/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - "Real Wolf Hours" EDITION I guess idk

Trump Playlist

>POTUS Abroad
>Pres Trump Press conf w/El Santo 5/18/17
>VP Pence @ Asian/island niggers month reception 5/17/17
>Pres Trump @ Coast Guard Academy 5/17/17
>Pres Trump w/roach statement 5/16/17
>Pres Trump meets UAE Prince Mo 5/15/17
>VP Pence swears in Robert Lighthizer (US Trade Rep) 5/15/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @ Natl Peace Officers Memorial 5/15/17

>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



>when the MSM realizes that their manufactured "national security crisis" gives the new investigation grounds to subpoena them and legally require that they divulge their "anonymous sources"

Haha, oh god, they made a mistake by going beyond fake rape accusations. The MSM is done.

Anybody have a good list of trump's successes so far?

it's all so tiresome...

>he does it for free

>hes on a internet img board
>he thinks 2hu's are from Sup Forums
>he does it for free


first for isreals bitch


Time for everyone's favorite part of the night!

We also have the opertunity to blackpill Democrats that their party has sold out to Russia when they fail to impeach Trump

I don't mind the awoos, but the fact that less of the older, softer, protect-her-smile ones is posted is concerning.

Also, the guy from Home Alone 2 is now killing terrorists. Thats neat!









can we have more awoos pls. I find bog posters so tiresome

that's not going to happen, but it certainly would be something


I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes


stop. stop with this fucking black pill shit. there is no black pill. there is only the red pill and the blue pill. stop. you trs faggots

You know what time it is!


wow u could at least not use 2 bots

>forced imitation of Sup Forums absurdism/10

These have no soul or thinking behind them. Theyre kind of eerie 2bh. Like they were created by a soulless ai trying to infiltrate us

>not taking TRS terms and subverting them for Sup Forums's use
Get on my level

The head mod for The_Donald has been suspended, and users are in open revolt (many blatantly breaking site-wide rules and daring admins to try anything). Admins may take this as an excuse to shut down our Reddit outpost. Prepare for an influx of refugees

>not even taking the /bogpill/

Man you're a fucking disgrace


Blackpill and redpill are the same thing.

I have been reporting shill shit and dropping things like pic related for 7 hours?
Can I sleep now?

>not going to happen

There's no evidence of a crime aside from the MSM's hearsay. National security trumps laws protecting the media's sources. The fastest way to find out if a crime actually was committed is to identify those sources and subpoena them.

You bet your ass it's happening.

Real Reddit hours who tf is from t_d here? AWOOOOOOOOOO KEK

Tomorrow's shills:
>Trump us a Saudi bitch

The next day's shills:
>Trump is an Israeli bitch

And then:
>Trump is a G7 bitch
>Trump is a G20 bitch


It was done anyway.

The New York times died years ago...It doesn't own any assets, they sold their building and rented out a couple floors. They've laid off half their people...They are in reality a propaganda engine for Carlos slim

CNN has lost viewers at a ridiculous rate, their average viewer is over 50...Cable, in general, is losing subscriptions every month, they had to let HBO sell online subscriptions. That alone should show you the power they've lost

What are you lookin' at, smoothskin?

no you may not

You know what I mean user, we can push the Dem normies into fucking snapping when the time is right


Need to start a "voat is based" meme to push them towards


Classic "everyone who disagrees with me is a shill/bot/whatever the buzzword of the week is" magapede reddit delusion

absolute worst meme

>The ugly old french twins meme
Pls stop
It's not funny.
It's never been funny.

Maybe I am missing something, what is so funny about the "bogpill" thing?
It isn't as bad today as it was months ago, but for awhile people just wouldn't shut up about it.

good one

Horrible. Speechless.

Did I miss something?

Riddle me this, if Trump actually has some dirt on him, then how did the Intelligence Community never find anything on Trump during the election?

>He thinks Tulsi Gabbard 2020 will get him anywhere

You have to go back, blackpill is defeatism, you demented leftist mongrel.

Special prosecutor can basically look into whatever they want. Not good news DNC and thier media cohorts.

Fuuuuck, back to the front then.

>on a thread they don't like
>posting the same copypasta
>for free

I am actually looking to the Trump is a Jesuit Puppet memes desu

voat admins have actually said they might shut down. They can't afford the server

Does my skin look dark to you, blind faggot?

The media ignored Hillary's e-mails.

The media ignored pizzagate.

The media ignored Seth Rich's assassination.

Yes user, get some sleep

delete that ugly imouto

This. Brazil gets it

Does anyone have the schedule and timezones for the events?
I hope he doesn`t push the "religion of peace" meme too far.

>the same statment 4 seconds apart
ye, deff not u using a bot or proxy

Trump is an Orthodox puppet
look at Time Magazine's cover

Seriously, the pussy tapes are actually what removed any doubts about him. I mean if that's the worst they have on him, that they could prove, then he's got to be the cleanest person in politics since George Washington.

Should be Deported Under the Influence

oh the greatest
I dunno it was pretty funny a while back, maybe it spread to the rest of Sup Forums and got annoying.


no, but you DO look like a spic

I repeat. Blind faggot.

Reddit, Twitter, Amazon have never once posted profits. They exist to consolidate the internet not to make money.


he beheaded like 15 thousand people during the war

And yet there were notable moments they failed to suppress all three events, and I doubt any of them are fully played out yet. The internet is the biggest thing disrupting they globalist, they just don't understand it

they need to stay on reddit and keep fighting is what they need to do

Stephen Miller wrote the Saudi Arabia speech
Get Hype!

Yeah but they have big-ass money people like Jeff Bezos and Snoop Dogg throwing money at them to stay afloat, Voat doesn't.

Redcoats weren't people, user.

Oh I'm something.

>Trump unifies Christianity
>America gets added to the new Hexarchy of Unified Christendom

I wasn't blackpilled until I was fully redpilled.
When I realized that the white race is the very reason why we aren't all shitting into shallow dug holes in the ground. Why there is even a middle class at all.

When whites get bred out then civilization will crumble.
Point to any non-white nation besides Japan (a heavily westernized nation) and chances are it is a huge shit hole.

After whites die off I guess China will have to carry the torch for humanity. I hope they don't make the same mistakes we did.



Masterstroke idea to reset the game: Trump should come out in favor of marijuana legalization and immediately no one would give a shit about Russia anymore.

>tries to deny being a nigger
>implies irish descent
so you are a nigger?

Can we all agree that both Clinton and Trump should go to jail for violating the law?

Bribery, obstruction of justice, violation of the emolument clause, fraud.

If rich people in the US were held responsible for their crimes, both Clinton and Trump would have been in jail.

Amazon keeps reinvesting into growth instead of posting profit and they admit this. Reddit and Twitter are pure propaganda arms.

Reports have him as a Navy vet(dishonorable discharge), posting scary shit online recently, "disturbed", and smoking PCP before he went out driving today. At what point do we just say hispanics aren't worth cheap maid service?

>reading a speech Miller wrote to a bunch of Muslims.
Trump is a fucking madman.

Yeah, it doesn't compare to the time I tried to teleport myself by spinning in the middle of the ghetto because the fairies told me to do it so I could save a girl I liked from being killed by a guy with a katana, and how that ended up with me being in the police drunk tank for a while when I really needed to be in the psychiatric ward for ongoing psychosis for not having received any proper mental health treatment over the course of 20 years, and how when I got home that day my mother screamed at me, my brother screamed at me, I threw a rock at my brother and ended up being taken to said psychiatric unit and being hospitalized for a month, where I shared a room with a guy who thought he was the reincarnation of a Babylonian magician who could throw fireballs by saying abracadabra, and I tried to eat clam chowder by taking it in nonphysically through a chakra I thought was in my stomach. Needless to say they put me on the right medication after that.

this is 100% true

No reddit, we are not legalizing weed

there's that word again you fucking retarded faggot. go back to trs

It's against the rules to randomly report people who haven't broken any rules.

She won't, she will fall. There is not enough to protect her.

No it isn't. Blackpill is the end of redpills, questioning everything and understanding how complicated the world is (see: hypernormalization). The blackpill is nihilism, not the fake "nothing matters" misinterpretation of nihilism, but the legitimate "nothing works" form, which begs that the theoretical ubermensch is built from the ashes without identity. The end redpill is realizing that politics will NEVER be fixed for as long as the people are stupid and easy to herd, and all you can do is improve yourself and the people who aren't beyond saving. You're not fully redpilled if you would place your faith into Donald fucking Trump, a populist demagogue who blamed everyone except for the people, when the people are the most at fault.

4 months in
92 months to go

EVERYTHING you need to know about how cucked the NYPD is under de Blasio is their reporting that this was a drunk driver with many priors literally minutes after the attack.

1. They didn't know. They hadn't watched footage. If they had they'd know that it was intentional as the video shows.

2. So why auto rule out terrorism? de Blasio.

This is the Democrats.

That's why they're working on censorship and control.

They're taking down torrent sites as quickly as they can.

Within our lifetime... we're going to have a tough fight to win.


This is going to be fun

Potato nigger, yes. Mostly. I did an extensive family tree in school and got roughly 75% of my family coming from Ireland and 25% from bongistan.


I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes



Twitter exists to kill blogs

Reddit exist to kill image boards

Amazon exists to kill online markets

Making a clone of a site that isn't meant to make money but entropy the internet isn't going to be profitable.

That's my tinfoil take on Reddit, Twitter and Amazon