European Fertility

Why do Mediterraneans have the lowest fertility rates in Europe? What happened?

High test women.

Trace the test levels, Scandinavia, Ireland, whatever almost mongoloid people are living in southern Turkey. Because I assure you, Greeks and Italians are having plenty of sex.

Low amount of muslim women.

no money and no muds

Im not so rich so i will have max 2 childrens so i can provide good life for them.

Laziness and access to birth control.

chronic mass unemployment

>Why do Mediterraneans have the lowest fertility rates in Europe? What happened?

Honestly? In the last 15 years, Spain, Italy, Greece etc. all suffered from problems in the economy and a huge youth unemployment. Men are living with their parents to the age of 30 or longer, same with women. As a result, they cannot start a family. If a woman gets pregnant while still living with her parents, she is much more likely to abort the fetus than keep it - especially in a bad economic environment and if the baby father himself has no prospects in life.

Meanwhile, in France, the socialist government is promoting fertility through widespread gibmees support to families. Germany does so as well, but to a much smaller extent. The high birth rates in England (compared to low ones in Scotland) are virtually exclusively caused by Muslim immigrants (note that in Germany, this is not so much a problem as Turks in Germany have been mostly Germanized in terms of fertility and Turks make up more than half of the Muslims in Germany).

TLDR - the economic situation, immigration situation and political situation in each country has an enormous impact on the fertility rate.

Italy must be -1%. Nobody is reproducing due of the economy situation

small muslim population and bad economy

Portugal is growing again tho

no reason

Forced to stay with your parents till you are 30 years old.
You can only get hired with a degree even if the job is simple office work.
The only jobs you find with no degree are call center that many times refuse to pay you.
Trades jobs are filled with nepotism so you can be an electrician or a plumber only if you are born in it.
Also Law jobs are filled with nepotism.
On the plus side, our women are accepting of the situation, still, we can't have children if it means they will starve to death.

Oh so your kids are going to starve if you have 3 of them? Ofc not.

Look at Swedish families. They are small and have loads of stuff. But parents don't give their kids any focus, so their kids turn shit. Being close to your kids is way more important then material well being, besides you live in europe you are literally the 3% of the world in terms of wealth.

>Italy must be -1%. Nobody is reproducing due of the economy situation
Which is very unfortunate. There are some real stunning girls among Italians. Or is this just a meme?

Also, I never quite understood why Italians hate learning languages such as English or German. Wouldn't that help you folks in finding a job and starting a family if you could migrate from the Italian South which is an economic wasteland to Germany or Holland or the UK etc.?


Dude, Italian economic problem is cause by fucking you.

Kys u and UE

Spanish women i met were extremly feminist. They seemed the idea of marriage before 30 as outlandish. other than that, idk

Mamma mía too much provolone in the water making the ranas mariconas.

Legal divorce, breakage of the concepts of marriage and traditional family, so-so economic situation makig long term responsabilities non-viable, also feminism, homosexual anti-birth propaganda

shut it down

Sorry to break it to you, but most of us are in a bad spot, the NATIVE birthrates are abominable.

Germany is in big trouble.

NI, North Yorkshire, Cornwall, Dorset, Cumbria, Norfolk and Northumberland are all white and have virtually no Muslims but are green.

No excuse my siesta taking friends

You are the muds

Its creeping towards you, look at lancashire. and look at the south.

Our women are so bad I don't want to think about it at all. If Japan is bad then Spain is 10x worse.


Divorce also happens in contrary to some user, leading to monoparental families with only child in some cases

>Let's migrate to Germany to stop the Turkeyfication of it and raperefugees from taking over it
What about reforming the Eurozone as a complete economic , fiscal and monetary union, you Bratwursts jews.

>Have to take 25 year loan to buy a shitty 2 room apartment.
>Cant take a loan because you need a steady income of 10 years and above average paycheck.
>Hardly any opportunity for a raise.
>Somehow supposed to afford a kid and a woman on top of that.
Just sign me the fuck up on that 100 year long loan mr. Shekelstein because there just aint any other option.

This. It's the jew that pushes in head of would be parents that their child needs the newest iphone at age 3 etc. But honestly he is right too, most things here has western prices but our wages are eastern. Consumerism is ruining fertility for sure. It's really hard to have more than 2 kids here even if both parents have average wage.


you even trying rest of the country?

I was being handed down clothing and toys when I was young. That literally never happens any more, people just throw shit away.

poverty and Feminazi laws.

1/ Less muslims / niggers
2/ abortion for whites
3/ a persistence of catholicism that lead to women getting married late because waiting for the "good one" and having one or two child only
4/ no money. Whites don't have children when they doubt the future.

>gypsy region has highest fertility

surprise surprise

>I was being handed down clothing and toys when I was young.
Yes me too, people still do it here. On the other hand I had cloth diapers that my mom used to wash, now when everything is hectic and everyone is lazy and obsessed with hygiene they buy utterly exensive diapers

The more you have shitskins the more the fertility rate is high. This is why france, uk and sweden are green


nice try

We are going extinct ;_;

Your explanation is bullshit, if you look at where fertility is 2.1 you see areas that are nationalistic in France, around areas that voted Lepen in higher amounts and Voted Brexit in British isles. Immigrants do raise fertility rate in some areas in the UK like London but they are not the whole picture, explain how in turks in germany just decided to sync up with the national birth rate, its bullshit.

Amount of kids is proportional to a mother and father's drive to have kids. Liberal SJW and materialistic societies will find their people having few kids while nationistic people with drive for more than just a nicer car will create large closely knit families, because having a big family is worth more than just having shit.

We stopped fucking

Idk what's up with Italy and Slovakia but young couples here can't afford to move out and buy their own homes.
So they can't start a family and have children.

areas in the North of France who voted Le Pen voted Le Pen because of the invasion of niggers and muslims.
In the South the area with higher birth rates includes Marseille, an african city. Ile de France (Paris) has a high birth rate too, although whites don't reproduce in urban areas. Look at who voted Macron : south west and britanny : lower birth rates, whites only areas.
The average birth rate in France is higher than southern countries because of the pro natalist politic that favors a lot of kids, but rich whites don't want more than one.

>Liberal SJW and materialistic societies will find their people having few kids
But that is false. People make less kids simply because they don't have money to give them a comfortable life and good education.

>People make less kids simply because they don't have money to give them a comfortable life and good education.
This. Someone who says this is not true probably still lives with parents or doesn't have any child.

not entirely true. Bourgeois and hipsters don't want kids, they look like a burden for them. Too much work. A lot of women here don't want kids because it will affect their professional career (or so they think) and /or they want to remain "independent", meaning free to continue to fuck Chad and niggers. General consideration is having a kid without being in a stable couple will be difficult because of the cost, and being in a stable couple isn't appealing anymore. Welcome in degeneracyland. This is the end of the race who went to the moon and will disappear silently because they prefer cats other children.

young meds migrate north, less young people left to reproduce in south

I went to Spain recently. Within minutes of talking to different women they all asked about my political leaning. Da fuck is that all about? Never happened to me before.

I would take any amount of population decline over any amount of population increase via non-European immigrants.

Too lazy to fuck :(

Fucking full, unemployment etc
Also Northern Europe gets more Africans/Muslims

Look at Poland, the so called savior of the white race. Top kek

We spend too much time in knocking up northern women that we forget that we have women back home too

>countries with >24

No jobs + No money + Beta males

Says the chink

Enjoy having to pay banks for the rest of your life :^)

Making a lot of children to make slaves to support the pyramid scam of (((retirement))) is for cucks.
There're enough people in this world. 1 - 2 children are enough.

Indeed there are some beautiful girls here, like everywhere else tho.

We are just mega autists.
Besides that many families have both flats and houses so usually we live in our parents flat while they reside in the house.

Your average Italian man is an metro-sexual cuck who can't take responsibility about what "knocking up" you are talking about?

>tanned Austria trying to shittalk anyone

I'm not shittalking.
I'm honest.

Wealthy nations are automating themselves out of existence. Same thing is going on in Japan. Working class jobs are being automated. And the business class brings in immigrants for cheap slave labor. Leaving working class whites to die out.