How would a first World country like ours fare in a full blown civil war?

How would a first World country like ours fare in a full blown civil war?

Would most people starve once the infrastructure was gone?

Our lives are just too easy, I can't see many surviving

>I can't see many surviving

one can only hope

people in urban areas, aka niggers won't last in a civil war.

Torch the cities and kill everything that runs out.

It would be a massacre.

Pic related.

you must be kidding. they are masters of theft and murder... of course they will last.

We will soon find out. Welfare system here will collapse, then civil war starts.

Some may have left Western countries already, others will once there the war starts.

There will be many different ethnicities fighting against each other.

Maybe there are some well-prepared Whites who are ready to fight until death, but they are only the minority and don't have the numbers. Most Whites will be fully unprepared, those pro-refugee cucks with no military experience. They will most likely be genocided and beheaded by Islamists.

The military will probably help the non-Whites because the government is anti-White.

Your military is conservative like most though right?
Why would they turn on their own volk?

Who have the guns and ability of teamwork in our society.

Here's a hint: It's not niggers.

nah, major cities depend on those "fly over" states to supply them with food and other goods. they'd be fucked in any conflict. not to mention most cities have strict gun laws so most of them are unarmed.

And when there's nothing left to steal?
I doubt niggers are very good scavengers


I am German currently living in Norway, excuse me for not mentioning it. In Germany the military at least 25% of soldiers have a migration background (if I'm not wrong) and anyone with a pro-White political agenda is purged if noticable. Norway is similarly cucked as Germany though from my impression. They are certainly not conservative, but civic nationalists at best. Everywhere I go I see many Blacks and Browns and I am not even living in Oslo. Norway also jumped on the refugee train.



Then they will eventually run out of other niggers

Mostly just food these days. But ports and other key infrastructure points can be denied. Cities are just not safe places to be.

thats honestly why i believe a civil war is impossible. No one would ever actually want to give up our cozy. So the closest I think we would come to civil war would be like, just a (new) major political upset and movement taking place

This seems to assume that Democrats are in the white house. But right now we have a president that was elected because he horrified the rest of the country. What happens if California tests a nuke?

It will be fun
< government fails as a result no political correctness
< feminists & Muslims have no power
< Europe will keep its age old tradition of fighting among itself and it will destroy Europe
< Europe is very good at building up after wars so it will probably nice

the nukes are stockpiled in the flyover states, unless you mean the thermonuclear weapons at naval bases.

They breed fast.

Not if the welfare system collapses and Niggers stop receiving gibs and food.

They will swarm any place they think has food.

A nigger revolt is basically the same situation as a zombie outbreak.

>They will swarm any place they think has food.

So, farms? Put all the prisoners on busses and send them to the hartland, then give them guns.

So now I am starting to understand the zombie survival culture. Zombie is just a code word for Nigger.

They have about the same IQ