

>Constitutional Republic



>he doesn't know that the US is a republic, not a democracy

America isn't a democracy though... It's a constitutional republic....

>Consitutional Republic
Why is always the leaf?

Mapleback thinks he's in any position to criticize. What country passed bill C-16 again? Gosh, whatever country did pass it must be a sack of steaming shit.




Fuck off retard

That's how we keep big cities from numbering the rural areas a districts and extorting resources from them.

first of all its a constitutional republic not a democracy and second of all democracy is never good in any form in the first place.

Justin Trudeau: 39.47% of vote
Queen Elizabeth: 0% of vote


>t. Leaf
how about you stick to talking about your shitty country until you actually learn what kind of govt the USA has.

also saging obvious bait

Day of the rake when?

fucking leafs shitpost again

right wing retards rely heavily on affirmative action

Morons still don't know how the electoral college works. Thank goodness for sage

HE POSTED IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!