What is the Sup Forums opinion of him?
There are records of him killing children with either injenctions, shootings or just burning them alive.
What is the Sup Forums opinion of him?
There are records of him killing children with either injenctions, shootings or just burning them alive.
Funny guy
Most of it is bullshit.
>poor ass dubbed recording from the 70's
Please try harder.
>believing his FRIEND over an eye-witness and colleague
Required reading here, user. He was fucked up for sure.
Was he the creator of the "death-coaster"?
Pretty much my Idol
Fucked up minion, small man, small mind, tiny hands.
But he was very fond of hygiene and not pooping on the streets.
Why would you idolize him?
Go built some handys.
Small anything?
Some people, even nowadays, consider him to be the pioneer of genetics.
Well I am a medical student so he is my Idol in the professional field but anyways, XDDDDDDDD
What's that?
I don't believe he did any of that. There is an interview with his son about when they met and what he says about him doesn't sound like someone who killed children.
Some people, even nowadays, consider people for reptilian changelings.
The stories about him hold no support or evidence but after all I hope he did it.
Because he either destroyed or took the papers with him.
And I think he left the ones he took with him to a nurse he was close with.
trusting the word of someone who says that he would assist with such horrors
>doesn't sound like someone who killed
Second or third hand sources are very reliable.
pic related: somebody that didn't sound like someone who killed children to the people who knew him.
Have you read the book? He did it against his will and wasn't required to do anything really nasty. He was literally a lab assistant.
he a gud boi he dindu nuffin
by records, do you mean testimonies?
Yes, by the jews who survived, the nazi doctors who approved of his methods and the nazi doctors who were repulsed by his actions.
I've been reading a biography of him, pretty interesting.
cool. I am a researcher too, I have to write a 80 page essay of what I did the past year. Surely there are hundreds of pages describing in minute detail all of his research and findings as well, right?
He did more to advance medical science and the understanding of the human body than anyone else in history.
hello, where is the proofs?
I don't know about minutes or even about hours, since he either destroyed or gave out his research.
ah, isn't that convenient!
this man worked his ass off, sacrificed hundreds of human lives, only do "destroy all proofs".
veeeeeerrryyyy iiinnnttteerrreeessstttiiiinnngggg
Most likely in your country or in the ärussia, which ever came upon to Auschwitz.
can we make mengele memes pls
Isn't he the responsible for like 90% of what we know about frostbite and other medical conditions?
Well, he did try escaping when it was 1944, at the end of war, and at the impeding russian forces towards his "lab".
He took off, and with the help of his friends, he lived as a helping hand in a farm(with a fake name) for a year or two, until he fled to Argentina.
if mengele is innocent is there also a possibilities that this guy pic related is innocent as well?
Not sure what, but the nazi doctors DID help with some actual medical things.
Who said that Mengele was innocent, you stupid fuck?
Post some of them then.
i did
>says theres records of him
>doesnt provide records, instead gives vague location on where they may or may not be
You understand the burdern of proof is on you, right? are you expecting us to share the burden of proof? this thread is pointless and your claim is invalid until then.
other people here you stupid crap
He didn't kill "people".
How convenient for you.
Yet some how your claims need no proof.
The holocaust happened, and it was a good thing.
Europe was ridden of homosexuals, gypsies and retards in one swift strike.
Just a bunch of jew lies like the rest of their bullshit holocaust.
Educate yourself about these kikes:
Prove me wrong then.
I've been reading tons of history books about nazis and SS.
>that disgusting R*ddit spacing
>Yet some how your claims need no proof
whats "funny" is I didnt even make a claim, im simply asking for yours. Last time i checked its perfectly within reason to verify said accusations before i make an opinion on Him and his "research". I'm still waiting friendo
These american LARPers know shit about actual historic research.
They don't speak a single word german but want to save german culture and believe their fled war criminal granddad who told them nothing had happened.
I also had access to many sources and did my homework, no doubt about how fucked up Nazis actually were.
The teleporting doctor did nothing wrong.
>2000 something
> some jew spray painting his house for some sweet shekels
Are you serious?
Is this the guy who claimed that an entire wall in Mengele's lab was covered in human eyeballs?
delet this goyim
I understand this guy did horrible experiments but what are some examples? I don't know much about him.
He sew twins together, killed deformed father and son so he could send their bones to his supervisor, tried to give people blue eyes by injecting some dye into their eyes....
>war criminal dad
Not even close because that would at least make sense as to why they choose to be traitors to our constitution.
They watched American History X when they were 11 years old and it warped their little mind to what they are today.
In Argentina he lived in my town, Santiago del Estero. My GP met him. Supposedly a cool guy.
tell us stories, fellow White user
What did he advance and how? As far as I know he did as much as the Japs who butchered other gooks in their Chinese military base = nothing.
Every superpower does human experiments.
I am not saying it's right but it isn't different from Russia, China or the US
The victor writes history
A wild Yagoda blocks your path!
>by injecting some dye into their eyes
Indeed, dye is the likely story.. And neonazis call this man a genius who could change genetics.
Of course in reality it makes no difference if you have blue eyes by genetics or dye, it in itself is not a very important quality.
Honorary Brazilian.
I'm pretty sure that he was a real evil nazi
Does he have a grave there?
lol i've heard that when arresting him they've found shitton of "sex photos" in his apartment or something and a wooden dildo if a remember correctly
Beria was still worse desu
You know what those who knew people who would later turn out to be pedophiles and terrorists always say? They say that they were always so polite, friendly, nice and humane. Then it turns out to be the exact opposite. Everyone has a humane and friendly side, even the most deranged psychopaths. It's the sickness within that is waiting to be unleashed that is the main factor.
>Santiago del Estero
He got buried as Wolfgang Gerhard, later they discovered he was Mengele and his body was exhumed.I don't think there's a grave anymore tho.
>yfw you want to bang Stalin's loli
In later life, Stalin's daughter blamed Beria as being responsible for Stalin's crimes
>There are records
There are records about the Germans having rollercoasters that ended up dumping the children riding them straight in to the ovens. There are records about the Germans gassing people with diesel exhausts. There records about the Germans shoving 25cm of wood up some kike's ass, and that his ass still bleeds even to this day. There are records of Germans wanking jews to death.
99,9% of the holohoax "records" are fucking bullshit.