One of your closest friends/family members has just informed you that they're converting to Islam and nothing you say...

One of your closest friends/family members has just informed you that they're converting to Islam and nothing you say will change that.

How does Sup Forums react?


A lot of the time when people do this (especially women) they're doing it to get attention/reaction. The best thing to do is not make a big deal of it, just be dismissive and calm about it. It's a phase it'll pass. They're just trying to be a edgy try hard.


Wish them good luck on the beheading
call the police on them

Throw acid on their face to punish them for not being a infidel.

Promptly shout "There is no god".


This, they're not family anymore

Eliminate them and frame their muzzybros.
If that's too risky, simply cut them off

Not my place to say if they wish to convert, but they aren't getting sympathy from me when they regret their choice.

I don't know if I would kill them or myself.

Tell them I also converted years ago. And that we need to get all our family to convert or we'll have to kill them.

I won't speak to him again, he will be dead to me

Pork dinner

Mike Jones

He's free to damn himself to hell and slavery to moloch. I'll be civil and corteus to him but forever look at him with pity.
I'll ask people to pray for his reconversion.
Also this guy is right.

Treat them like laughing stock and do every concievable thing to mock their new lifestyle until they either drop it out of misery, or until I never have to hear from them again.

Who cares. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions/choices.

Cool, at least you aren't a faggot.

>wrong opinions are as good as any
This is why special snowflakes exist

Tbh I find muslims more relatable than degenerate atheists. At least now they aren't going to be bragging about how many gay hiv exchanging orgies they force their infant cousins/siblings to watch or how many abortions they've convinced people to get. They'd be against this and have strong family values and probably have a ton of children (which would be white since you specified friends or family)

I would have a totally different opinion if I was european and dealing with the muslim invasion however.