Reminder that the population of the US of A is 50% white.
Reminder that the population of the US of A is 50% white
Reminder that France dropped the ball
Reminder that France will hit those same demographics within the decade.
Reminder that you are right behind us.
Never said the contrary though.
I'm just tired of americans pretending everything is fine because they elected a meme president and they got guns.
You ignore your own problems and always make fun of the europeans countries when you're in the same deep shit as us. Doesn't matter how deep you're in the shit, you're still in it.
I don't think any single American would deny the demographic crisis we are in today, it's part of the reason Trump got elected.
We give you euros so much shit all the time because we don't want to see Europe walk down the same path the US did.
Nice strawman, faggot
>We give you euros so much shit all the time because we don't want to see Europe walk down the same path the US did.
After browsing Sup Forums since almost 2 years now I guarantee you that burgers definitely say those stuff to europeans because they really feel superior, and not because they are scared for Europe's future.
The constant freedom envy from you faggots is disgusting
“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official.
“I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
Maybe some do.
But I don't.
I do think you guys need to adopt our gun right though. There is a reason our 50% white country clings to guns so much and that reason starts with a "N" and ends with "GERS"
Wrong its like 75%
why does no one know this?
Stay deluded.
Not an argument
>I do think you guys need to adopt our gun right though
Entirely agree.
it's not a problem when non-whites are patriotic anti-communist americans. a lot of them are.
>I, uh, I meant to say that we are all in merde!
>is only 50% white
[x] White
[x] Hispanic
That's because I'm stating a fact, you stupid motherfucker
Not everything is intended to be s fucking argument
Is that a qt 3.14 I see?
I can't stand it, only Western Europeans are White btw.
fuck off shariahblue. here in texas and california spics fly their mexishit flag all day
I shit on France, a nation of whores and faggots whose natural state is submission
And how free are you, oustide of being able of owning guns?
>according to some document read to us by some guy
western countries are racing to the bottom
I dont care if she's half nog or not she's hot af and red pilled. That's enough for me. One more round of dilution with a master race and you're talking about white identifying conservative kids.