yourselves, meanwhile all we'd need to do to shut down California is shut down their water supply. The only feasible threat would be New York or Florida. But let's be honest, pampered losers who hates themselves and have a high suicide rate probably won't make the greatest soldiers.

K man, you keep fantasizing about civil war and pretending to be ex military on the internet.

In the meantime, I'm going to keep calling my senator and telling him to impeach Trump and vote against the bill to terminate the EPA.

Which one of us is actually securing a future for your children?

they know that we are at the point if they keep it up and nothing is found they are down for the count

No. It will lead to a coup d'etat where the military rallies under Trump, congress and supreme court are disbanded, and the Trumpenreich becomes a reality. Leftists lose this one no matter what. It's all part of Trump's plan

This is true, but that's why we need partition now.

For all the glorious things about our southern ancestors they made two legendary fuckups.

1) bringing niggers to america that would otherwise be the greatest whitopia of history
2) fighting about niggers in america and thereby making all normie morons think that secession is some kind of intrinsic evil. This means all public school programmed fuck heads think deadly war is justified to prevent the self determination of american peoples.

Love you southern aristocrat ancestors but forr these historical reasons we're fucked.

Peaceful partition is the only way out but probably impossible because of history

You're voting to kill my children by letting sandniggers in here.

Every patriot, nationalist and Redpill in America that can bear arms. The 2nd Amendment was invented for a reason, shitnuts.

>He thinks the powergrid will stay up and money will be worth something during a civil mwar

lel, you can't make this shit up

If you actually wanted a future for your children you'd be pro-white.

>voting and citizenship for niggers

We can preserve the original constitution, not your leftist perversion

And I'd kill a pussy like you who thinks it's okay to kill someone for a shit reason :D Hope I get to meet you soon!

Nah, right wing cuckold will rollover. If the government told you to hand in your guns you will. Don't kid yourself you don't want to die or get imprisoned.

Did you just unironically try to use hedonist as an insult?! ECKS DEE XD

The majority of the population is urban and left leaning, or at least left leaning from the vantage point of someone in the crazy bubble of right wing nonsense propaganda that is pol.

The country side, the red areas, they just don't have enough dudes to protect their land area advantage.

>thinking the military would side with the liberals
The military hates democrats and liberals and leftists.

The user is right. Do you want to be the equivalent of white farmers in south africa? Where the government forbids self defense for whites and rampaging niggers break into your house, gang rape your wife and daughters in front of you and then burn or skin you all alive?

This is what happens.

This can happen here.

The jews will have long since fucked off back to israel, but this can be our future if we acquiesce to this coup intended to publicly signify our irrelevance and inevitable genocide

not a chance.

American normies are too comfortable with their current lives that will never risk it fighting a pointless war.

i mean look you fags. you wish for a racewar everyday but refuse to be the ones to start it. why ? because most people are afraid of the consequences and only want to get on with their lives.

Americans would just cry over it on the internet for a few weeks, make a couple of memes then move on with their lives. like always