Can we please list off the jewish tricks that are making me low test?

Can we please list off the jewish tricks that are making me low test?

Most importantly, STOP WATCHING PORN

Good luck my leaf friend

Many thanks.

>low quality food
>chemicals, pesticides, hormones and other profitable (((additives))) in food, air, water, ecosystem, most all meat from unhealthy miserable animals
>(((medications))) etc that also do this
>sedentary lifestyle caused by corporate slavery, desk jobs, little free time to exercise
>not knowing what the point is, when your job adds no value to the world that you can see, even does the opposite
>(((social pressure))) to take beta positions on everything i.e. dont fight the bully fighting is bad, dont say truths if they offend anyone, dont name the jew
>the role technology plays in doing everythng for us, especially driving and elevators, etc., and the need to use these advantages when earning more money for the jew takes all of or time

and of course, the availability of more and more (((PORN)))

>Can we please list off the jewish tricks that are making me low test?
Basically just kill yourself. You'll never be able to stay away from all those things

also stop being a fag



at least i got an excuse to try Lakanto... made with monkfruit, and supposed to taste better.

Why is everything poisonous, fuck

Don't watch porn, workout regularly, eat healthier foods (There are additives in everything but it's better than that fast food bullshit) get active hobbies like hiking.

Doesn't describe trends in the past like macaroni and dandies? Effeminate, narcissistic faggots to the rest of their peers in society? I'm not saying the Jews aren't poisoning all the goys out here, but bitch men at hardly a 21st century phenomenon.

It isn't, half of those are plant estrogens which the human body ignores.


*Doesn't THAT describe trends in the past...

anything soy not filtering your own water

Dude just cycle test

>no source or evidence, and not even including a fucking single study or research

>literally 0% knowledge of bio-chemistry from the beginning to the end.

>Sup Forums pseudo-intellectuals actually got afraid of this reddit tier meme

Nobody has mentioned it yet.
The primary reason above all others why average test has dropped in men in more recent times is LACK OF PHYSICAL LABOUR.
More and more men today work office jobs and overall lead sedentary lifestyles which contribute to overall appalling health.

-SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP EARLY and a LOT that means go to bed at 9 or ten every night I don't care who calls you a fag do it

- Eat real food this means recognizable vegetables, meats etc. some processed foods like cheese, yogurt etc are okay but in general the less processed the better, e.g. fresh veg you bought and cut yourself from a veg shop is better than frozen mix, steak is better than ground beef, a whole fish or a piece of one is better than a fish finger or cutlet, milk is better than cheese etc you get the point. cut out the sugar and go easy on the white carbs, here the same rule applies, brown rice is better than white, a baked potato you cook yourself is better than frozen fries or hash browns


It really is this easy.

Your father's sperm and your mother's egg

They're sapping the purity of essence of our natural fluids. They do this any number of ways, through fluoride in our water. In ice cream. My god, think of it! Children's ice cream!

>brown rice is better than white
i hate this but it's true.

hello goato

u mean i am saf? am not estroginated?

Is kpop a jewish trick? I jerk off to that.

Nah it's a Korean trick but that's basically the same thing

Depression is apparently caused by inflammation. Change your diet and lifestyle to reduce inflammation, and take anti-inflammatories, along with huge doses of Vitamin D.

Korea whores out its content and women on the cheap to undercut Japan and buy access to foreign markets.

It's the cheaper alternative to J-Pop.

I stopped sweets, processed foods, beans, milk, using deodorant, booze, started getting more hair in my beard in 6 months, was feeling more aggressive, muscle developing faster from my same old regular workouts, was wondering what was happening. Not puberty, i'm old


laser show flag, I like it, keep up the good work seychelles

start watching better porn with higher production quality and hotter women in good resolution . i recommend blacked but there's plenty of other good ones . do this regularly and you'll get more test.

i cant explain the science. but some races have different was to burn fat and such.
anyways. a white man should always use his legs. cycling is better than running. if you ride a good ride with either intervals or do a route with some hills in it and then end with a sprint home you will get a real test rush. its great-
just dont go full retard and train like your gonna ride the tour. just have fun with it.

>Can we please list off the jewish tricks that are making me low test?

being a lazy bum, lift some weights
benzodiazepines (xanax, klonopin, etc.)
phthalates in your soft plastics (your flexible dildoes, etc.)
antihistamines (acid reducers, sleeping pills)
avoiding meat, especially red meat
avoiding cholesterol, eat some whole eggs
avoiding saturated fats (still avoid trans fats)
avoiding vegetables (you need your vitamins)
avoiding oily fish (you need your essential acids)
not getting enough minerals (you need zinc, magnesium, and a dash of copper)
avoiding food in general (12-15% bodyfat is great, you don't need "washboard abs).
too much cardio (you don't need "washboard" abs)

maintain good posture
maintain open posture (manspreading is good for your Testosterone!)
maintain confidence
ejaculate once a week no matter what

win, win, win! (set attainable goals and accomplish them)
get out of toxic relationships

i may think of more shit later, but these things are basics

tl;dr: Don't be poor, buy a lot of expensive shit.

sorry, but some of this shit is just stupid or out of date. e.g. - licorice extract, the real thing, is a powerful endocrine disruptor (and maybe worth it temporarily if you need to heal a bad stomach). HOWEVER, none of the licorice candy you find is likely to have real licorice extract, it's all flavored with anise. licorice extract is something you have to go looking for at a health food store.

some of that other shit like seeking out grass-fed beef etc.... most people can't afford it, and the effects of antibiotics and such in meat is overrated.

sorry, but there's a good deal of mild retardation in this list.

U never saf from d iuw

Vegetarian alcoholic here. I kick the shit out of somebody at least once a weak and know how to avoid or talk to cops. Do what feels right to you and fucking own it. Don't let ANYONE tell you what to do.

This is retarded and so are you

go make me a sammich

How much cum you want on your sandwich faggot? Or should i jist shit on two pieces of bread? Come to chicago and i will make this happen kike.

hello goato

i guess you'll have to shit on it. no way could you cum with that much estrogen poisoning

fuck you goat send my the dankest nightmare you can muster

i want to be /ALTERED/

Holy shit are you a faggot. Fuck you and the whore that crapped you out.

If you have actual low test and not just imagined one, and if you aren't a fat fuck who never does any sport, this.

If your body is fucked, eating tons of meme fruit, onions or whatever other shit won't help.

Just make sure it is actually a medical problem and not just confirmation bias. Lab tests aren't that expensive, just get 2-3 over a reasonable time frame to get a good average.

Was at hair doc yesterday. She said I started to bold because stress also probably have low test.
t 26 y old

get blood test, see what u missing.
get allergy test, eliminate allergy foods.
eat 3 times day, sleep properly, work out every 2 days or so, dont eat rite before sleep, avoid masturbating (its fine to masturbate but not in excess), keep your house clean

> Seychelles
> Posting on Sup Forums
> Jerks off to Asians
Does Big Boss know you're giving away Mother Base's location by shitposting here, Miller?

tfw pic related

I ain't no pussy, I can withstand nightmares. Bring it on bitch.

Don't masturbate. Improve your diet, don't drink softdrinks, beer or eat fast foods.

Take vitamins and fish oil once daily, and fenugreek 3 times a day.

>not 1 source
>"do not eat everything everybody eats, including body builders and the elite that is "posoning" us"

Porn and masturbation.

Plastics leeching into food and drink.

Your diet.

Estrogen in the water from the pill

Fluoride in water food and tooth paste

Washing products containing estrogenic compounds

hello goato

alex jones is posting in this thread with 10 different proxies

Lol thanks rabbi

You need Brain Force is good for you desu

thanks, i have a second cousin working in porn in america and he told me better porn is healthier.

Sugar jew is one of the worst. That includes refined carbohydrates

hello goato


Anime is probably the most disgustingly beta thing you can ever partake in.

I daresay it's worse than porn

You guys are being ignorant and can't see the forest from the trees. Anime is just the expression art medium, not the writing of it. Would you blame the entirety of literature for the people who are fans of "50 shades of grey?" I would certainly hope not. Anime has brought us many different types of stories through the medium, and if it weren't for anime, much of the late 80's-early 90's Saturday morning cartoon series you grew up with wouldn't exist, because there wouldn't have been another medium to borrow the idea from. You wouldn't even have had Thundercats without anime and manga.

If you're really that clueless about anime beyond what you've seen from narutards, give the series, "Cowboy Bebop" a shot and see if you like it or not. Most men do.