The holocaust

I guess if you want to find a holocaust denier here is the place to look if anywhere so here goes, what are some actual arguments for the holocaust not happening?

I'm pretty confident in thinking that it did happen but I'm just curious to see some actual arguments because all discussion on the subject is so incredibly taboo that you never ever get to hear the other side.

So I'll just drop some questions for holocaust deniers.

"Where did all the jews go?"
"What about all the witnesses?"

Please correct me if I've missunderstood the point of holocaust denialism.

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There are no good arguments. The only ones even provided on this tinfoil hat side is single sources that goes against a hundred others so they are worth nothing

Ask this faggot how you burn a body in under 2 hours.

Since the kike has nothing on that, ask him how a wooden door could be used for a gas chamber?

I don't have enough time to go through this. If you think it happened you never looked.

ok two reasonable arguments right there.

thanks mr burger man

there's no holocaust deniers on Sup Forums dude . the closest thing to that you'll find on this sire is on /x/.

> Prisoner tatoo numbers never went into millions
> Last tatoo number registered was 202,499
>Official red Cross numbers updated in 1977 also gave a figure in this ballpark. 201,304 deaths.
>Most of those deaths were from Diseases including typhus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and dysentery
>estimated "between 10 and 60%"
>Typhus is a disease spread by lice or fleas
>Zyklon B is a delousing gas and not strong enough to kill except in massive concentration.

a fucking kike
But in al seriousness thee where probably juist shot And dumped in a hole And the tech to burn bodies wasn't good enough And still isnt they would have to burn non stop 24/7 for 7 years or so so the 6 million is bullshit more along the lines of 2.5 million

Yes, go-, I mean guys. The holocaust happened. Now please go back to committing ethno-suicide. Remember the six million!

here is a video made by a Jew even showing it was fake.

we're birds of a feather Ahmed, eat a dick

thanks Ján

It happened. My grandfather liberated camps. It was exaggerated though and Hitler was a magnificent leader.

If I was an Ahmed, we weren't. And everybody hates Sweden. Even Norway which is marxist.

Why are there so many Holocaust threads today.
Go the fuck away kikes

Now either apologize to me or remember this post on the day you are gassed to death ("put down" in Veterinary parlance) for being a member of a historically genocidal sub-species of "human."

You can go to prison if you discuss that shit in europe. What does this tell you?

Are there people on here who flat out deny the holocaust happened (while being serious)?

Going off the definition of genocide as "the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.", seems like that's pretty much what Hitler set out to do. I can buy the numbers being exaggerated, but flat out denial seems crazy

jews were persecuted in germany, but gas chambers and other killing techniques are mostly a myth. Prussian blue concentration ( an iron cyanide compound that decomposes slowly) was found to be less in gas chambers than in delousing chambers used to kill lice. This suggests zyklon b was used mostly for killing lice to prevent the spread of typhus. If the plan was to exterminate jews they wouldnt have even cared about prisoners contracting typhus. Google cyanide concentration in gas chambers and you will find a suitable scientific document that analyzed the concentration of cyanide compunds. No other studies have ever been undertaken. You can draw conclusions if you like as per the reasons no other scientific analyses have performed.

well then if it happened how many were actually killed? I seriously do want to know the real number

shady jewish shit I guess

Even removing the obvious lies, bad enough things happened. We should do everything we can to understand the conditions and factors that built up to it if we wish to avoid it, and that by necessity prescribes open discussion.


Banking. International power struggles. The sudden and violent expansion of Marxism. A society usurped and humiliated. Excessive ethnocentrism, not limited to the Germans, nor even practiced longest or most fervently by them. Theirs was reactionary, more like an immune response, as Peterson likens it.

Some of those conditions are building again. Hell, the Middle East is a festering pustulous wound.

Don't get bogged down in the numbers and the lampshades. It misses the bigger issue.

>"Where did all the jews go?"
DNA testing wasn't always what it is today. How can you track people without paperwork whom are deliberately trying to hide their identities ?

I think the numbers are way off. And there was a very clear agenda they wanted to fill in establishing Israel as a state, and it's not difficult to imagine that they would say or do anything to achieve their end given their treatment, so I yeah I believe a whole bunch of it is BS.

>>Zyklon B is a delousing gas and not strong enough to kill except in massive concentration.
Don't lie, at least. Zyklon B is plenty powerful to kill and it was used because it was dirt cheap (at the time, as other delousing gasses weren't invented or used yet and Zyklon could be ordered from any chemist or chemical plant)