I'm crying

This fuckin guy is the most entertaining celebrity troll ever

Other urls found in this thread:


gloves are off

So he's admitting he's committed illegal acts?

I really hope that after this special council (I can't wait for the media to pick up on that) finds him innocent, he turns it back on the left.

Go sodomize yourself.

Wow you guys really did elect a retard.

He's going to fufill his promise you retard.

Literally the president, shit posting with misspellings and all on twitter like a scorned 15 year old.

I know he isn't stupid, butthe misspellings ffs.

>misspelled council
How did this guy get elected again?

He is truly great

look through his history
the misspellings are always the ones he wants to spread

Pretty much. He's acting like a child that just got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar and is trying to minimize the offense by calling out his siblings.

Only betas care about spelling

Guaranteed retweets and an air of authenticity

4d shitposting, triggers even the walfllowers.

It really sucks that liberals can't enjoy Trump. He is like some kind of American elemental. It's been him versus the Universe for the last two years and he's still punching back and laughing.

To be honest, he just sounds like whining, there. There had better be something good at the end of this special prosecutor bullshit.

Damage control. It's about time you realize he's an uneducated retard who expresses himself worse than a dyslexic 13 y. o.

>there was never a special council appointed

until now

who has access to all of comey's notes and memos

who has to follow the trail of accusations about russian intervention all the way back to the DNC/Podesta's email account getting sent to wikileaks


I thought it was sposta be counsel.


He's still a commie kike. Bend the fuck over losers.

Trump is such a looser its incredible.

is this a replay of debate #2? If so shit is going down

>Implying Trump won't make Bernie Sanders be ambassador to Venezuela

turn on the gas, donald

You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies.

Trump is trading broadsides with the goddam US deep state, and putting up a real fight.

He's no fool, but he knows what fools vote for, and made it his public persona. That's a double edged blade though.

Yeah, there'll be whining on a national level. It'll be just like the week after the election and the week after inauguration day. We'll never get the same high again but we're still going to enjoy the high none the less

Trump is already gone.

Deep State... You are a stupid motherfucker. I hate conspiracy theory fags.

Trump is gone for good and the reason why is that he is a retarded 90IQ Baby.

What a fukin childish, clownass President.


This is fucking top-tier hilarity. Americans are so retarded that they voted a traitor to the country into office.

lol keep shitting in the streets and telling me I have a computer virus fag


They'll find him guilty even if he's innocent. It's a witchhunt and you don't need evidence for a witch hunt.

>"10 words from an innocent man and I'll still find one to hang him "

or whatever, you know the quote

Fucking retard

How many girls where raped in your shithole of a country,Pajeet?

Our Jews are mostly dead. Trump was entertaining and his end will provide entertainment for years. Which is why I would have voted for Trump. But everyone who doesnt see he is a stupid fuck is a retard.

Deep state, establishment, whatever. Semantics.

The majority of Washington's entrenched power players are against him. What would you prefer me to call that?

Clinton shit her diaper when she saw this I guarantee you.


Trump is too stupid to manipulate them even with all that power he had thats why he is pathetic. They did not want to act he can be manipulated easily. But he basically forced their hand by acting like a stupid fuck. He thought being president means ultimate power and that he is untouchable.

If Trump is so stupid, why can't the Democrats stump him?

At first it was cute and funny, but now it's just annoying.

While I think that a special council is the right move for him (if he is innocent, that is), he is right with this tweet.
The Obama administration should have been investigated for the IRS scandal, Benghazi and Fast&Furious. I think all of these were a lot bigger than some ties certain campaign officials had with Russian diplomats..

>he is literally going to lock up Hillary so she doesn't run again

>telling me I have a computer virus fag
Because you really have. Duh!!

>Implying rape is bad.

Are they scared of a real FBI investigation into pedogate?

They seem to be doing everything they can to stop Donald from appointing a new FBI director

>wow ur a retard for believing deep state
>never mind the people who rub elbows with it brag about the deep state

Citation needed. How can you tell his motivations? I've only discussed facts. Either you're the stupid one here, or you're a mindreader.

Because a lot of americans are stupid too. And They connect with him on a deep level. So he got elected. And he gave no fucks talking to other politicians which gave some smarter ones satisfaction. While he was btfo all of the establishment. Also a factor why he got elected. I would have voted for him too. Hillary is a fucking cunt. BUT I know that he is a retard and would do a shitty job. (Which he did)

I dont need to read minds to recognize if somebody is genuinley smart and hides it or if someone is truly stupid. Trump is truly stupid.

>born criminals
>pope's asslicker
>tourist scammers

It is, "counsel" is correct. So in addition to his 4D reply retweet report-on-it game we have several idiots in this thread that got double niggered.

People who think Trump is stupid are really highlighting how simple they are. Trump's biggest human flaw is his pride and his blunderbuss aiming system. He's quite a calculating man. If the media always presents him as an idiot, and you only ever watch those shows, it will affect how you see him. Notice that people who knew him before he ran for president never called him dumb, even if they called him everything else: boastful, narcissistic, etc.

Great assessment, for a sub 70 IQ.

Anecdotal opinions not based in fact are worth less than the shit on the bottom of my shoe.

Again, you can judge a man on the quality of his enemies. He's squared up against arguably the most powerful people on earth and is still in the ring.

You should really fucking clean your shoes

Trump is stupid. In the sence of IQ. He would never be able to understand Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry.

What he has is EQ which is emotional intelligence. He can read crowds. He can emotionally manipulate people who will let him. But he is not smart. Just like an Autist can be smart but seem stupid. Trump seems smart but he is stupid.

So much Russian scum in this thread. Who cares, we all know the secret president isn't elected, and POTUS is just a poorly written screen play for the beta cucks. The secret president makes all the decisions

This sentence contradicts itself like 5 times, herr Achmed.

No you cant. This is bullshit. Kim Jong Un is a degenerate fat average IQ retard born into the situation. And has big enemies.

You can NOT Judge a man on the quality of his enemies. People are born into power no matter how much "quality" they have.

Sorry I just got back from a stroll through Delhi

It's true though, only betas care about spelling

Notice how guys that get laid never care about that shit

EQ is literally a kike/corporate marketing scheme. Get the fuck out of here.

Firstly I think you're underestimating Trump, the idea that he's a bumbling idiot is just unrealistic, at worst he's "average" intelligence, probably just as intelligent as you are.

Secondly, you don't think Trump's working alone, do you? I mean he has a whole team of smart people on his side. Even most leftists who hate him pretty much agree that Bannon is extremely intelligent and conniving for example.

To say that Trump's just "too stupid" to do anything is about as naive as it gets.

says the spic

Intelligence is a complex thing and there are several measures. You cant classify it easily Herr Burger. Read up on the concept of EQ and IQ.

it's like your almonds are over-roasting

King Jong Un isn't standing against his enemies as an equal combatant. Trump is.

pol is literally a kike/corporate marketing scheme so is your mother.

Glad you're already in Mexico so we don't have to go through the effort to deport you.

Great argument, shill/retarded faggot, but just to indulge your unending thirst for (Yous), here you go:

There is no such thing as EQ. Let me repeat that: "There is NO SUCH THING AS EQ." The idea was popularized by a journalist, (((Daniel Goleman))), not a psychologist. You can't just invent a trait. You have to define it and measure it and distinguish it from other traits and use it to predict the important ways that people vary.


>unironic your mom joke

Hrs truly an enjoyable guy. I love him. Libs just missed the boat and got trolled to heavily to ever come to his side.

Trump was born to a rich father. He grew up with connections. Everything came easy to him. So he thought the presidency is also easy. He had agift for manipulating the masses. So he became president. He is fucking stupid. Next year he will be gone and Pence is going to overtake.

EQ is not a psychometrically valid concept. Insofar as it is anything (which it isn't) it's the Big Five trait agreeableness, although this depends, as it shouldn't, on which EQ measure is being used (they should all measure THE SAME THING). Agreeable people are compassionate and polite, but they can also be pushovers. Disagreeable people, on average (if they aren't too disagreeable) make better managers, because they are straightforward, don't avoid conflict and cannot be easily manipulated.

>Kim Jong Un is a degenerate fat average IQ retard born into the situation.

Doubtful, honestly. We're at war with his nation and have been since before we were born. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING you know about that man is filtered through a carefully crafted lens of propaganda.

The west got very very good at propaganda during the cold war. It had to, to survive an enemy that attacked ideologically. It's subtle.

Trump is different anyway, because he succeeded in politics. If he had remained in his father's business I would agree. He was not born to politics.

It's a bit irrelevant because Trump didn't ask to be elected as Chief Engineer. I don't care if he doesn't know Chemistry; are you telling me Hillary knew what a fucking mole is? I want him to use his people skills, his rally skills, and his pugilist's pride to do what need be done in my country.

He forgets the FBI was investigating Clinton for months.

The reason there wasn't a special counsel is because Clinton didn't commit obstruction of justice and fire James Comey when he was investigating her

Lol that's fucking hilarious

Let me say it again: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EQ. Scientifically, it's a fraudulent concept, a fad, a convenient band-wagon, a corporate marketing scheme. (Here's an early critique by Davies, M., Stankov, L. and Roberts, D. Emotional intelligence: in search of an elusive construct. - PubMed - NCBI ; Here's a conclusion reached by Harms and Crede, in an excellent article -- comprehensive and well thought-through (2010): "Our searches of the literature revealed only six articles in which the authors either explicitly examined the incremental validity of EI scores over measures of both cognitive ability and Big Five personality traits in predicting either academic or work performance, or presented data in a manner that allowed examination of this issue. Not one of these six articles (Barchard,2003; Newsome, Day, & Catano, 2000;O’Connor & Little, 2003; Rode, Arthaud-Day, Mooney, Near, & Baldwin, 2008;Rode et al., 2007; Rossen & Kranzler,2009) showed a significant contribution for EI in the prediction of performance after controlling for both cognitive ability and the Big Five... For correlations involving the overall EI construct, EI explained almost no incremental variance in performance ([change in prediction] = .00. Findings were identical when considering only cases involving an ability-based measure of IE."


Libs can't enjoy him because they don't enjoy life in general

Their whole philosophy is about taking down people that are better than themselves, like Trump

Just kys already achmed. I fucking regret ever wasting lives on d-day to save your worthless asses. Fucking frog fags good for nothing


he should get off twitter, he seems whiny

>not believing in the deepstate in 2017
Lol what are you some kind of neckbeard social reject?

>get elected president

>shitpost on twitter all day and troll the ever living shit out of the media

>they fall for it every time

i said that when spook cunts asked here what do you expect if he wins.

but he is a good person and his weakness is he has a family - so you burgers are a joke in the hands of....oh who knows. who the fuck knows.

oh wait it is the russians. ww3 when? enternal anglo empire when? long live britain, and irish.

>The reason there wasn't a special counsel is because Clinton didn't commit obstruction of justice and fire James Comey when he was investigating her

What, you mean like when she destroyed all the evidence (wiped the drives and smashed phones with fucking hammers) and Loretta Lynch (Attorney General) met with Bill Clinton in secret?

you aren't supposed to say this out loud

kill yourself

my argument is just as substantial as yours. Its sad you can not see that.

Yeah because Kim Jong Un had to win a free election in ord.. oh wait nope, you're a faggot.

Wow you guys also elected a retard.

I really can't understand the kinda mentality it takes to be on top of the world and miserable about it.

>Clinton didn't commit obstruction of justice
deleting emails that where under subpoena?

She wasn't the one deleting the emails, it was one of her staffers, and it was never proven she ordered it. it's fishy, but no one knows if she ordered it or not.

And regardless, there still wasn't a need for a special counsel because James Comey was still going after her
