Did Hitler know?

Hitler thread;
What if Hitler knew what the Jews are going to do to the world in the future (now) and wanted to stop them at their roots?
Stopping the powerful jew bankers and exterminating their race sounds like something Jesus would do.
Was Hitler the reincarnation of Jesus?
Did Hitler do nothing wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


"Responsible for the post-war hyperinflation was not the German government, but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany, and its monopoly it had over the creation of money. Germany’s economy was crashed and devastated by bankers… that is, until Hitler arrived.

After Hitler was elected, refusing to play ball with the Rockefeller-Rothschild rules, one of the first things he did was fix the corrupt, debt-based financial system. By completely thwarting the international banking cartels, the Nazi government issued its own currency known as Reich Marchs, which were debt free and uncontrollable by international financial interests."

Does it go deeper?



Look into his father

he did know


He did predict how the media would push political opinions.



Because its literally nothing new

Of course he knew. They were doing the same shit then that they are doing now

Only leader to jail a rothkike.

Here's the most vibrant redpill I can hand you

Everytime you ever heard anyone say "If you could go back in time and kill Hitler"
The whole phrase is ironic as fuck. "If I could go back in time and stop that great evil from happening".

Well, Hitler was already in that time, trying to kill the great evil, the jews.

If Hitler didn't be Hitler, people today in our even worse state of affairs would be saying "Man, if only I could go back and kill millions of Jews".

He tried to stop it


So the holohoax?

Not on my pc so no pics but bumping.

You are a little behind the curve
if you are just finding out that Hitler was
the good guy.

A little? But he's at least asking the right questions. That's so much more than most people.








>Did Hitler know?
Of course he knew, he witnessed it in Russia a decade before he took power, and saw the beginnings of the same thing happening in Germany as well.


?Was Hitler the reincarnation of Jesus?



welcome to Berlin ~1930

>read the 10 planks of Communism
>what form of government do you live under?


"Knowledge of the Jews is the only key whereby one may understand the inner nature and therefore the real aims of Social Democracy.

The man who has come to know this race has succeeded in removing from his eyes the veil through which he had seen the aims and meaning of his Party in a false light; and then, out of the murk and fog of social phrases rises the grimacing figure of Marxism."

Also don't forget to buy gold, folks. Stocks are 75% overvalued. Source: multpl.com/shiller-pe/ commodities have been on a streak recently.

Did you just figure that out?
If Hitler did not exist we would have had the current state of affairs just 12 years earlier

Why does everyone needs to become a Jew?

I'm actually getting pretty good answers, I was on Hitlers side ever sine I was a child.
Even in younger age I found that the nationalist party in Germany was amazing and how it's a perfect system, maybe that was my young undeveloped brain thinking but maybe it's true. We'll never know until it happens again.

I made this animation last night. Would you guys watch something like this if I made full episodes?


Sry forgot link

The Bible says that the world will love the anti-christ and absolutely revile when Christ returns to the Earth. It says that we as Christians are MEANT to be ridiculed, to suffer, to be intimidated, to have those muslim dogs try to kill us in the Middle East, so that we can fight back and never give in. The more you think about it, the most evil and tyrannical world leaders are seen as heroes by 90% of the world, while the greatest leaders who could have brought peace and prosperity are painted as bloodthirsty devils. The Bible says that when Christ comes, most will deny him, and that even most Christians do not follow the true way.
> They say Hitler had knowledge of Stalin's enormous plan to march across Europe. He attacked with only 17 days to spare, and sent 3million Christian men into the dark heart of satanic bolshevism armed with their guns, their hearts, and an emblem on each shirt that read:
> "God is with us."
What do you think?

that looks great man

Seriously why?

>What if Hitler knew what the Jews are going to do to the world in the future (now) and wanted to stop them at their roots?

Yes, Hitler was right about pretty much everything, especially the Jews. Before the NSDAP was formed Hitler worked as a spy for the government and that's probably when he learned about Jews from spying on them and their communist organizations. He also watched NKVD head Yagoda kill some 6M European Christians only a stonesthrow away.

>Was Hitler the reincarnation of Jesus?
Both of them called Jews masters of lies. There's a lot of parallels between the two.

But the truth is that even Hitler didn't want to "exterminate their race", and he paid a price for it when they then spread lies about what he did after the war, which they couldn't have if the Holohoax really happened.

Nice, have deviantart or any accounts?


"In the hands of the States of to-day there is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing out requirements supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and create discontent. It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the goyim States have not known how to make use of this force; and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade: thanks to the Press we have got the gold in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand goyim."

This is what Hitler was, and us today are against God bless us.


I dont know but I know a Christian preacher saved him from a drowning death when he was 8 yrs old


Was Hitler the reincarnation of Jesus?

> called out the Jews and their lies
> drove these ((vipers and adders)) out of the Temple (Europe)
> sent his people to sacrifice themselves in Russia to save Europe from Stalin's onslaught with only 17 days to spare. They went in with emblems saying, "God is with us."
> both called jews followers of satan
> both believed they would sacrifice themselves in order to free us from these Jews
> Christ had 12 disciples, Hitler's original followers were all hunted to extinction or escaped. His current followers, ironically enough, are a bunch of outsiders to society that seek the old days and have escaped the slavery of international jewry.
> tfw we're the casual disciple movement
> tfw we have to spread the word of this NWO
> the Jews hate Christ so much that they mock Him on TV, film, books, media. But they cannot outright call him evil, since 2.7billion follow Him, so they try to infiltrate the church
> Hitler is THE most hated man by most people, especially the Jews. There are plenty of other and far worse monsters in history than the fantasy version of Hitler, which is far from the actual truth
> Why do they hide this secret so much? Why can't they just teach us what he said, what Germany stood for?
This pic related is the epitome of this thread. Next time use this as your first post.

Can I get some rare Hitlers? Reactions, quotes, good photos. I need to fill my Hitler folder.

also it just happens that the Bible specifically dictates that God hated globalism and a one world order, which is why he destroyed the Tower of Babylon and scattered the people with many different languages. So what does the EU adopt as their symbolic image today? The Tower of Babylon. pic related






Oh they knew, they knew what the future would as well

"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness it would fall into a dull and primitive state were the jews to win this war." - Joseph Goebbels

This Hitler did nothing wrong isn't ironic or made to troll people. It's true



Thanks friend.
